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Posts posted by eBell

  1. My friend said there was a minivan stopped on the second right most lane on 270 earlier this morning during low visability. It was stopped, guy was outside scraping his windows....................



    Should have been taken out by a plow, save Columbus from his dumb ass.


    Saw an idiot doing the same thing although in a somewhat less dangerous location. It actually pissed me off to see someone so fucking stupid they'll stop at an intersection and decide it's a good time to scrape the ice of all their windows. Cause, you know, doing it at the house in your driveway makes far to much sense.

  2. I saw a new Shelby GT Mustang trying to get up Bethel Rd just east of Riverside Drive last night.


    Today I saw a 99-04 Mustang GT Vert and a Charger SRT-8 around the Sawmill Rd area.


    Lots of people in FWD cars that are to stupid to take traction control off when trying to get up hills so they were just spinning tires.


    Gotta love Ohio winter drivers.



    If that Charger was black and right by 161 & Sawmill it's still there. And it's the only stuck vehicle I saw in the few hours I drove around.

  3. I feel the same way Tim, so I just grab a basket and cram as much shit in it as I can and call shopping quits lol


    Most times this works for me as well. Sucks when I realise a trip back to the front is needed for a cart.:mad:


    ***Damn you cat litter and on sale case of beer!***

  4. First gun I ever shot: Bolt action 30.06. I was 12. Little green plastic army men and their tank in the corn field didn't stand a chance.:D


    First I ever purchased: Glock-21 back in '92 I think.

  5. I've got a tap into a basic cable feed at my shop hooked up to a small HD TV with a built in QAM tuner. We get about 10-14 HD channels. ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, VS, WOSU (3 of them), Weather Plus and maybe a few more. Also movie channel previews.:rolleyes:


    Can't remember the exact channel for each feed though. That info is written on a piece of tape by the TV but I'm not there.


    We just do the auto-tune thing on the TV and go with that. We'll do that a couple times a month to see if anything new pops up.


    And the over the air feeds aren't going away. Just the analog portion is going away. Digital over the air will still exist. You just need a TV with the appropriate built in tuner to make use of said signal.

  6. Ugh. Someone kill Billy Mays.


    At an informal three-gun match Mr. Mays was the hostage on a shoot\no-shoot stage. I made it known that if Mr. Mays ended up with several 308 size holes in his face I may be to blame.:D

  7. And I'll add this: You have to have a fair amount of patience. You're looking at approx two months for BATFE paperwork (tax stamps) to process. They'll cash your check within a week, don't get excited.:mad:

    You then have wait time on engraving. Depends on how you go about that as to how long and cost.

    If you're ordering a suppressor, and it's not one sitting on a shelf at your favorite Class III dealer, that can take a week to, hell, a year. Depends on the piece.


    Like I said, patience.

  8. More info please?





    Anything in particular you want to know? It really is pretty straight forward. Just follow along the softwares prompts. If you have a question about something the software is setup to provide answers (used that feature often myself).


    The only thing I would have done differently is the name of the Trust itself. It seems to default to the the indivdual setting it up as the name. Which can make it pretty damn long. Not a big concern for me as I've decided not to bother with an SBR and the engraving that involves.

  9. I followed the exploits of a local individual going through the "Who will sign-off" maze a year or two ago.

    No one would. At the time he even had the DA tell him he didn't want to do it due to politics. Didn't want to create any animosity between his dept and the sherrifs dept etc. I think the guy even went to the head Coroner as that person is over the sherrif folks. No dice. Don't think much has changed since then.


    Went with the Trust myself at that point. Used Quicken. Now own two mufflers.

  10. FAIL....


    Are you sure your not mistaking ohh driving close to the speed limit as wanting to race? I got flipped off by some bitch when i passed her doing 50....


    For the record: I'm the guy screaming at people that the speed limit is 45, not fucking 20 and if a little bit of snow makes you drive that slow stay the hell off the roads. And I feel ya on the "flipped off" part when all you're trying to do is go at least the speed limit.



    And I agree that it was probably not racing as much as a stolen car being driven, well, like a stolen car.

    • Downvote 1
  11. ARe you sure they didn't just want to get around you? Or they might have been bored. If traffic ahead of me is slow in the snow, I'll sometimes drop back and gun it just to break all four loose.



    That would be understandable but, fortunatley, not the case. The number of gallons of gas I've wasted just screwing about in the snow would make an enviromentalist cry.:D

    Like many here I love the stuff. Shame we keep getting passed up on proper amounts.:mad:

  12. Are you fucking serious? What were they racing, snow plows?



    Now, I'm not trying to cast a bad light on any particular group of car owners here but I've lost track of the number of Subby and Evo drivers that have displayed the "wanna race" mannerisims the past two days. Seriously? I'm just trying to get to the store for sammich fixins and beer. Fuck off!

  13. Cenrgi- No I haven't been there in a about two months. That news is kind of crappy to hear. Hopefully they'll change their mind. Nice guys that always had a grat selection, auto-assist included. My B.I.L. takes enough large old school killing tools there for a sharpening that he may pay for at least one months rent. He'll be happy to hear they'll still be available for that task.:D



    guess I should go pay them a visit. You know, casue I need another knife to sit in a drawer.

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