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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. I'm impressed; I knew these were capable cars, but never had a chance to see a mod / power chart from real world applications. So the transmissions seem to have issues around what, ~500 HP at the crank?
  2. Then you'll just need a BBK to fill that space.
  3. Funny, I never really planned on adding to one of these threads. I'm a small dude. I have no illusions of being the biggest or strongest ever, but better is still better right? Current: 26 5'9 - 160 _Bench 160x7-9, Max ??? (haven't tried in a long time since I lift alone and in my basement... might get on that tomorrow for fun) _Don't dead lift (yet) _Don't work legs with weights; spend time on the bike for that (10 miles / Day x5/week in Spring/Summer/Fall) _Pullups x25 (3) _Pushups x 50 (3) Goals: 170 lbs Bench 200x5 / Max 250x1 (maybe more?)
  4. Nice cars; see you at AutoX, I'm sure.
  5. I found this and couldn't help myself from sharing it in this thread: Halo Wedding. http://www.geekologie.com/2009/01/exclusive_follow_up_a_match_ma.php
  6. I didn't know Ohio had another NFL team. Hmm.
  7. I'd personally want Ridley Scott to be heading it up. There are so many elements of Aliens and Blade Runner that could be modernized and retrofitted.
  8. BAD. ASS. I didn't know the film was officially abandoned; too bad. Some more eye candy for those of you who shed a tear when you read "abandoned". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7FrNxVaxn8&feature=related
  9. Well, they did do the SUV thing and that caught on... despite being a bit heinous. As for the GT3... I used to think "no turbo, no care" until I became a little more educated about it. They're simply awesome cars; this new generation is no different. For a track car, the GT3 would be ideal.
  10. I think this would be how it would go down at my place too. (hopefully not a repost) http://www.kansascity.com/115/story/1012284.html
  11. Welcome. That is one great looking Evo - love the plate too. I haven't been keeping track of this Genesis Coupe... but I'm pretty interested being that it's a new RWD 4cyl Turbo car on the market.
  12. Two belts eh? When all you've got going for you is your body.... you really don't want to let it slip.
  13. EXACTLY my thought - the time to travel alone will allow maybe three hours of actual work. If they don't update us with a full closing today, I'm "working from home" because no job is worth..... wait... LOL, as I was typing I got the text letting everyone know we're closed for the rest of the day.
  14. Well my office is closed.... "until noon".
  15. I think I might pull the "I'm working from home because it's unsafe for me to drive near all the incapable people... and there's ice" card tomorrow.
  16. Seriously. I'd love to do that some day... NICE!
  17. Hot. That's the stuff wars are fought over.
  18. Just took an hour and a half to go from Easton to Upper Arlington. That was so awesome, I think I will do it again tomorrow. Twice.
  19. LMAO. No joke, I was JUST trying to find that pic when I opened this thread. :thumbup:
  20. I'm debating other options for my drive - but getting from Lane/North Star to the Easton complex is hell no matter what.
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