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Everything posted by Aesthetic_Influx

  1. Yes and Yes. Got my issue yesterday. :thumbup:
  2. ^Interesting. I might just wait out the rest of the year with my Verizon contract now... hmmm..
  3. Funny, we were just talking about this at work. Between it's normal use on the web and for mobile phones... you just can't go wrong.
  4. Wow, that's sad to hear. That was painful as hell to watch. RIP
  5. I'd rock the sh*t out of that. It's almost time for me to put Verizon behind me too.
  6. Yep. I have a mother and girlfriend who are both teachers (K / 2nd) and I hear things from them about how the kids have cell phones, yell all kinds of horrible things, etc. that makes me wonder how they do it every day. I'd be a horrible teacher for sub-college levels... I have no tolerance for that kind of thing.
  7. I'd buy that - I've ridden in Rabbit and driven a GTI (all MKV) and they are great cars. I've never sat inside a Fit or Mini (sadly), so I can't really comment on "real" size inside and out. I even considered the MKV Rabbit for my DD before I found my MKIV Jetta.
  8. +1 more for selling. As others said, if he was concerned about it he'd have gotten in touch. I bug friends about DVDs borrowed after 3-4 weeks; there's no way I'd forget about a $200+ exhaust at a friend's house.
  9. I hope no one is offended by me asking, but what happened?
  10. I'd rock a new Civic base model before a Fit. It just seems too small, even if not much different in dimensions than a Mini Cooper or a VW Rabbit (both of which I think are great "small" cars).
  11. Agreed on needing a social change on the home front; especially with how kids are allowed to act. I'm only 26 and I am disgusted with most of the high school (and younger) kids I see around. That aside, I'm not surprised to hear GM grabbing at whatever financial ledge they can to stay afloat. It's definitely not like they weren't setting up shop outside the country before... http://money.cnn.com/2009/02/10/news/companies/gm_staffing/index.htm?postversion=2009021009
  12. I love living on a street where no one knocks; ever.
  13. Wow that's ugly. I'd be upset if I had to drive one each day and attempt to be taken seriously.
  14. Top right first, bottom second, and top right again last. Top left holds camera.
  15. Do hit and runs count? Had that happen once and had a huge glacier hit my VW last month on the highway.
  16. Looks like a Camry and a TL hooked up after a party. Meh; not horrible looks, but not great looks either. Nice to see a twin turbo domestic roll out though.
  17. Ha, I can see the honeymoon has been over for a while, eh? Recaro seats are a huge win; sadly my DD has them and my Z does not.
  18. Some of my favorites: Today, I put on the same jeans that I had left in a bundle in my bedroom the day before. A few hours later, my boxer shorts decided to make their spectacular reappearance trick at the bottom of my leg in the middle of one of my meetings. FML Today, I fell asleep. I felt something on my face. I batted it away. It was my hamster. It died from a concussion upon hitting the wall. FML Today, I got up at 5am, brushed my teeth, shaved and showered to get ready for work only to step barefoot in a huge pile of dog crap in the middle of my living room floor. I don't own a dog. FML
  19. Make yourself feel better and have a laugh: http://www.fmylife.com
  20. Now I need a ride in someone's Evo.... all this talk has made me curious, and I've never even sat in one.
  21. Ha, awesome; my first official call out. I need to get a couple things taken care of and tuned before I do any serious throttle stomping. After that however... I'm always interested in other modified cars that I know nothing about. I never seem to have any car buddies who drive anything but the same cars I do.
  22. Cool, although I'd never do more than watch. Cred05 can attest to my ability to throw a frag in COD4 and then have it hit me in the face right afterward.
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