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Everything posted by spectragod

  1. Memorial day weekend ticket writing blitz, plead not guilty and go to court. Honestly it's kind of a bs ticket, what was she stopped for originally?
  2. A "try to look like a thug" Justin Beiber with some queer glasses.......... nice.
  3. I have one of those, big and fat, but can hold it's own..... I see no problems with it.
  4. If you don't mind taking it to Tipp City, Warrior Racing is more than capable of tackling the job. Talk to Bob or Joel, tell them Darren sent you... (937) 667-6418 http://warriorracing.com/
  5. I have bought 2 vehicles this year, a new Lincoln and a new Ford truck, I had to take the memorandum and transfer the plates to the vehicles in both instances, dealerships are not tied into the DMV.
  6. I've bought a lot of cars, never once had a dealer transfer the registration, maybe it is a thing that is done in Columbus, certainly not the Dayton area. OP also says that the plates were just switched over, no mention of the registration.
  7. While we don't know one another, I'll give you a free bump for this house, this is a great area, very desirable and I have always loved the styling of the houses in this neighborhood. Good luck with the sale...
  8. That is incorrect, the dealer does not handle anything, you will get a memorandum of title in the mail in 2 to 3 weeks, you need to take that and your current registration and drivers license to the BMV and get it transferred. I stopped a guy with mirrored window tint in a Camaro one day, his plates came back to a Lincoln Town Car, between that and his window rolled down about 8 inches and his and his passengers hands in their laps along with refusal to show their hands, he now knows what it's like to have a pistol screwed into his ear. He still had to get his plates transferred, after he got his car out of impound. This guy gave me the same story, dealer said that they transferred the plates, they did, just not the registration. I would recommend taking care of the transfer
  9. I have always figured any mods I did were for me, and I would loose that money if I ever sold whatever they were attached to, and have in a couple of instances. That said, your car is full of mods that anyone looking for your car would do to it anyhow, so I see value added, and am shocked that it hasn't sold yet. If I wanted a nasty Cobra, this would be a good starting point for anyone looking to get into the game, you couldn't duplicate it for anywhere close to the sellers asking price. Free bump for a great deal!!!!
  10. Time Sert used to be the Ford approved go to tool, now it is Lock-N-Stitch. I have a Time Sert kit as I had 4 modular motors at the time I bought it. Not cheap, easy to operate, and, I heard someone telling of Autozone or NAPA loaning the tool out, you would be on the hook for the inserts.
  11. In the end, it's a car, while I like my toys, I don't love anything enough to give a shit about it....... except for my dog.
  12. My taser instructor would disagree, he went into great detail, assuming he knew his shit. I don't carry one because I wouldn't ever want be asked " why didn't you use less lethal force" , I will follow the use of force continuum. I will say this though, not a lot of folks want to be tased.
  13. That.... and, tasers don't work as well on muscular people. Bullets do though.
  14. We never saw the end of the altercation...... If I was on the receiving end of the swinging handcuff, it would end with 2 to the chest, and be justified, the cuffs become a saw blade when swung, meet deadly force with deadly force. Dumbass was probably going for disorderly, stepped up to a felony quickly, people never cease to amaze me.
  15. My truck is 100% un-modded, I brought that car back from Chillicothe last week on 35. I had a few hills along the way, took it up to Tipp City, I was pretty much at 70 the whole way, had the cruise set. That was the first time I every towed with that vehicle, went well, although the F250 I used to have towed better, of course, it was a diesel and 3/4 ton, and still got crappy MPG's.
  16. Real world experience with my F-150 SCrew, 5.0 V8, 5k load trailer/car, 16.5-16.9 MPG loaded, will do 19-20 unloaded on the highway. I would steer clear from the eco-junk, a quick read of the F-150 forums will tell you the MPG isn't there, nor is the durability. What ever choice you make, a full size truck will probably be your pick.
  17. Poodle and a handgun........seriously.
  18. I have 1 I use at the house when we have our required power outages, had it 4 years and used less than 100 hours, bought it from a Honda dealer in Michigan for less than 3k, my prior generator was a Honda as well, ex5500, I ran that one for 8 days straight during one of our better outages, normal maintenance, never had to rebuild.
  19. Yep, and they buy 500k houses on 5 year balloon's or ARM's and can't afford a stick of furniture, but have a couple leased or 144 month payment new cars..........look at me, I'm keeping up with everyone else..... and I work a minimum wage job...
  20. ^^^ X1,000,000 ^^^ Not true anymore? As we spiral down on morals and values in society today, this stupid shit has to be accepted by employers, or by others that don't want to look at some distasteful shit marked across someone's forehead. Ohio is an "at will" state, good luck getting a job or keeping a job because you exercised poor judgement. I know that sounds harsh, I don't have a problem with tattoo's, I have a problem with the stupid shit people plaster on themselves that I have to look at, you know, KKK, swastika's, I hate ____, fuck you, and all the other crap they can think of to individualize themselves as special. Nice art, I appreciate, a big steaming pile of shit as a tattoo..... not so much. And while it is one's choice to have such "art", you may find your job choices really limited. Which is why I never joined the military, thought about it, took the test, got offered a bullshit choice of a career path blah blah blah. I choose a body shop career over the military.
  21. Nice #'s, I wonder if the tune will void the warranty?
  22. Nice pile of shit, how many mile does it take to wear the edge off the tires? I am sure he spends his monthly check on "mods", he should buy his gf some makeup...... just sayin'...........
  23. I had a local city do $4700 worth of damage to my wife's caddy, they gave me the finger and said f-off, we're not accountable, my insurance had to pay for their mistake, and they were ok with that, which is part of the problem IMO. Another buddy had his SS Nova hit by a fire truck, basically the same response I got.....f-off, we're not responsible. OP, good luck, be thankful you weren't hurt.
  24. Fed Ex Ground has always been the cheapest for me. Your on the mark, cutouts for the front and back of wheels, I always tape the ship to addy on the tread and write on the cardboard front and rear, then wrap with plastic. I did have a guy let the air out of tires he shipped to me on wheels once, "to save weight" cause they had 35 pounds of air in them, you just can't make this stuff up.
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