I stopped to help a woman who was broke down on the highway one day, it was sleeting, rush hour and she was stranded( this was 20 years ago) so cell phones were a rarity. I asked her if she had a spare as the right rear was flat, she argued her car didn't come with a spare, I talked her into opening the trunk and low and behold...... A spare under the floor panel, then she said she didn't know how to change it anyhow.
Dumbass me offered while she sat in her Accord with it running to stay warm, I got it changed, put the flat and jack in the trunk, closed the trunk, she threw it in drive and floored it, I thought..... That was a nice "thanks", so, not only do they not know how to change the spare, they lack manners too.
Looking back, that's pretty damn funny, I still will help stranded women, I would hope someone would do the same for my mom/wife/sister.