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Posts posted by spectragod

  1. Laser jammers emit light, there are no laws to enforce someone from using them. As far as who's is best, I have no clue.


    If you get stopped for some reason and the officer thinks you have a laser jammer, admit nothing, deny everything and demand proof. They cannot take it from you, they cannot cite you for having it. If it were a radar jammer, they couldn't enforce that either, as those are covered by the FCC, not local police. I'm bad for speeding to, I gotta slow down......

  2. Wow, everyone seems to have a better occupation than me....... go figure.


    Started work @ 15 in a buddy's dad's body shop, did that for 16 years, through the course of 4 different body shops. Got a chance to take a gov't job about 20 years ago and stayed.... I'm like a bad penny I guess. I also own a business that contract's installation of in car video systems in police cars through out Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, that job pays for my toys.


    Not a bad gig if you don't mind working 70-80 hours or so a week and lots of traveling...


    Honestly, you can't talk about the D without an "8-Mile" reference.


    Was Mary Barra worth the hype???


    My reference comes from the shit my buddy who owns a machine shop off 8 Mile tells me about the antics that he see's up there.....

  4. I agree with this^


    I'd also like to add something many do not seem to be considering and that's the family of the man executed. Regardless of what we believe the inmate deserves, that inmate often has parents, siblings, and/or children and whatever various loved ones involved. They don't need the further suffering if nothing else.


    That's too bad, he should have thought about that before he raped and murdered a woman and her unborn child. He deserved a lot more than he got.


    Everyone has family, just because your a dumbass, doesn't mean they should be. Apparently the apple doesn't fall far from the tree............


    I have had to unfortunately live through a similar situation with a family member, while he didn't stab her to death, he threw her in the trunk of a car and set it on fire. So I don't feel any sympathy for the poor man that was executed, sorry............

  5. I worded that wrong. it was their suggestion to take it there and since I'm not real familiar with body shops in Columbus I felt ok with it going to a dealership. When she took it there all was good and now 12 days later there seems to be an issue.


    After speaking with our Allstate guy I feel good about them handling it. He said there were traffic cameras that should of got it all and they employ someone that can retrieve the tape if needed. He said no matter what Geicko does they will take care of us and go after Geicko themselves. I just hope it doesn't cause our premiums to increase.


    Your rates won't go up usually, but it will show that you had an accident. As opposed to if the insured's insurance would have paid for it.


    I'd ask about diminished value since now there will be a carfax stating that your car has been wrecked. It makes it hard to trade in or sell.

  6. They agreed to have car fixed at a location of their choice


    Is is time to lawyer up or just let Allstate handle everything?



    First mistake, it is YOUR choice where you want your car fixed, not theirs, as a matter of fact, they cannot legally make you go to a shop of their choosing.


    I'd pull the car from the shop, let your insurance handle it and then Allstate will go after the Gecko.

  7. Airbag deployment data is stored in the module, seat position, set belt buckled or not, G force applied during deployment, speed, gas pedal position, brake if being used and what percentage, if abs was active etc.


    Date for this is stored in both the PCM and a DERM for the car, dealer may or may not be able to extract all or any or this, traffic crash re-constructionist can though.

  8. That link pertains to salvage cars in TX. The scenario I am proposing is lets say I purchase a vehicle here in tx with a salvage title due to theft years ago. Then in 2yrs I decide to move back to OH and bring the car with me. How would the state of ohio approach that?


    As long as you have a salvage title in hand from Texas, it is as simple as an out of state inspection being done at the DMV, or, in the Dayton area some dealerships will do them for a couple of dollars.


    The biggest things that they are going to check at the DMV is the federal ID sticker on the driver side door or door jam and the VIN on the dash, there is no Highway Patrol inspection as long as you have a title.

  9. This was on a nightstand gun, never used outside, had it for about a year, changed things up a bit and decided to post this here for sale. I do believe I have the correct box for it, if not, it will be in a Streamlight box with all the rail adapters, instructions, batteries etc..


    Works like a champ, has laser sight, led light and the led will also strobe, a quality piece.


    The terms, $200 Pay pal as a gift, or cash, the buyers preference. If you want it shipped, buyer pays actual shipping.







  10. If he rear ended her its on him. Dosen't matter if she pulled out in front of him. Atleast that's what I have been told by some cops. Better to hit the car in the side than in the rear. Had a similar accident many yrs ago, not nearly the damage, but the other person took off when I wouldn't accept money at the scene for damages and went to call the cops. they took off. I went to the local PD to report it with the plate # and had a witness ( another bystander) and cops told me if their wasn't much damage to let it go, cause i'll be cited for hitting them in the rear. Fucked up.


    I don't know the whole story, but if its a rear end could be bad for viper.


    Sucks though atleast everyones ok.


    Not always...... it would depend on if someone pulled in front of someone and stopped or never accelerated, as well as the speed limit for the road it happened on, witness's etc. I have cited a dipshit or two for pulling out in front of someone and causing the accident.

  11. I used to drive full time when i was 18-19...i've been doing it the last couple months part time after work for some extra cash since cycling season is over, and i cant ride after work with it dark at 530...better than sitting at home all night doing nothing


    those of you @ $5, much appreciated.


    people like tim, i would definitely bring your shit last. areas are small enough and i usually deal with the same customers...(i've seen some 3-4x in the 2 months i've been at the store). we definitely remember who is who. yeah, they do charge a fee, but of the $2.50 where i'm at, we see $1, and its factored into our wage...they pay $6/hr, so as long as you're taking 2/hr, it covers whatever minimum is...$7.80?...anything more, is extra.


    if its a $10 order, i don't expect $5. couple bucks is fine if you're close. if i'm gonna go to the edge of our area and you give me 50 cents, fuck you, and keep your money. you obviously need it more. if you're too lazy to drive to get it yourself, don't be a cheap ass. with gas at $3.50/gal, and the fact that you don't even have to put on your shoes, a buck and change is pretty crap.


    Lewis Center has been pretty decent for me though. when i figure up average for each night, i usually find that i average $3.50-4 per delivery. you'll get some that are $1-2, usually $3 is the most common i see, and the $5-7 on the bigger orders or regulars will make up for the Tims.


    coming from doing it for a long time when i was younger, i rarely have something delivered...nothing preventing me from going to get it myself except laziness...since i bought my house 5 years ago, i've probably had delivery 2-3x, and usually just a single pizza. always $5


    ^^^ THIS^^^ I generally tip $5-10, it depends on the service, the weather etc., I don't care if someone chose that job or it chose them, they have to buy a car, insurance, gas, maintenance on that car. Etc., furthermore, I have had drivers tell me that the brought my orders first because I take care of them, so a 45 minute wait went to 15-20, and I didn't have to go get it.


    My wife and I have a local restaurant that we frequent, we tip well when we go, every year @ Christmas, the servers that have waited on us and the hostess's get a card with cash, what do we get? No reservation seating, 45 minute wait, uhmmm no, our table is ready, it does pay to take care of people, period....

  12. It's not about Duck Dynasty, Duck Commander, Phil Robertson, If you like the show or not. It's about freedom of speech freedom of opinion freedom of stating your beliefs.


    That freedom is GONE!! unless your views are with main stream media or liberal. It's what we have fought and died for over 200 years. And we as a weak ass bitch society have let this happen.






    ^^^^^^ 100% truth ^^^^^^

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