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Posts posted by spectragod

  1. Lol. So your the person who gets shot and dies because your hoping "here Mr. Robber, take what you want I know you wont kill me"


    do you know the percentage of people killed in a robbery, theft, or invasion?


    Exactly..... I had a niece who was kidnapped and raped, then thrown in the trunk of her car, before the shitbag set it on fire, she was alive, had she had a firearm either with her or in the trunk, the outcome would have most likely been different.

  2. My faith in Internet stories has been restored. Finally, some honesty in big buck hunting stories.






    Above is a picture of the new world record whitetail buck. It was taken by the cousin of a co-worker's sister's uncle's best friend's son-in-law's niece's hairdresser's neighbor's ex-boyfriend's oldest nephew. Reportedly it will score 2603-1/8 by B&C standard and was shot in West Texas on a really windy day, 85 degrees downhill, around a curve at 900 yards with a .22 cal. rifle.


    Supposedly, this deer had killed a Brahma bull, two Land Rovers, and six Jehovah's Witnesses in the last two weeks alone. They said it was winning a fight with Bigfoot when it was shot. It has also been confirmed that the buck had been seen drinking discharge water from a nuclear power plant.


    Honestly and Sincerely,

    Barack H. Obama

  3. I want that Spectra Chrome coating on some of my wheels. It seems to be easier and hopefully cheaper than mirror-polished copper electro-coating.


    About $800 to do 4 18" wheels, price varies by diameter, the wheel is covered with PVD, litterally.


    Crappy cell phone pic.......



  4. $100? $150? Even $80? Pssh!




    Input prescription, get $8 glasses.


    And before anyone craps all over this place, my wife and I have been wearing $8 glasses for over 6 years no with no problem. I buy them 2-3 pair at a time and if the break or I lose them, who cares? Toss on another pair. When I'm at 2 pair, I order at least one more. Always have 3 pair available.


    Only broken 1 pair thus far though. Prescription is great. Wearing them now. Last time I went in for an eye exam showed them to my optometrist, explained that I used (at the time) my insurance to cover contacts and paid $8 for glasses, and nobody in the office could believe it. Said they looked fine.


    You're all welcome. :)


    Awesome!! Thanks for the heads up...

  5. Well there is a "paint" that is chrome looking and it is no more durable than standard paint in fact if I remember correctly it has a standard clear cot over top of it. Its really a pretty cool process to watch. Here's a website that has some videos of the process.



    The process is called PVD, the clear sprayed over top is clear powder coating. I had this process done to a set of wheels a few months back, semi inexpensive and is supposed to last quite some time.

  6. That is kind of.... just disturbing.


    and the people I do know that drive have better jobs, somewhat decent parents and have absolutely no idea how to even change a tire... literally..


    I stopped to help a woman who was broke down on the highway one day, it was sleeting, rush hour and she was stranded( this was 20 years ago) so cell phones were a rarity. I asked her if she had a spare as the right rear was flat, she argued her car didn't come with a spare, I talked her into opening the trunk and low and behold...... A spare under the floor panel, then she said she didn't know how to change it anyhow.


    Dumbass me offered while she sat in her Accord with it running to stay warm, I got it changed, put the flat and jack in the trunk, closed the trunk, she threw it in drive and floored it, I thought..... That was a nice "thanks", so, not only do they not know how to change the spare, they lack manners too.


    Looking back, that's pretty damn funny, I still will help stranded women, I would hope someone would do the same for my mom/wife/sister.

  7. Got a buddy who's 21YO still has no license/job, no desire for either. :confused: :confused: :confused:


    At 13, I was the designated driver for my friends, couldn't wait to get my license so I could drive legal. Today's kid's..... it's all about who has the coolest cell phone or video games..........

  8. I believe it was a 1 year old. Still about as traumatic as it gets. This entire situation makes no sense. The woman either freaked the fuck out, or there's something not being said.


    The intarwebs rumor mill is saying that the woman was Obama's mistress and that was his child, and that whatever form of hush money she was getting was cut off by the shutdown. I don't believe it for a minute, but it's still kind of hilarious to think about.


    Oblamer's love child, sounds plausible.

  9. At me? No. I've broken up dog fights at the dog park by tackling and restraining dogs. I have opposable thumbs, a giant brain, and 100lbs on most dogs, it's really not hard. Also I have man testicles.


    But I guess if all you have is a gun, everything looks like a target.


    You were apparently "high" when you wrote this......


    Fox 5.3 Pepper Spray. I doubt a dog is going to take a shot of that and keep coming. If you end up getting your dog too at least it's pretty certain not to kill them.


    It's also a lot easier to defend the deployment of pepper vs a round from a gun. Not to mention much safer given the family is with you and your in a neighborhood.


    I really advise that vs a gun simply because you don't need any more hassles so why put a gun into a mix where one isn't really necessary.


    Just my thoughts.


    Pepper spray will slow them down..... a little, if the dog is hell bent on killing you, it doesn't have much effect, as I found out once, wound up dispatching the canine.


    That sucks. I've got no experience with one in "attack" mode. Just the normal barking, hair raised, etc. That alone is enough to make you nervous.


    Attack mode, they will not let go, there is a big difference between a trained dog and one that is just nuts. I was bit once by one that was probably just crazy, lots -o- stitches, lots of pain and a lot of time in the ER, looking back, shooting it would have been less painful.....for me.


    Your experience may differ from mine, but if your safety or life is in danger, by all means, defend yourself. Dog bites are usually nasty and rabies shots suck.

  10. As the title says, I am listing 1 of my Valentine 1 radar receivers, unit has been upgraded a couple of times in the past with POP and firmware updates. I am the original owner, I believe I have the original box and paperwork for it, all the accessories are new, straight cord, coiled cord, lighter adapter, hard wire adapter, windshield mount, and visor mount, and the unit itself, the serial # is 2898670767.


    Selling price is $300, pay pal is fine as long as it is a gift or you pay what they nick me for, shipping and insurance is additional, or if you are local, you can pick the unit up in person.


    PM's only please.










  11. EDIT: Seems like my ideas have already been suggested.


    Get in between their dog and your dogs, their dog goes to 'attack you' shoot it in self defense?


    How about non-lethal 'weapons', animal grade pepper spray, taser?


    Is it legal for them not to have control of their dog? Can he call the police or animal control when it happens? They might not do much of anything the first time, but if a pattern emerges they might. Or worst case something happens to you, or someone else there is a paper trail that it's negligent on their part and not just a one time issue.


    Pepper spray is not super effective on all dogs, just as it is not on some humans.


    Taser..... kinda expensive,you get 1 shot, then you will have to remove the cartridge and try to drive stun the animal, if he's pissed, I wouldn't recommend getting close enough for that.


    The neighbor should have control of their animal, call animal control, they can guide you with what to do, it will vary from area to area.


    If you want to take a dog bite, you can possibly pull off the "defending" yourself sales pitch, I have to ask..... ever been bit by a dog, a large dog? Be prepared for stitches and cleaning of wounds, it's usually not a lot of fun, had to go through it once.


    Personally what I would do, take the animal and adopt it out to someone, give it a good home and some training, of course the will probably replace it with a tiger or something.

  12. As some of you know, I rescued/adopted a chocolate lab that Derek (TurboRust) found.


    Said dog. I named her Twila.




    I need a dog seat cover for the Saab since she keeps sliding around on it because racecar but really it's because it's leather. It would need to have a nonslip backing. Didn't know if anyone had any suggestions or preference for a certain brand.


    Also any other advices regarding dog care would be helpful since my last dog was an outdoor dog and basically took care of herself.



    Several choices of "seat protection".




    Good luck with your new kid, she looks great.

  13. How about the great fucking highway patrol doing his job. Maybe I misunderstood but they identified one of the suspects hours before the truck stop killing and the ohp officer gave the 2 fuckers a ride to the truck stop? And didnt ask for id or anything. Idk about anyone else here but every time I've ever been in a cop car I got searched even if it was just for doing paper work on a report I made? Idk maybe I missed something in there.


    You know, I find it odd that every time I get in a police car, I never get searched, I almost always have a gun or knife with me too.......;)

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