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Posts posted by spectragod

  1. but how does that happen? I mean the house will cost what it costs right? How can unsavory types get into a house that they cant pay for?


    Or is it like a government assistance type program? welfare for homes kinda thing?


    Somebody buys it and decides to make it a "rental property", they don't care who they rent to, because they don't live in that neighborhood.


    I have 1 across the street from me, his last tenants were HUD renters, on welfare, 3 kids, no jobs, free gas & electric.......drove an Escalade. And hated the neighbors because we had so much more than them (I know this because the resident told my neighbor this), that and we were all racists because we didn't like them having sex in the back seat of said Cadillac during the day in the driveway.


    Anyhow, just look at the neighborhood surrounding your potential purchase, 2 blocks, see if there is any undesirable things going on that could lower your property value. I got rid on my problem, you may not be so lucky to.

  2. Ok, so HUD homes are just forclosures whose loans were insured by the FHA, easy enough. Are HUD homes more likely to be in poorer areas or not as desireable areas? What causes the FHA to insure a loan in the first place?


    Not exactly, HUD = Housing and Urban Development, emphasis on "Urban", if you hate your neighbors, you can rent your house through your local HUD office, you will get paid every month, guaranteed, your house will need rebuilt when your stellar renters move out, guaranteed.


    I was going to buy the house that was for sale between my city's mayor and the city's city managers house, then rent it through HUD, I didn't win any friends, but they understood my point when they got wind of what was getting ready to happen. Property values around a HUD home will decline, crime will go up, neighbors will be annoyed, the neighborhood will go to shit pretty quick if you let the riff raff move in.

  3. I negotiated a price over the phone for a car at a Cadillac dealer in Philadelphia. The dealer rolled $5300 of what I could find a comparable car locally for. Well worth the drive, only got stopped once for speeding.


    Thinking about it, the last 4 cars I bought, I negotiated over the phone for, and bought them right. Bring your own financing or cash with you, then you can listen to the F&I guy bitch about "giving" the car away and not making anything on financing either.

  4. You know, when I bought my first house, the internet wasn't what it is today, so I had to wing it, and ended up suing my seller. My list goes like this...........


    1) don't buy from anyone who says that they are a minister/preacher/clergyman etc.

    2) don't sign for any inspections that you are not sure of what you are signing

    3) get your own inspector, one that YOU trust

    4) know the location and the area around it

    5) make sure you can build on the lot

    6) if you can build on it, make sure that YOU own the mineral rights, gas/water

    7) have the property surveyed buy a surveyor of YOUR choice, not the land title company

    8) you can pay you closing costs in cash, use $1 bills if they piss you off, I did

    9) it's good to make sure the neighbors aren't assholes, knock on doors and talk to them before buying

    10)make sure there are no HUD/low income rentals around your new house

    11) what everyone else said

  5. I looked into it when we did out counters. That stuff is thin like a laminate, and as expensive as granite. You may want to look into quartz, same price and durability as granite, but you never have to seal it, and contaminates don't absorb into it, just a thought. Oh.... we did the quartz.
  6. One other thing to consider, banks in Ohio don't physically keep a title on hand anymore, it is all done electronically. Once the loan is paid off, if you want a physical title, you will need to go to your local title bureau with your info from your bank saying that the lien was paid and pay $15 for it, even though you paid for a title when you bought the car, and it came with one from the seller or dealer you bought it from, you get to pay for it again. One of Ohio's many new ways to generate revenue, they sent letters to the banks about 5 years ago telling them that they HAD to do this.


    If you owe money, it is actually easier for the buyer to secure a loan, and have thier bank pay your banks electronically for the vehicle, I've done it that way on several occasions, it works flawless for out of state purchases.

  7. I have had a couple of SNAFU's with my LG's, been repairing them myself as I go, here's a linky to where I have been buying parts. I have also bought refridgerator parts from here as well.




    Appliance repair board..............




    If you have any mechanical ability, this is not beyond you. I used an appliance repair service once(because of warranty), after I saw how that guy operated, I figured anyone could do it.


    Good luck, let us know what you wind up doing.

  8. What do you think in your head is a good price for a decent paintjob?


    It would depend on the amount of bodywork needing done, if you want the car stripped to the bare metal and the amount of dis-assembly involved.


    Most shops that do high end work will want to strip the car completely and completely dis-assemble said vehicle, the only way to stand behind your work is to know what's underneath. That said, I have a buddy with a shop that does all over work, mostly high end cars, he starts at 11k if no or minimal body work is needed.


    For a scuff and shoot with a moderate amount of dis-assembly, 3-4k is what another buddy of mine charges.


    I think that you would have to shop around and ask questions, such as whats included, single stage paint, warranty, if body repair is included etc.

  9. Hey dum dum, dont be the sheep that propoganda machines love.... All that you just posted is a twisted line on the true EO which was an amendment to the National Defense Resourses Preparedness... It was originally issued in 1939...




    (hot air is more left, but still some valid points, but also a bit of spin in article...)



    Either way, you're still spreading stupid shit. Which is what goes on 99% of hte time during election year. Billy Bob heard from John Smith that XX happened, and they take it as fact instead of being INTELLIGENT and looking up FACTS then forming their own opinion.


    Your right, I'm a dum dum, or, you could look on the White House website, and verify the these executive orders have been constructed recently.






    I read most of those executive orders myself, because I didn't believe it either.


    Face it, the guy's a goof. In reality, all politicians are looking out for their own best interests, they really don't give a shit about us. It's up to us to pick the one that will fuck us the least.

  10. Mitt Romney's plan will raise taxes on everyone except the 1%'rs!!!


    That's because when BO is done with us, all your $$$$ will go to the Fed., you will get nothing. Take a look at the executive orders he has signed.............



    Executive Orders



    After today's announcement by our President to give illegal aliens quasi citizenship by fiat, I looked into the executive orders he has issued in the last three and a half years. I found this article in Western Journalism that scares the crap out of me and should frighten all of us.

    A Comprehensive List Of Obama's Worst Executive Orders

    JUNE 15, 2012 BY LAURIE ROTH

    There have been over 900 Executive Orders put forth from Obama, and he is not even through his first term yet. He is creating a martial law 'Disney Land' of control covering everything imaginable. Some of the executive orders he has signed recently have been exposed thanks to 'Friends of Conservative Action Alerts.' They have compiled a choice list of 'Emergency Powers, Martial law executive orders': Get your headache medication out while you still can without a prescription.

    * Executive Order 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

    * Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

    * Executive Order 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.

    * Executive Order 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

    * Executive Order 11001 allows the government to take over all health education and welfare functions.

    * Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

    * Executive Order 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

    * Executive Order 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.

    * Executive Order 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.

    * Executive Order 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issues over a fifteen-year period.

    * Executive Order 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

    * Executive Order 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

    * Executive Order 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when the president declares a state of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.


    I'll keep my guns and bible.

  11. 99% chance you may have wired it wrong, or used the wrong relay..



    Those type of 20/30a relays come in a couple configs.


    If the pic you posted one that appears to have the 87 & 87A terminals, in which case, one is Normally Open, one Normally Closed. They both need to be on terimal "87" of your relay which is the NO contact.








    So only 1 light would come on if you used that type of relay and actually wired one to 87 & one to 87A.

    Whatever light works find out what pole it goes to on that relay, and wire them together. Both lights combined are not going to overload the relay.


    If none of this makes sens, stop by my work one and we'll have you fixed up in a jiffy.



    ^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^ is 100% correct. Additionally, with the way it is wired, the passenger side will be on when the switch is "off", and, while the car is off if that switch is wired hot.

  12. They should hang him, horizontally, barely above the waterline with just his junk hanging in the water, then start slicing with a razor so the blood trickles into the shark tank below... here sharky sharky sharky!


    That's not personal enough, a good sturdy armchair, a roll of duct tape, smelling salts and a razor knife make a good statement.


    For added length, you could use an IV so he doesn't bleed out.




    Cement shoes, low tide and wait for the tide to rise.


    Quick..... a tree mulcher


    And make it a prime time event to deter future assbags from doing the same.

  13. It sounds like your insurance is going to pay for the car and go after the other guy. Hence you having to pay your own deductible. If they collect it, they will generally reimburse you, other wise, you will have to go after the offending driver in small claims court.
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