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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. That screen resolution is rather good. That alone will likely make it worth the price of admission.
  2. ^^^ that was my first thought as well. There's nothing wrong with a 90 or 180 degree turn in an exhaust system - it takes surprisingly little energy to change the direction of flow, as long as it's smooth. The second, more expensive design looks like it's more of an abrupt turn, where the exhaust then has to figure out which way to go and fight the other exhaust stream for the ability to get there.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we should have front plates. I'm just saying there's no compelling reason to get rid of them (from the state's perspective), and as long as cops can say "In theory it might be useful," that's going to stick around. Even if, in practice, they never use it. I think we agree on this, but I view the situation as hopeless. FTR, I put a front plate on my Mazda even though I didn't really want to, but I'm not going to bother with the Integra because I only drive it 2,000 miles a year.
  4. Let's say a cop sees some shit go down in a car and he grabs the driver and throws him down on the sidewalk just in front of the car. While the guy's on the ground he calls in on his little shoulder radio thing with the license plate to see if the guy has a registered firearm or something. I have no idea if that's the sort of thing cops do, but if he's standing in front of the car and the front plate is there, then it's a time-saver. Otherwise he needs to cuff the guy and move him to the rear of the car. Or search the suspect for a wallet. But instead he calls it in right away and can get on with the search while they're running the plates for warrants or weapons or stolen vehicles or whatever. Is it the biggest deal in the world? Probably not. But if I were a cop and I had to choose between a world with no front plates and a world with front plates, I'd choose with, because why not?
  5. This is a myth. Laser and radar require curved surfaces to work. That's why the F117 was all flat panels. A flat surface will only reflect a signal back to its source if it's exactly perpendicular to it, but a sphere will always reflect some portion of the signal back. The real reason is pretty simple - meter maids and cops can get your tag number from multiple angles. They might not use it very often, but it costs the state nothing to require it and it can potentially make someone's job easier.
  6. Yeah, I've never had a panhandler turn down food. Then again, I've never offered someone nasty-looking leftover McDoubles. In fact, 99% of the homeless people I've encountered have been extremely polite and grateful. I'm sure there are some bad apples, but they're not typical. I don't understand why people feel the need to characterize every beggar that way. If you don't want to give, don't give, but don't pretend like they're all assholes.
  7. As someone who drives an actual FWD 2.3L Mazda3-based minivan, with proper sliding doors and all, I object to your characterization of your hatchback as such.
  8. I fell for a con once. I was 18 in downtown cincy going to a jazz club, and this guy comes around the corner with his pregnant wife saying they ran out of gas a couple blocks back and can they get some gas money or cab fair. He had a whole speech about what they were doing that and how it was such a ridiculous chain of events that happened to leave them stranded without money. About a half our later it suddenly hit me that they were full of shit. I wasn't upset about the $20 I had given them, but I was pretty annoyed at myself for believing their bullshit. I'm guessing she wasn't even pregnant. Anyway, I considered it a pretty cheap life lesson about how convincing someone can be, even in the face of a born skeptic. Since then I've gotten the "Man you wouldn't believe this, but I ran out of gas and I don't have my wallet" routine a few times since then. I still give them money but I tell them they shoudn't con people. Not that they care. When you're desperate, you do what works.
  9. I've got some friends who are in the market for a compact SUV and the CX-5 looks like it's a winner (on paper, at least). Does anyone know when they're expected to hit the lots?
  10. In terms of real dollars, not % of income. I agree with your second statement as well. I was just parroting the republican talking point that the rich are job creators. Trickle down economics and all that.
  11. Rich people have to pay higher taxes so that we can get our various "bones." That's an indisputable fact. Rich people also do much more to stimulate the economy than us middle class slobs. So I guess the rich would be justified in demanding that we meet certain criteria of "worthiness" before we're allowed to have children? What I'm hearing is that it has less to do with the dollar amount of government aid someone gets, and more about their value to society. So what you want to do is give the giant, inefficient government we have the power to spend multi-billions of dollars to create a department which will be responsible for judging a person's value to society and using the ensuing determination to issue licenses to have children. There's a country that does that already. It's called China. When did everyone around here become a communist? I'm surrounded by communists!
  12. I get thousands of dollars in tax breaks every year for having children and a mortgage. I get tax breaks via a 401k, 529, and a Roth. And those are just the big ones. I'm a government mooch to a degree that would make most welfare recipients blush. And most middle class white people are in my boat. Everyone needs to take a hard look at all the government programs they use before they make crazy arguments like breeding licenses or forced sterilization.
  13. Could you sue the birth control manufacturer? That would be the logical place to start. Hypothetical scenario: You're a man and you fuck a chick with a rubber on. She gets pregnant anyway. Can you sue the convenience store clerk who sold it to you?
  14. I dunno, sounds like big government to me. I suppose you'd raise my taxes to pay for all this.
  15. There's no "free birth control," at least not in any different sense than you currently get "free antibiotics" if you're insured. The government isn't doling out free pills to anyone. This is about federal laws that basically say "If you're going to offer someone health insurance, these are the things, at a minimum, that you need to provide." I don't know why the government legislates a minimum standard for insurance like that, nor do I have an opinion about whether or not they should. What I DO know is that nobody seemed to care at all about these laws until vaginas got involved, and then suddenly everyone's got an opinion. At least the Catholic church is very clear in its opinion - birth control is a sin, and they don't want to include it in their coverage. And, in fact, they don't have to, because there are religious exemptions. The recent debate was about Catholic-funded but non-religious organizations, like colleges and hospitals. Should a religious exemption extend to a "Catholic" hospital, even though the hospital is an independent, secular corporation whose only connection to the Catholic church is money? Frankly, that discussion is rather boring, and it should be left up to old people in robes. But VAGINAS and SLUTS and suddenly everyone's all up in their business.
  16. http://www.youngwomenshealth.org/med-uses-ocp.html My wife was on it at an early age to regulate her periods and help eliminate cramping that would sometimes be cripplingly painful. It's actually rather common.
  17. Don't take me too seriously. I've actually seen quite a few 5th gens at the track, which I never really expected. (Driven slowly by old men, of course).
  18. Yeah, I was gonna say, "stock rubber" in this case means a 200 treadwear rating, a lifespan of 3000 miles, and an $1800 replacement cost.
  19. Thirded. Paying for birth control makes 1000 kinds of financial sense, and the only reason to object to it is because you're some kind of a backwoods puritan.
  20. They moved the engine back like a whole foot by ditching the AWD system. The CG is lower and the central axis is more central, and all the other goodness that goes along with moving an engine down and back. Not saying they couldn't make a lighter, better Imprezza, but clearly they weren't trying to do that here. And adding AWD isn't possible now.* *Without pulling a Ferrari FF.
  21. And thus marks the last time anyone will take a ZL1 to a road course.
  22. Yeah, but that's just because it's Wednesday. Actually, I stopped reading after "bacon."
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