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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I've seen a lot of reckless driving videos, but these guys are doing actual racetrack speeds for most of the video. Nuts.
  2. I signed up for this one with several friends. I know this wasn't the preferred event for anyone, but it worked out best with my schedule. If anyone else signs up let me know and we can meet up there.
  3. What's the average salary for a Department of Wildlife employee? Where's the website I can use to look up Dept of Wildlife employees by name and see how much they get paid? Don't tell me you haven't done the research. Why not? DON'T YOU CARE?!!??! YOU'RE THE REASON I DON'T GET HBO!!!! eta: Well, I just looked at that treasury website and apparently you can look up just about anyone. That's cool. But my point is that there's probably 100+ departments in that list and none of them get the kind of public vitriol that teachers get. I don't understand why they're singled out is all. You trust Ohio to pay the Department of Mental Health employees fair wages, but teachers are apparently such leaches that they require constant scrutiny. Find a new hobby people.
  4. Increase income slightly or cut teacher salaries by 10%. Seems like the sort of boring decision that I don't need to be bothered with.
  5. Man, someone should pass a levy there or something. I'm in UA.
  6. I suppose you spend a lot of time auditing the Department of Wildlife too. The media serves as a public watchdog, and we pay for internal auditors. I'm not an accountant, so I'm personally not really qualified to seek out corruption. I agree that the information should be public, but if the school says they need x dollars to operate, I'm not really in a position to question them. If you ask an experienced school administrator "is 80 grand too much for a teacher," he would say, "Well, what school? Let me look at their books, the cost of living, their hiring practices, etc." It would take someone with experience lots of time to determine if that's reasonable or not. I'm not experienced and I'm not an accountant or HR manager, so what the fuck do I know? Now, if the school says "We want to build a multi-million dollar stadium," then I think the public can weigh in on if they think it's worth it. But basic operating costs should just happen. And if they're misusing the money they collect for basic operations, let the auditors and the media catch them. Because I'm not qualified. I dunno, last I checked my school district was doing pretty good.
  7. Worry about what you make, not everyone else. That's what I say. I vote for elected officials just so I don't have to worry about stupid shit like how much public employees get paid. I have more important things to worry about than administrative bullshit for professions I'm not even involved in. I'm amazed at the amount of public discussion wasted on teacher salaries. It's just not worth it. They should stop doing ballot initiatives for things that should be executive decisions, because both sides end up being full of people who have no idea how to run a school. Myself included. Seriously, I know nothing about running a school, why does anyone trust me to vote on this shit? I mean, I know we have an Ohio Division of Wildlife. I'm sure it's good that we have one. If anyone asked me if I had an opinion on how much ODW employees get paid I'd punch them in the face. But replace the ODW with teachers and suddenly everyone has an opinion and wants to hold votes for everything. Makes no sense.
  8. The fanboy is strong in this one.
  9. I used to love VW interiors, but that just looks so blah. Especially compared to say, a 2012 Cruze: http://www.boston.com/cars/newsandreviews/overdrive/assets_c/2011/03/2011-Chevrolet-Cruze-interior-thumb-607x427-34922.jpg I feel dirty saying that.
  10. This is wisdom. I didn't "get" Texas until I spent some time driving through the ranches in hill country. Then I was like, Oh, this place is actually pretty awesome.
  11. The riverwalk blows almost as hard as the Alamo. I've been many times and I've never had a good meal. If you just want to get blitzed and stumble around looking at retarded people, it's great, but there's absolutely nothing there but bars and shitty restaurants. Total tourist trap. I mean, go once so you can see what it's like; it's definitely pretty down there. But don't stay for dinner. Grab a beer and leave. The Market Square is actually pretty cool to wander around in, and there's good food there and abouts. It's still touristy but there's stuff to do. Downtown SA is neat to drive through but I haven't found much to keep me entertained there. I've never been to Natural Bridge Caverns but I've been to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Camp right next door, and it's awesome. You buy a couple bags of food and drive through feeding all these animals. It sounds dumb but I had a lot of fun. I had my kids with me though. Still, a fucking Ostrich stuck it's head halfway through my car and ate out of my hand. And it was cheap to get in, too. Up that way you start getting into hill country. If you want a great scenic drive take River road from New Braunfels to Canyon Lake. New Braunfels is a neat town in and of itself, lots of German heritage. There's strip on the way back via another road called the Devil's Backbone that's pretty cool. Looks like it's on RM32, via a road called Purgatory Rd. How cool is that? People talk about Texas Pride like it's the best BBQ in Texas, but for my money find a place in Cibolo called Harmon's. There's lots of good tex mex too but I mostly found places around Randolph so I'm not sure if all my recommendations will be that useful to you. I'll come back if I remember anything else. I spend about 1 month a year there for work. I generally hate it, but there's some bright spots.
  12. I should specify tracks with turns. Thanks though.
  13. I have two friends in need of something to take to the track. Star Specs, Azenis, Ecsta XS, etc. One set for an Integra, 4x100 15x7 preferred, aftermarket preferred but he's not picky. One set for an E92 335i with the sport package. I think that means he needs 18s, maybe 18x8.5 at a minimum? I don't know if they're staggered or not, I'm clueless about BMW fitments. 5x120
  14. One other point I wanted to make, even though Archie is living it up in Vegas, is that it's silly to think that a self-made millionaire and the most powerful single man in the free world can hatch this complex plan to fool all of America into electing him president despite being legally unqualified, and yet he doesn't have the resources to make a proper forgery. Like he just outsourced the job to some high school kid to whip up in Illustrator. Dude's got millions of dollars on the line, if he did forge a birth certificate it would be extremely convincing, and morons on infowars wouldn't be able to unravel the whole charade like a Nancy Drew mystery. That is all.
  15. I just explained to you how and why it happens. OCR scans do stupid things with layers. GO TRY IT YOURSELF. Seriously, we're talking about impeaching the goddamn president and you haven't even gone to the library and tried doing on OCR scan yourself? Also, the fact that you're looking at this stupid shit with scans and pixels means you've failed logic, as I've already proven. Why would Mrs. Obama send in a fake birth announcement when her son was already legally a citizen? Because she thought he'd run for president some day? eta: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/04/29/expert-says-obamas-birth-certificate-legit/ I mean, from fox news no less.
  16. The ACLU exclusively hires Jewish attorneys? Pro-tip: Anytime someone says something about Jew lawyers, they're a racist fuck.
  17. It's funny, because when everyone was clamoring for Obama to release the "long form" certificate, I said he shouldn't, because everyone would just claim it was a forgery anyway. The "layers" are the result of the scanning software attempting to do an OCR scan. Find a scanner and try it yourself, anything you throw in there and scan to OCR will come out as a layered PDF. Also, discovering that the PDF had layers did not require any investigation, it's like, a menu option in Adobe. But look... none of that is even the point. The point is that to accept this story you need to believe that 18 year old Mrs. Obama flew to Kenya, alone, gave birth to little Barrack, flew back to Hawaii, and had the foresight to start lying to everyone that her son was born in the US. Keep in mind that she had no incentive to do so, since, as the son of a US citizen, Barrack was automatically a US citizen and eligible for all benefits thereof. No, she would have had to start lying to everyone just in the off chance that her half-black child in 1961 racist-ass America might one day want to run for a political office that required him to be a natural born citizen. Her lie would have had to go so far as to send in a fake birth announcement to the local newspaper immediately upon landing in the US. The story is preposterous on its surface, and examining his birth certificates is beyond the point. If you've reach the point where you think there's any damn good reason to listen to what a document expert has to say, you've already failed at logic.
  18. JEW LAWYERS!?!?! HOLY SHIT, THIS ONE GOES ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP! But seriously, he has impressive credentials but the data he links to does not match his conclusions. He shows charts that suggest that our economic situation is getting better, albeit very slowly. He then declares this to be nothing at all like a recovery should look like, and accuses the government of lying to us. I mean, maybe the government is out there telling us that we've recovered, but I haven't heard it. Generally I hear Republicans going on about how terrible the economy is after 3 years of Obama, and Democrats not really objecting because they're a bunch of pussies. By all accounts, the economy hasn't gotten worse, but I don't think anyone's out there saying the economy has gotten a whole lot better. But if it's Jew lawyers, I'm guessing they all agree to lie to us sheeple while they're filing their horns off.
  19. Well, one of two things is true. 1) Obama's entire existence is a fraud and he's subject to impeachment, right now, for this crime alone. Every Republican in congress is refusing to act on this amazing gift for some nefarious reason. 2) You completely misread the Snopes article, or, more likely, didn't bother reading the whole thing Take your pick. On preview, I see that LJ was nice enough to quote it for you.
  20. http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/8894/kaneklapqo6.gif
  21. It's true, I stopped honestly engaging conspiracy theorists a long time ago. You can never get someone to stop believing in crazy conspiracies. In fact, every rational argument just sends them searching for crazier and crazier stuff to defend what they want to believe. So, given that an intelligent debate is futile and pointless, I prefer to just point and laugh. Mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock mock
  22. Trump's clearly part of the conspiracy. You don't trust him, do you? After all, he's one of the financial elite who secretly controls our currency, media, and government. TRUST NO ONE! Except random people on the internet who say what you want to hear. Trust those guys.
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