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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. You could have said the same thing to the "family" group that petitioned to get Lowes to pull the ads in the first place. Last I checked, Lowes was free to run ads on whatever shows they wanted, but some uppity people complained and Lowes caved to the pressure and pulled the ads. And now the other side is complaining. You can't make everyone happy, but you should at least try to err on the side of religious tolerance.
  2. No, the RX-8 was an overpriced 3000 lb touring car. Nobody wanted to pay 30+ grand to get passed by a minivan. The FR-S will compete head to head with the Miata. It's within a hair's width of the Miata in all dimensions, unlike the Genesis/370Z which are both much larger, despite not having any more seats. It's more powerful than a Miata, weighs roughly the same, and crucially, isn't any more expensive. And the Miata is doing just fine. It's hands down the most popular amateur road racing car, by the numbers, on the planet. That's not to say that the FR-S won't be a flop, but if it is, it won't be because of its specs, or lack thereof.
  3. I'll concede this point... she's spent enough time listening to doctors that she's probably sick of hearing about the risks she's putting herself and her fetuses through. And she'd probably be pretty happy if god just stopped knocking her up already. I'm sure she's not looking forward to getting pregnant again and going through another premie birth or a horrific miscarriage. My characterization of her as ignorant of biology was for entertainment purposes only, and on reflection doesn't fit the facts. She still makes terrible decisions for terrible reasons, and I won't apologize for being a judgement prick, because it's the internet.
  4. Her kid spent 4 months in the NICU because she chose to get pregnant at the age of 43 with a tired-ass uterus. I'm 100% positive that her doctors have tried to talk her out of having more children. Are they what's wrong with this country too? Oh look, doctor pundits agree! http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2011/12/12/michelle-duggard-should-consider-stop-having-children-doc-says/
  5. As I'm sure you're aware, any pregnancy over the age of 35 is consider high risk, and the risks increase the more pregnancies you have. Michelle Duggar is 45. Any doctor worth his oath would sit her down and explain to her how risky it is to have additional children at this point. He would cite study after study showing how the risks of birth defects, congenital disorders, and premature births increase exponentially with the age of both the mother AND the father. Any sane person would weigh those risks, and also take into account that their youngest child was born three months early at a frighteningly low weight of one pound, 6 ounces, and their latest pregnancy ended in a late-term miscarriage. And you know what? She probably IS weighing those risks, but she feels she's unable to do anything about it because she's blinded by religion. She's putting her current children through the pain of camping out in NICUs and dealing with the stress of losing babies. She's putting her future children at risk of lifelong problems. And she's doing it for all the wrong reasons. I don't care how great her family appears, I'm not going to condone her moronic behavior at this point. Like I said originally, I have no problem with atypical family situations, including massive numbers of kids, as long as I feel the people involved are making rational decisions. The Duggars are not. You latched onto the use of the word "normal" when I didn't intend it to mean what you think I did. I never said that they _should_ be normal, I just said that if they understood biology, they _could_ be.
  6. Having 19 kids is not normal, for any reasonable definition of the word "normal." Meaning: typical, usual, average. Numerically speaking.
  7. Yes yes, you've made your position clear. You want to be a Duggar for whatever reason. My criticism of the sky fairy wierdos stands.
  8. I have no problem with people choosing to have 19 kids. I have a problem with morons who think God is grabbing hold if the husband's shaft and deciding, "Yes, yes, I shall bless them with another child!" Having 19 kids because you believe a sky fairy wants you to is sad and pathetic. Understand biology, raise a normal family.
  9. Once upon a time, Americans had these things called "savings accounts." You'd put money in them, money that you could later use to pay for unexpected expenses.
  10. Usually when the replacement cost for the car is somewhere around $6-8,000. I've held onto full coverage for my Sedona longer than I probably should have, mostly because I want the rental car coverage. Being able to transport my kids around is vital. When my wife wrecked the Corolla, I did the math and discovered we had broken even. The amount of money I'd saved over the years by only carrying liability went into fixing the car. Technically I came out "ahead" because of the time value of money, but all things being equal, that didn't make it worth the headache. Of course, that's just one car out of many we've owned, so I'm still ahead overall with my strategy.
  11. http://www.good-win-racing.com/ for all your wheel and tire needs. Lots of great options for that car.
  12. I usually tell people that trading in an upside-down car for something dumb is a poor financial decision. I have no playbook for when someone says, "I know, and I'm going to do it anyway." Get gap insurance?
  13. Check the OSU science & engineering library.
  14. Right now? I was going to wait until they were older.
  15. What's that, hating Russia? We'll always have Rocky IV. Quit pretending that America is any less obnoxiously Christian than it was in 1985. You're not being repressed, just shut up about it. And your kid can still pray in school.
  16. I am. It's a good thing that your school is trying to teach your kid to respect other people. It's very Christianly of them. Your kids can still pray in school. eta: I also said the pledge of allegiance as a kid, and it's because the cold war was going on and the level of nationalism in this country was sickeningly high. It's a fucking flag, making kids submit to it is retarded, and would probably make God angry, if he existed.
  17. Yeah, you go get that strawman! Kill him!
  18. Agreed. However, hardly anyone is actually offended by "merry Christmas." Rather, someone inevitably points out that shoving Christmas down the throats of 22% of America is pretty obnoxious, and in many cases bad for business, so someone invented "happy holidays" to try and grease the gullet, so to speak. But it's stupid, because the notion that every religion has a major holiday in December is flat out false. Anyone who says "happy holidays" in November or December is effectively saying "happy Christmas," so they're still shoving this shit down the throats of 22% of America. I'm OK with that, I really am. Minorities don't get to dictate popular culture, ever, on anything. But when the 78% then claims that they're being persecuted, as you say, it makes me stabby.
  19. You poor oppressed majority. It must be rough for you having your holiday dominate popular culture for only 2 months out of the year. Nobody's stopping kids from praying in school or celebrating Christmas. Period. Comparing a lack of mandated prayer time in schools with the gays getting dishonorably discharged and stripped of their earned retirement benefits is fucking asinine. Gay people fought a long battle to overturn DADT. Kids can still pray in school. Perry's point is retarded.
  20. The 2013 Shelby GT500 is going to make six hundred and fifty fucking horsepower. The world is not hurting for "real man's cars." And the EPA certainly isn't stopping the SRT8 Challenger, or 300C, or Charger, or the upcoming viper, or....
  21. To piggy back on ImUrOBGYN's excellent post, they're building this in the old Neon plant, apparently. So that's cool. More to the point, shame on Chrysler for not having a nameplate anyone remembers fondly since the Dart. Reliant K*? Shadow? Neon*? Caliber? When was the last time Chrysler had a small car that was worth a shit? When was the last time Chrysler wasn't facing bankruptcy? They're solvent and producing new cars again. Beggars can't be choosers. *OK, I actually like the Neon, but America remembers it as a self-destructing rattle box. And the K-car, while it single handedly saved Chrysler in the 80s and wasn't that bad in the grand scheme of things, is one Lebaron convertible joke away from a forgotten memory.
  22. The interior on the Regal looks nicer is all. I also like that it's a tad smaller. I've got some boring mid-size sedans on my list, but I wanted to give him an option with a bit more sparkle. He's free to reject my advice, but... well, you know how it goes. Most people would be content with a Corolla, but I'll be god damned if I'm going to recommend a Corolla to anyone. I've got to maintain some standards, somewhere in between Corolla and $35,000 SHO.
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