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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I imagine it will all go away somewhere between October and December of 2016.
  2. Fortunately, Snopes does this thing called "citing their sources." Using these "cites" you can verify the information represented in the article yourself. To whit, if you're willing to sign up for a free ancestry.com account, you can go look up Jean Paul Ludwig yourself and discover confirm that the SSN is different from what's claimed in this bit of tripe. That alone should be enough to throw it all away. Actually, I take it all back. Snopes, ancestry.com, and the Social Security Department are all part of the conspiracy! Who among you is clever enough to ignore logic and reason and discover the troooooth?!?!?!
  3. Oh my god, you've done it! You're a member of the special elite, those who have seen behind the curtain and understand how things are really done in this country. It's a shame the sheeple in this country don't have the amazing investigative powers that you do. You must have done a great deal of research to uncover this mind-blowing secret! Or you just read some dumb shit on a blog. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthers/ssn.asp I'm amazed at the stuff people are willing to believe as long as it's what they want to hear. Even if it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
  4. Yeah. I'm not one to say "whatever makes you happy" when someone's trying to mod, say, a 93 Grand Am. But the MX-6 has enough redeeming qualities that I feel comfortable encouraging it.
  5. I'll buck the trend, then. The MX-6 is a nice looking car with an adorable little V6. It's not going to be particularly great at anything, but who cares? It'll still be fun to drive, relatively easy to work on, and cheap to mod. My only caution would be to hold out for the nicest possible example, because it will still be cheap and there's not sense in buying a beater MX-6 and throwing money at rehabbing it. I wouldn't spend a lot of money or time on one, but I don't think it's the worst toy in the world.
  6. Mom encourages daughter to fight, she's a terrible person. Dad encourages son to "settle it like a man," he's a red-blooded Jesus-fearing American. Go figure.
  7. Thinking about doing this with my dad and my kids. Roughly how long are each of the days events?
  8. Just admit that you all forgot the Tiguan exists. The Yeti and the Tiguan are built on the same platform and share a lot of the same engine options. If you want an AWD VW compact SUV based on a Golf, you can go buy one right now. You can't get a diesel or a manual, but what else is new. If VW wanted to sell a manual diesel AWD compact SUV, they wouldn't need to introduce a new brand or certify a new vehicle, they would just slap their existing bits into the Tiguan and call it good. But that's not going to happen, and nobody wants to buy Tiguans anyway, which is why you all forgot about them.
  9. How is this different from a Tiguan?
  10. I think everyone has the scenario backwards. He's saying you're the one getting mugged, you pull a gun to defend yourself, some innocent bystander misreads the situation and you end up dead because you looked like the aggressor. Absolutely that could happen. Is it likely? Probably not. But all you gun people love preparing for unlikely situations, so have at it.
  11. I'd normally say Integra, but repaints suck, and the one you posted looks beat to shit. The Eclipse is just buying someone else's problems. Of the 3, the 240 is the only one that looks like anyone even attempted to maintain it.
  12. Of course not. They put iTunes on the device itself so you can spend your monies with Apple$oft.
  13. I had an HTC Incredible for a 18 months, the battery life was shit and everyone stopped making accessories for it 2 weeks after the launch because it was old news. I like the iPhone itself, I'm happy with my decision to switch, but it's not all sunshine and roses is all. Better, and yet somehow not as good. It's a matter of opinion.
  14. Everything's OTA with iOS5 now, including software updates. iPad too, updates over Wifi.
  15. This was actually the most disappointing thing for me. I felt like my android phone "just worked" way better than my iPhone. Log into google on it and your calender, mail, contacts, everything was just there. Notifications all worked correctly out of the box. Google maps, search for something, click "directions, navigate" or whatever, and you're navigating. I had to tinker a bunch with my iPhone to get some semblance of consistency. It'd probably be better if I didn't rely on google for everything, but I think google did a great job of making Android "just work" as long as you're willing to give your life over to google. And that was despite HTC's best efforts at fucking it all up.
  16. If you're a heavy google user, the android phones have much, much better google integration. much better. And the google maps app on android is much, much better. Either of those could potentially be a dealbreaker. If I could run android on my 4S I'd be happier than a pig in shit. The market fragmentation caused by a gabillion different handsets is really doing a disservice to android, IMO, because the hardware and accessories just aren't as nice as Apple's.
  17. The website is annoying as hell, but it was fun. http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2011/1209/Are-you-scientifically-literate-Take-our-quiz/Composing-about-78-percent-of-the-air-at-sea-level-what-is-the-most-common-gas-in-the-Earth-s-atmosphere
  18. Yeah, they also don't know how to mill corn into flour on a big rock, shoe a horse, or operate the spark advance on a Model T Ford. How will America manage to compete on a global scale without these once valuable skills?
  19. Oh, I was making a hardparking joke, not an autocross joke. Because California is all about stance and hardparking.
  20. Yeah, but try to rent time in a parking lot. Yeesh.
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