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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Hyundai needs to either kill the Accent or make it a Kia. It's so out of place in the Hyundai lineup. And the Entourage? Really? Let the Sedona be.
  2. Well, we're quibbling over names and badges then. You're right that they won't want to market the Genesis against the Mustang, but rather keep it positioned across from the 370Z and the like. It will be interesting if they ultimately introduce a Kia to do their Mustang fighting for them.
  3. http://www.themotorreport.com.au/52086/kia-planning-v8-coupe-for-frankfurt-report I know I'm a couple weeks late on bumping this already old-ass thread, but...
  4. Get over your RWD hangup and I can sell you my Integra. Mops up high dollar RWD cars all day on road courses. Easy car to learn on. Can drive into a wall and not cry about it. Parts are cheap.
  5. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5637231567_1f27e99510_z.jpg http://www.thirdway.org/publications/387
  6. If the ATF hadn't given them guns, they'd just have used knives, or pointy sticks. Amiright?
  7. No, he died because some criminal shot him. Remember, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Let's not go around blaming the guns here, or the people who made the guns, or the people who sold the guns. Amiright?
  8. +1000. It's depressing. How much does something like that run? My Sedona is going to be due for a major cleaning soon.
  9. Fans complain that there's not enough passing. By keeping the revs down, they hope to level the playing field and help some of the less well-funded teams be competitive. Less power will also make the drivers more dependent on stupid gimmicks like the current KERS-to-pass mario kart system and adjustable wing.
  10. The story was broken by CBS and aired on the CBS Nightly News. In March. Why Fox didn't pick it up and make it part of their global agenda, I have no idea, but don't sit there and invent the bogeyman of the "mainstream media" not covering this story when it was on CB-frickin'-S.
  11. No doubt this is true, and I was careful not to defend this specific police action in my post, as I'm not familiar with DC's permit laws, whether the protesters had a permit, or if any park visitors had legitimate complaints about the dancing. I just wanted to correct your assumption that all protests are legal. Police can and do enforce permit laws, and there was nothing in that video that suggests either way whether or not the arrests were legal.
  12. Go crack open a book and look up narcissism. I'm not a lawyer or a constitutional scholar, nor do I have any interest in being one. However, 1) The right to assemble is not absolute, and 2) Courts have upheld government restrictions on the right of assembly, are both factual statements that you haven't even attempted to disprove. If you have an issue with something else in my post, or the way I presented the info, then that's fine, but I'm not going to go back to grad school and get a civics degree just to understand what your beef is. http://law.jrank.org/pages/12433/Freedom-Assembly.html There's a cite backing up both things I said. I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong if you show me evidence to the contrary, but I'm the sort of person that's going to trust general summaries of the first amendment from websites like that because that's where my ability to give a shit stops. And while we're at it, drop this "I just want you to better yourself" schtick and admit that all you really want to do is make me look dumb so you can feel awesome about yourself. And once you admit that, go ahead and make me look dumb. Lord knows it won't bother me, and if it will help you stroke your own cock, knock yourself out.
  13. OK, so we've established that you think I'm ignorant, but I don't see any argument in that post that establishes that I said anything incorrect...
  14. Did I say something incorrect? Quit dancing around it and school me, big boy.
  15. Just as the right to free speech doesn't absolve you of guilt for shouting "fire" in a crowded theater, neither is the right to assemble absolute. Courts have long held that governments can restrict one's right to assemble in the name of keeping good order. Interpretation of this has generally been very strict, in that governments can't create overly broad restrictions; however, requiring a permit to assemble (as long as the process for acquiring a permit is fair, easy, and timely) is not unconstitutional. I don't know specifically why the cops were called, or what law they believe they were enforcing, but I can easily see this being a case of douchebags assembling to protest without a permit and, in doing so, getting in the way of a popular tourist destination. The police are certainly within their rights to break up that kind of malarky. That's not to say that this specific enforcement was kosher, but it's silly to go around yelling "I've broken no laws" when you have no idea what you're talking about.
  16. I'm still not clear on their actual motivation, but reading some of the blogs out there (which go back to February), I'm not seeing any accusations that this is a second amendment issue. Rather, it appears that they were trying to plant future evidence. That is to say, if you take for granted that the drug cartels are going to get their hands on assault weapons anyway, wouldn't it be awesome if they got them from us so that we can trace their use? Figure out who's working with whom, who's trading with whom, where the money is flowing, etc. Seems like the sort of thing that probably sounded good in conference room until someone should have said "But what if federal agents get killed with these weapons?" At which point everyone with a working brain should have realized this was a bad idea. Not to mention, what happened to the proceeds from these gun sales? Iran/Contra anyone? Thanks for posting this. I had no idea this was going on.
  17. I had to google it. I've honestly never heard it called that. Must have been the pussified suburb I grew up in, eh? eta: Apparently it's called "Nicky Nine Doors" in Canada. And now you know. Because knowledge is power.
  18. Oooh, I got another one: 1959: Kids play ding-dong-ditch, grow up to be normal people 2011: 12 year old plays ding-dong-ditch, gets shot in back
  19. 1959: Negro reefer addicts are RAPING YOUR DAUGHTERS 2009: Politically correct pot-smoking ultra-liberal college professors are RAPING YOUR DAUGHTERS' BRAINS Am I the only one who's glad that we don't have to deal with polio anymore?
  20. http://www.collegeadvantage.com/ That site is run by the Ohio Tuition Trust, or whatever it is that's authorized to run the state's 529 program. I signed all 3 of my kids up there with automatic deductions after sitting down with a dippy financial planner from Edward Jones. He did this thing where he kept asking himself questions that he would then answer, and one of his questions was, "I know what you're thinking, 'Why don't I just sign up through collegeadvantage.com and cut out the middle man?'" and then his answer to that question didn't really impress me. So that's what I did.
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