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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. It's likely. Care to explain?
  2. Roger. Mine's been charging all morning, I just rebooted it so clean slate. I'll run it down to 1% and post back here.
  3. FTR, I'm tech savvy, and I've tweaked all my location services, notifications, icloud/push settings, and everything else to the bare minimum I consider acceptable for a smartphone without completely neutering the thing. My battery is "fine," insofar as I can use the phone for a day and not worry about straying too far from a plug (which is what happened to my DInc after a year). But it's not up to Apple standards, as far as I'm concerned. It may very well be that with background apps, notifications, and iCloud, Apple is just doing too much with the device now to expect the same battery life that the older iPhones got, but I suspect that they'll get it sorted out eventually. Or they'd better, otherwise I'm going back to Android.
  4. They claimed they did. http://www.forbes.com/sites/timworstall/2011/11/12/apples-ios5-0-1-does-not-fix-battery-problems/
  5. I'm fine with it for now, but it certainly violates the "it just works" rule. I have an ipad and a first gen touch, so my expectations were high. Right now the battery is performing no better than my Incredible when it was new, which is about 90% of the reason I dumped it and got the 4S. I'm sure it will get better. Speaking of which, I was an extremely early iPod Touch adopter, and I'm not sure too many people remember how shitty iOS was when it was first released. There were a string of patches the first few weeks that made using that thing actually tolerable. For all the flack MS gets about releasing products in Beta, Apple is no different.
  6. It's a dog. You're bigger than it. Don't be a pussy, just punch it in the face.
  7. I just got an iPhone and I'm starting to have buyers' remorse. I'll approve of the hardware if they ever fix this battery problem, but there's no way the "It just works" mantra holds true with this thing, especially compared to Android. When I turned on my Incredible for the first time it had me log into both Flickr and Facebook. Take a picture and there's immediately a "Share" button. Click it and, voila, send to Facebook or Flickr. Turn on my iPhone for the first time and apparently I need to install Facebook from the app store. Really? Ok. Take a picture and.... hmm, that's strange. No sharing. Only Photostream, which doesn't link to a gallery on iCloud anymore. WTF!? Spend a buck on Camera+ which will actually let me send stuff to Flickr and Facebook but is nowhere near as easy to use as as the Android camera app. The mail and calendar apps also suck but I use google for everything so I'm willing to cut them some slack on that. At least they finally added an "archive" button to the stock mail app. Sorry for stealing your thread to gripe. Carry one.
  8. kayak.com Tickets are more expensive during the week, especially during normal business hours, because people flying for work don't care how much it costs. Weekend flights are cheaper, as are extremely early/extremely late flights. Southwest is cheap but their flights from Columbus to Texas are pretty shitty. If you're willing to go to Cleveland they might have better options.
  9. Your community is getting more benefit from those dollars than if you were spending them yourself.
  10. All right! A guy who lives in a 2 million dollar house and wants people to be less educated! Someone give this man the subsidy he asks for and so clearly desperately needs!
  11. Oh, it's a base model, cloth seats and no sunroof. Only way you could get the 5 speed in '09.
  12. Up front, I'm looking for $15k firm. I love this car, I don't really want to get rid of it, but it's been almost a year and my wife isn't exactly on board with it yet. Meanwhile, I hardly drive it. I think I've put 3k on it this year. Mileage is somewhere south of 40k. It's lowered on H&R sport springs, rides very nice. My kids love it. Also has ebay rear camber arms and a wooden Miata shift knob. It comes with a JBR short shift kit that I haven't installed. Other than that, it's stocky stock. Will come with all stock parts -- wheels with decent tires, springs, camber arms, and shift knob. The wheels that are on it currently are 17x8 TL-S wheels, reamed to fit the Mazda center bore, with expensive Continental Extreme Contact DWS 4-season tires. It drives like a big fat Mazda3. I guarantee that there is no more fun way to transport 3 or 4 kids. http://steronz.com/random/mazda3.jpg http://steronz.com/random/mazda4.jpg http://steronz.com/random/mazda5.jpg Please respond via PM.
  13. You can also go to med school with a poli sci degree...
  14. Yup. If you had an iron fist, you could "fix" the system real quick, but in 20 years people would be bitching about corruption and favoritism and whatnot, and I'm not naive enough to think that the kids would suddenly start getting smarter either. It's just always going to be messy, I think.
  15. You can't quantify "Do you know what the fuck you are doing?" Which, I agree, is the most important question to ask. At a private school, the administration would just sit down and say, "Does Joe know what the fuck he is doing?" And they'd discuss it and give him a raise based on the results of the discussion. In the gov't sector, if they did that and Sally got less than Joe (which she'd find out about because all gov't jobs are a matter of public record), she'd be able to sue. The school would have to show documentation to the effect that Sally didn't know what the fuck she was doing but Joe did. Which means they need to quantify it. The result is that every gov't job has some kind of retarded appraisal system. You get ranked in certain categories, probably on some kind of a number scale. The categories need to be quantifiable as well. Any room for interpretation is a potential for grievances. Which is why everyone comes back to student test scores, because they're easily quantifiable and as a teacher, you can't say shit about it. Joe's students tested better than yours, Sally, so sit down and color. It all gets to be overly complicated and shitty, and on average the people want this, because inefficiency is generally agreed to be better than corruption. With the shitty appraisal system, you eliminate scenarios wherein Joe's father gets elected to the school board and uses his charm, good looks, and ability to accept large bribes to get Joe more raises. I also don't have solutions to these problems, which is why I have no desire to work in the public sector anymore.
  16. Clearly you've never worked for the government...
  17. Exactly. I could get behind a bill that directly cut costs somehow, even if those costs came out of state pension and benefit programs. But SB5 doesn't actually cut any costs, it just eviscerates union rights with no clear goal or reason. It's the most transparent ideological misdirection I've seen in a long time. If the state sucks so much at negotiating that they need to make the playing field ludicrously lopsided in their favor, maybe we need better negotiators. To the OP: I have no optimism that anything will change. Netflix will go back to fucking their customers once everyone's had a chance to get used to the idea. Bank of America will find another way to fuck their customers with fees without being so public about it. And the gov't will make a big show about listening to OWS or the Tea Party but the next crop of politicians is going to act exactly like the current crop.
  18. True. If you're perjuring yourself, you might as well go balls out. "They told me 12 times, in church, during mass, in front of my now deceased grandmother, that the car was a gift. And now they're here in court lying through their slimy teeth just to make a buck. And if they win, I won't be able to deliver food to the orphans. I only hope the hospital can find another driver to get those kidneys to the AIDS cancer babies who so desperately need them."
  19. CEO: "Your honor, we have in hand the cashed checks that prove we paid for the car. We allowed our employee to title the car in his name for insurance and liability purposes, in according with our company policy, but we had an implied oral agreement that if the employee were to separate, ownership of the vehicle would be transferred to the company." Judge: "I see. Defendant? What say you?" You: "I totally thought they were just giving me a free car for being such a stellar dude. They never said nothing about giving the car back." If nothing else, this is a lesson in why it's always best to write things down. Possession being 9/10ths, they're going to have to go to court to get you to sign over the title. I think there's a good chance that you'll lose. I think there's a great chance that getting a free car won't be worth the headache, especially when you know damn well that you didn't earn it.
  20. How was the car paid for? Did you get a stipend in your paycheck, or did the company write the checks directly? I would say the "obvious" solution is to give back the car that isn't yours, but if you want to make a power grab you need to be prepared to commit perjury.
  21. The browser doesn't always play nice with javascript, that happens on my ipad too sometimes. I have 2 browsers loaded up on each device, sometimes switching browsers works.
  22. What's up with the hood though? Clearance for the 4-barrel? Or was visibility just too good in these new Camaros?
  23. All Camaros should come with 15s like that.
  24. 4 wheels bad, 3 wheels good. My big floppy sedan can't pick up the inside rear like hatches can, though. Makes me sad. And I always get a little jealous of BMW pics like above.
  25. Will also need them blasted if that changes anything.
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