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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Bullshit. The Death Star blew up Alderaan. Everyone on board was complicit in that act. Also, they were on their way to blow up the moon that the Rebels were hiding on, so it was self defense. Regrettable maybe, but no space Bin Laden. Also, murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder
  2. I'm willing to suspend disbelief for physics, but that's not the point. It'd be like if Luke Skywalker, just before attacking the Death Star, started robbing a bunch of people at light-saber-point and then murdering them after pocketing their wallets. And then to make it worse, you find out that the entire Rebel Alliance is on board with this. That's just their thing. They fight the empire and murder people for cash. It's in their charter or something. Would you still be cheering for him as he made the trench run? You're supposed to root for the protagonists, not question their morals.
  3. open spoilers I know I'm probably a little late to the party on a movie that opened 2 weeks ago or whatever, but I have a question. At the beginning of the movie, 3 DEA agents get murdered in the course of a robbery. The movie makes a big deal about how it wasn't Vin Diesel and Paul Walker, but everywhere in the US that wouldn't matter. Everyone involved in a crime is responsible for everything that happens during the crime, and everyone from the Brazilian bad guys to Dom to Spilner to Vince to Mia would be guilty of first degree murder in that situation. I don't know how the legal system works in Brazil, but in the states it's pretty clear cut. So right off the bat I'm feeling like these guys are murderers. Fast forward to the end, after a bunch more people get murdered in the middle thanks to these clowns trying to pull off "one last big score." They're dragging this 10 ton safe through the city, potentially murdering any number of civilians and generally being assholes about private property. Then they get to the bridge and instead of cutting the safe loose, they turn it around and proceed to murder the fuck out of a whole bunch of cops. I mean, you don't see anyone get murdered, but having a 10 ton safe smashed into your car at highway speeds is most likely going to kill you. At the very least, it's attempted murder. And yeah, they're "crooked cops," but it's not like they deserve to be murdered for that. They might not be happy with the system, but how's a rookie cop gonna change things? He's got kids at home and needs to put food on the table, so what's the big deal, right? Nope. Murdered. Safe to the face. And then the big twist at the end is that the safe was empty. Meaning they could have just cut it lose and driven away because they already had the fucking money. Meaning that not only are they both massive murderers, but none of those murders were even necessary for their plan to work. WTF!? Is anyone else bothered by this? Other than that the movie kicked ass.
  4. Is your car consuming coolant? Based on the number of posts where you say you added some to the radiator, I think it's safe to say that your car is consuming coolant. A bigger radiator is not going to fix that. Figure out if you have a leak, if not, headgasket.
  5. This has been my guess all along. I had the same issue with my high-comp b-series, it would be fine in normal driving but when I pushed it really hard (like at a track day) the head would lift enough that exhaust gas was getting into the cooling system. In my case, all I needed to do was add some torque to the head bolts and the problem went away.
  6. Just make sure you pray to God for the success of your abortion business. With God, anything's possible.
  7. Maybe he's just mad that I won't be able to grace the world with any more of my awesome offspring.
  8. I just got sterilized last Friday. My out of pocket expense was $250, I have no idea what they charged my insurance company. Probably 3 abortions worth, and that's for a vasectomy. Tubal ligations are probably 10 times more expensive. Why you'd be OK with that and not ok with spending $400 a pop for a couple of abortions, I have no idea. Does not parse.
  9. So you want to live in a world were irresponsible women who can't scrape together $400 are forced to raise children? Seriously? Or are you deluding yourself into thinking that if we stop paying for their abortions, the poverty-stricken irresponsible whores will start using protection? $400 is a fucking bargain for society. Pay up now and you won't have to pay thousands later when the little shit grows up to be a criminal.
  10. Quit being obtuse. You've heard of Roe v. Wade, you know that the supreme court declared that anti-abortion laws were/are unconstitutional.
  11. It basically goes like this -- abortion is a legal, non-cosmetic medical procedure. The supreme court has declared it so. As a legal non-cosmetic medical procedure, it should be paid for by Medicare. There's no logical reason to restrict federal funds for it. But pro-lifers are trying to do an end-run around the supreme court by defunding abortion at the federal level. This in and of itself is a bullshit violation of constitutional rights that's being pursued, if we're honest here, by pro-life people with an agenda to ultimately make abortion illegal. But let's set their real motivation aside for a moment and pretend that they're defunding abortion because it's an "unnecessary" medical procedure. I can kinda see some logic in that angle, but it all crumbles away when you start poking at it. "What about medically necessary abortions performed to save the life of the mother?" Granted, some pro-lifers are even opposed to those, but most normal people would agree that those are OK, and should be funded. "What about cases of rape and incest?" Again, some pro-lifers feel that even rape and incest abortions aren't medically necessary, and the women should therefore be required to carry those babies to term. However, most Americans wretch at the though, so we'll go ahead and pay for rape and incest abortions as well. "Well, what if a woman claims she was raped but she's just lying to get a free abortion?" Well, fuck, I guess we have to grill these women to make sure that they were really raped. And not just raped, but forcibly raped. Mind you, we're not just grilling the liars. No, we have to grill everyone, even if 98% of them are legitimate rape victims. Yup, we've got to put them through the ringer and make sure they were really good and raped. I have so many other objections to the concept of defunding abortions like this, but none of them really matter. When you get to a point in your lawmaking where you think it's OK to make rape victims prove they were really, really raped in order to pay for their abortions, you're just an asshole. There's really no way around it. The only decent thing to do is realize that your whole idea is garbage and just pay for abortions. It's not that big a deal, financially, and the cost savings are totally, in no way, worth putting women through this awful nonsense. And that's the end of it. I'm just glad that this bill has no hope of passing. Still, I think it's bullshit that anyone can possible think it's a good idea. On preview: I don't care if you don't want to support "the killing of innocents." As long as it's a constitutionally protected right, you need to fucking get over it.
  12. I think you're being overly optimistic about the condition of the head gasket.
  13. Also, source for the TX bullshit: http://gawker.com/#!5798559/teacher-suspended-for-mocking-muslim-student-after-bin-ladens-death
  14. Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. At least click the link and read the article before you spew this shit. The bill has nothing to do with rape as a criminal matter. The bill is about abortion. It's not about protecting men, it's about Medicare coverage for abortions. So you're little fantasy about this bill protecting guys from false rape claims is completely unfounded. That said, everything about this bill is retarded. It's undeniably misogynistic. Anyone who supports this is a fucking dickwad, as far as I'm concerned.
  15. When it overheats is there coolant/steam coming out of anywhere? Overflow or radiator cap? Could be air, could be the thermostat, could be the head gasket. Turbo d-series can have problems with the heads lifting. Stock head studs? Try the simple stuff and if it doesn't fix it I'd pull the head and check everything out. May just need a new HG and a proper torqueing.
  16. I haven't seen a laptop with a removable processor in years. They still make those?
  17. I hope to god that's a dedicated drag car. Based on the A arm and the 4-lug I'm guessing it's a Fox body, so no real loss I suppose. ETA: Dammit, didn't even notice it's FWD. Nevermind, I = tard.
  18. Yeah, from what I'm reading, ChumpCar is better for people who want to race, and LeMons is better for people who want to tailgate.
  19. Accelerating in any direction takes energy, so if you slam on the gas, hit the brakes, turn left or right, you're using energy to accelerate the mass of your car in a certain direction. This is why everyone wants to reduce weight in a racecar. It's a no-brainer. Rotational weight (i.e., wheels, flywheels, engine internals) is even worse, because the effect gets multiplied by some factor based on the rotational speed and the radius. Accelerating and stopping your wheels rotationally takes more energy than if you were to throw them in the trunk and drive around with them. It's also a no-brainer. Unsprung weight often gets overlooked, but it includes your wheels, brakes, hubs, and some control arms. When you throw the car into a corner, it's very clear that you're using energy to alter the direction of the mass of your car. When you go over a bump, it's not as clear, but when you think about it, you're moving the wheel/brake/hub/control arm mass up and down, and that also takes energy. That energy ultimately comes from gasoline. The car itself might not be moving up and down, but the unsprung weight is. On the racetrack, any time you change directions quickly or drive over bumps or elevation changes, your unsprung weight is moving more than your sprung weight. Not only is it moving, but then you need to stop it from moving. To stop it from moving, you use the shock absorber to slowly transfer the energy into the mass of the car. Believe it or not, you then use more energy from gasoline to counteract the energy received from the shocks. This is why people care more about unsprung weight than sprung weight. Reducing unsprung weight has a greater effect on the overall "snappiness" of the car.
  20. My plans for the summer may be changing, and I'm trying to fill the void. Would anyone be interested in getting a ChumpCar team together for the Oct 8-9 25 hour race? Specifically, anyone with a trailer, welder, or actual race experience, as I'm already planning on taking up the casual mechanic/casual driver slot
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