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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I didn't pay a dime in federal or state income taxes last year, despite making nearly 6 figures. Seems the government(s) wants to give me free money because I have a mortgage and 4 dependents. Talk about a government handout. Where's the outrage about all the stupid shit I spend my money on?
  2. Nothing is underrated. I'd say "any more" but I think most cases are myths anyway. SAE is what it is.
  3. 160hp and 2533 lbs? Holy shit! The new Kia Rio is 2410 lbs and 138hp, and starts at $13,6.
  4. It's an Allison V12, it has 2 exhaust ports per cylinder. Pollutionizer FTW.
  5. http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6233/6352897540_d6fd19be5f.jpg That's as long as I was willing to go with it.
  6. Business decision of the year? Right move for shareholders of the year? Somewhere between one-off hatchback and boring shitty sedan there are plenty of other options. Here's the full list of 35 "contenders." http://wot.motortrend.com/2012-car-of-the-year-contenders-revealed-which-one-is-your-choice-135751.html I'd rather have seen the Veloster win.
  7. An argument I make all the time. What I don't see, however, is why that means I can't make fun of Motor Trend for picking shitty boring cars as COTY. None of you fanboys would touch this car with a 10 foot pole and yet you're in here defending this like it's a good move by MT for some reason.
  8. So you're argument is that it's better than a Camry and an Accord? Two horribly boring cars that I recommend to no one? And I'm not supposed to make fun of this award... why? I understand why VW decided to go downmarket with the Jetta and Passat. I don't understand why I need to like them, though.
  9. I was getting 8 hours on 5.0.0, like 4 hours of use and 4 hours of standby. I'd leave for work and have to charge it in the car on the way home. Apparently not every phone was affected, but I was super annoyed because the 4S was an impulse buy for me after my old phone was only lasting... 8 hours.
  10. http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6110/6350395323_063425a59d.jpg I've been real busy at work so I haven't used my phone much. I have no idea how long it's going to take me to get down to 1%. My experience has been like this since 5.0.1 came out, so I'm calling it a success, despite the blogosphere's claims otherwise. Pre 5.0.1 it sucked on standby, now it just never seems to go down unless I'm using it. Fantastic. I'm willing to overlook at lot of the overall iOS shittiness for this, since battery life is 80% of the reason I got this stupid thing.
  11. I feel like you quoted me, but completely missed the point of everything I said just to make way for your rant. And it's cute that you went straight to personal insults. The economic measures you speak of were not outlined in SB5, because SB5 wasn't a budget bill. It was a collective bargaining bill. There were no immediate cost savings from SB5. Let's say that 2 years ago Ohio renegotiated some fire department contract. Ohio said, "Hey guys, right now we're paying x people for y hours of work. We don't think we can afford that, but we don't want to fire anyone, so we're going to pay you for z hours of work this year." But the union threw a fit and refused to budge, so Ohio had to re-up for y hours. As I understand it, this is one of those things SB5 took off the table for the union. And if the Republicans in power had come to me as a voter and said, "Look, we don't want to have to do this, but if we pass this bill and restrict the power of the union, we can save Q dollars by cutting the FD hours like we wanted to 2 years ago." Presumably they'd have a list of things like this, with an estimated cost savings, adding up to some substantial number. As a voter, I could then make an informed decision. Would saving Q dollars be worth not having those fire fighters on duty? Was the union really being unreasonable? I'm not saying I'd want to micro-manage every decision, but give me a gist of what you hope to accomplish, you know? But I never saw that discussion. Instead, I saw a power grab and made up numbers. And the crazy thing? There's absolutely nothing stopping the State from realizing whatever cost savings they anticipated under SB5 RIGHT NOW. All they need to do is convince the unions that cuts need to be made. Voting down SB5 didn't magically add dollars to the budget, because again, it wasn't a budget bill. All it did was say, "No, you guys still need to hash these things out at the bargaining table." After all, that's what we pay them for. Not every "no" voter swallowed the tripe in 30 second ads about how SB5 was going to make babies die in fires. Lots of voters would love to see the cost of government go down. In fact, I think it's safe to say that nearly everyone would like that. But if you'd like voters to be smart enough to see through the dead baby fear tactics that the left used, then you also should want them to be smart enough to see through the "teachers are bankrupting the nation" bullshit coming from the other side.
  12. I know this is a dead horse, but I wanted to point out this contradiction. SB5 had the potential to screw people over, you have to acknowledge that. SB5 had the potential to save a lot of money; I'll readily acknowledge that. What was missing from the entire debate were any kind of specifics. What contract measures was the state trying to get through that they can't right now? What is the financial impact of those measures? What is the impact to the union members of those measures? I was having a debate about it on another board and someone said it better than me, so I'm just going to quote him:
  13. http://www.crankandpiston.com/brain/media/2011/11/Wheelsupcobra-728x434.jpg
  14. If I were the cops I would have called the guy a vagina.
  15. Well, I was going to come in here and say, "I think the internet is wrong about 5.0.1, because my battery life has been great today!" Which is true. I've been unplugged since noon yesterday and I'm at 57%, with admittedly mild usage, but this is waaaay better than I was getting last week. However, my usage statistics are blank. I charged it to 100% and then restarted the phone, that must have reset it? I'm plugging it in now because there's no point in continuing the experiment until I can get it to start tracking usage.
  16. Sadly, all of the "highly rated" gmail apps in the App Store are basically mini-browsers that load up the gmail mobile site. I kinda want something more than that, but I may have to settle.
  17. Talk to a lawyer about setting up a non-profit charitable organization. Then talk to your local police department. The website and cheesy name come after that.
  18. Man, they've got a website and everything! http://www.rollingthundertoyrun.com/4.html Police stations, fire department, non-profits. I'm not saying T-r-U was right to turn you away, but I wouldn't slam them in the press because they didn't know who you were or what you were on about.
  19. When I hit Archive it goes to the next message, rather than back to the inbox. That's annoying. But at least they finally added it. When my messages are grouped as threads, I can only read 1 at a time. The Android Gmail apps just stacks them all, so you can scroll through them all at once. Makes it easier to manage large threads (It's not unusual for me to have 15 or 30 messages in a thread.) Stock Android gmail app lets me show/hide indented text with a screen touch. Makes it easier to manage replies. "All Mail" isn't really all my mail. On the Android Gmail app, I hit search, and it searches through my entire 6 year history of gmail. I've basically structured my life around this feature. What's my southwest Rapid Rewards number when I'm booking a flight? Dunno, but it's a gmail search away, because once upon a time it was emailed to me. I delete nothing. Everything gets archived so I can find it later. Except... now all I can access is my last 50 messages unless I go to download more. I have 22,000+ emails, I'm not sucking them all to my phone. Is that enough?
  20. Got a link to this biker rally? I've found a couple but they all seem to be put on by legitimate non-profits. Apparently "Toy Runs" are a pretty common thing.
  21. I didn't have a problem getting my calendar to sync. Like you said, it "just worked." The app itself blows, though. The stock android calendar is 127% better. I tested it mathematically and that's how it came out. Or maybe this is just a case of you like what you're used to. But still, I put CalenGoo (which is what I use on my iPad) on my phone so I've got a couple of options now. I haven't found a good gmail app though, so I'm stuck there.
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