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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I've found myself increasingly wanting a handgun lately, which is strange because I don't like guns. That isn't to say that I dislike guns, I've just never really found them entertaining. For a while I was going to the range every couple of years just because I felt like I had some obligation as a servicemember to maintain at least a passing familiarity with shooting things, even though the Air Force stopped sending schmucks like me to qualify after my first year in. I haven't fired anything in 3 years or so, and I don't know why I want a gun now. I think I want it just to have it, if that makes any sense. I'm not going to use it for home defense, and I'm not going to carry. So here's what I'm thinking, and feel free to correct my assumptions. I want something inexpensive, because I don't see any sense in spending a ton of money on something that will spend most of its life locked in a closet. I want something reliable -- not in the "never misfires in the face of danger" sort of way, but in the "I pulled this out of the closet after sitting for 2 years and it's not seized" sort of way. I'm not the sort who will be oiling this thing every week on an open copy of Soldier of Fortune. Low maintenance is what I'm looking for, I guess. I also think I want something 9mm -- anything bigger and I'll balk at the price of ammo, anything smaller and I'm not sure I'll feel like it's a real gun. I could be wrong on this. I've fired an M9, which I liked well enough except I thought the grip was a bit big for my little girl hands, and a .45 caliber Glock, which I liked well enough too. I have no idea what else I've fired because I never paid attention. Shameful, I know. Recommendations? I have no idea where to start. Also, suggestions on where to buy would be great too. If I can get something used that comes with whatever accessories I'll need, that appeals to me. And if they recommendation is "keep renting guns, you have no business owning one," that's fine too. That might be what I need to hear.
  2. I'll add to the suggestions to get into road racing, rally-x or auto-x, but if you're serious about it, don't build something crazy with the LS1 to do so. Sell it and buy a miata, honda, neon, focus, or something else small, shitty, and disposable. Too many people think they need to try and set lap records on day 1 and show up with way too much equipment for their driving skill. Meanwhile, build a Locost.
  3. That last picture to me is plain as day. That road is not closed. There's no sign and the lane isn't blocked in any way. Good luck. I don't fault the cop for ticketing you since he might not have known the state of the barrels at the one end. Although I wish cops would just listen reason every once in a while. Hopefully the prosecutor is reasonable.
  4. The one about not believing in other gods and not worshiping idols? The one about taking the lord's name in vain? The one about keeping the sabbath holy? Nope. The one about adultery? The one about honoring your mom and dad? I guess they're applicable, but not in a US courtroom. I'm not sure what bearing false witness against your neighbor and/or coveting his wife even really mean, but I'll lie to my neighbors to get out of stupid parties and there's several MILFs around here that I'd bone, so I'm guessing these don't much apply either. All you've got left is "don't steal" and "don't murder," and if you really need those posted on the wall of a courtroom for some reason, you've got bigger problems. Only 20% of the ten commandments cover things that are actually illegal, and 80% that's just religious garbage.
  5. You need to stop thinking that physical violence is the only way to "sternly" punish someone. By all accounts (my family, friends, etc.) I am an incredibly stern parent, I just don't yell and I don't hit. There's better ways to get through to kids, I'm convinced of it. I say again, answering to authority does not have to involve physical punishment or draconian measures like solitary confinement. You seem to think there's two options, spanking your kids or letting them get away with everything. You can be strict and non-violent. It just takes effort. I never suggested there was. You, however, suggested that the lack of spanking is the reason things have gotten worse, which is just as ridiculous an assertion, primarily because things aren't getting worse. No you didn't, you defended physical violence towards kids. I'm attacking it. I'm confident in my approach to parenting, and I'm also confident that violence is inferior. Get your cut rate pop psychology out of here. Tell your dad that we don't want kids with social problems in the military. I'm sick of people thinking that the military is a dumping ground for kids with discipline issues. It's a real profession that requires real professionals who already know how to respect authority. The military can't change someone's personality that much. If they're already a little shit, they won't hack it.
  6. Hey I've just got 3 kids, what do I know about parenting.
  7. Crime has steadily been going down at the same time that spanking is going out of style. You need to stop thinking that the world is going to hell when it's not. Kids who got beat growing up end up beating their own kids, and the cycle repeats, but it's like my cousin says, beating your kids is the absolute laziest form of parenting anyone can do. It takes no brainpower and the smallest amount of time you can possibly spend with your kids. Smack them around and lock them in their room, then you can get back to watching the game, you know? It's the easiest way in every respect. Real parenting is a lot harder.
  8. You honestly think this punishment will work? Personally I think it's just gonna fuck the kid up more.
  9. Yes. If it were like a time out, I would look the other way. A couple hours so he could calm down, sure. But if he comes home from school and she busts out the handcuffs, that's not right. That's premeditated bad parenting.
  10. Bummer. Well, anything over 24 hours is apparently noteworthy, and I'm guessing run of the mill shoplifters don't get that, so I'ma still stick with child abuse.
  11. I don't think juvi has solitary. I could be wrong, but I can't imagine they're throwing kids in oz for shoplifting. And even hardened criminals who get sent to solitary confinement don't get handcuffed to their beds at night. Only Sarah Connor gets that treatment.
  12. Agreed. So the real question isn't "Would have rather have gone to jail and gotten a record," as you suggested, but rather, "Is handcuffing someone to their room for a week child abuse." And the answer is yes.
  13. Would you rather go to jail for a couple months and have a record or have me break your pinky? I don't know about you, but I'd take the pinky. That doesn't mean you can break your kids' fingers and expect the authorities to leave you alone.
  14. TL-S wheels it is. Now I just gotta find some.
  15. Yeah, people seem to be a fan of the maroon-and-gray combo. That's what I've got on my 'teg now.
  16. http://steronz.com/random/tls_wheels.jpg OK, SVO wheel idea has been scrapped -- how about TL-S wheels? 17x8, readily available, and not too expensive. Excuse the even shittier 'chop this time around.
  17. Child abuse doesn't have to be physical. Locking someone in a 6' x 4' room and handcuffing them to bed at night... that's mental abuse. If he was sent to juvi for shoplifting he'd be treated better. Plus... shoplifting? Isn't that about on par with street racing on the criminal conduct scale? eta: Hah, I was right! They're both first degree misdemeanors.
  18. Hmm, you guys may be right. I checked out the Porsche 7 slots, and on an older VW they really fill up the wheel well with a lot of polished metal. That's on a car that came with 14s going to a 16. Since I'm downsizing it might just get swallowed up. Now every time I look at the picture I see a Pontiac TranSport.
  19. Stockers are 17s. I usually like the look of fatter rubber, but I've been keeping an eye out for a set of 40th anniversary RX-8 18s. Those are the only RX-8 wheels I like, and they don't come up very often and they're usually not cheap. Also, tires for the SVO wheels will be much cheaper than for the RX-8 wheels. That makes me happy.
  20. http://steronz.com/random/svo_wheels.jpg Excuse the crude 'chop. Thoughts? They are 16x7 and the right bolt pattern. I believe the offset will work -- it'll push the wheels out about 10mm from stock.
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