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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. 1) Friends who lend money to each other won't be friends for long. 2) You borrowed money, you can't pay it back, and you think you should beat his ass? You need to sell some shit ASAP and pay him back with an apology. And in the future, pay cash.
  2. I have a Sony internet TV, it can get Hulu natively, but I have no idea how much it sucks since they went to Hulu Plus and cut off cheap bastards like me. I don't think there's a good solution for ditching cable unless you're willing to torrent shows.
  3. Well said. I honestly didn't even know Egypt was a dictatorship until all this shit started. I know they were a "democracy" and that they were a US ally, but I had no idea that "democracy" in Egypt required quotes.
  4. I feel (and this is getting way off topic) that China is too mature for an uprising. It's like how the UK never really got rid of the monarchy. They just realized that it wasn't viable in the long run, so they installed a democratically elected parliament and relegated themselves to figurehead status. China, likewise, realized that a fully socialist economy wasn't competitive on a global scale, so opened up the doors for a lot of capitalistic enterprises. I fully expect that China will start converting to some kind of a representative government at some point. OK, back on topic.
  5. Democracy, but on our terms, eh? Personally I think this is the way it's gotta be. I think it's funny that we're concerned that our pro-American dictator in Egypt might be replaced by a true democracy. Seems like that goes against our core values.
  6. I thought we were all about democracy in the middle east. Isn't that what we eventually decided the Iraq war was all about?
  7. Nitpick - Wikileaks doesn't leak anything. It accepts submissions. The guy who leaked the diplomatic cables is guilty of treason, Wikileaks itself committed no such crime. I don't think Wikileaks is the problem here, it's giving douchebags access to classified material and not following up with proper security controls.
  8. Do you see the uprisings in Egypt and Libya as a bad thing? I'm not clear on your post. I think Wikileaks is an overall net good for the world. Transparency is a good thing, and legitimate whistleblowers uncovering corruption should have a safe place to release their information anonymously. That said, Wikileaks likes to add a lit of biased commentary to their leaks (Collateral Murder, e.g) and the diplomatic cable leak wasn't an example of a whistleblower uncovering corruption, it was just a punk kid releasing everything he could get his hands on. It's one thing to identify something wrong and release it to the world. That's the dilemma every whistleblower faces. It's another thing entirely to just find a giant boxed labelled "secret info" and decide to just fork it over without understanding what's inside. Overall I feel the good outweighs the bad though.
  9. It's a DisplayPort cable + PCI-E cable rolled into one, so it's waaay more pins than a USB cable. Also, the port has the capability to do optical as well (frickin' laserbeams n shit). I don't think this is necessarily supposed to be a replacement for USB, which can accept multiple devices on a single port. These need to be daisy chained, and it's more for streaming video or single high speed devices.
  10. http://barefootmeg.multiply.com/video/item/56
  11. http://steronz.com/gallery/albums/cars/integra/IMG_5303a.jpg
  12. So you do nothing as this guy walks into the bathroom, stood there long enough to feel guilty about the fact that you did nothing, and your guilt causes you to make a scene, cuss some dude out and threaten him with physical violence in front of your daughter? And you got rewarded for that? I'm with Casper. If you would have gone into the bathroom and dragged his ass out, you would have been putting yourself in harms way by at least doing something about the situation. Instead you put yourself in harms way once the situation had already resolved itself peacefully just to make yourself feel better for not doing anything in the first place. Good example for you daughter. What if emo dude had one of his razors on him?
  13. It's not like this is a one-off '67 Alfa or something and you have to jump at the opportunity. Go to Mid-Ohio at least once with the MS3. It will change your outlook on cars. If it doesn't, there will always be '08 STIs on the market. It won't hurt you to wait a year. If anything it'll help because depreciation is working in your favor.
  14. I'd rather take a Camry to Mid-Ohio than have an STi sitting flacid in my driveway. Track time > *
  15. They actually said OK. $50 a wheel though. That seems high, but I haven't found anyone else that will do it yet. They showed me the lathe though, it'll definitely do the job and do it right.
  16. The lugs also generate friction between the wheel and the rotor/hub. That friction is enough to prevent the wheel from moving around and takes the load off the lugs. Think of it like clamping two bricks together with a couple of C clamps. You won't be able to slide the bricks around, but it's not because the C clamps are preventing lateral movement. They're just squishing the bricks together and letting the natural friction do the work. Not really disagreeing with your overall point about it not being ideal, but I don't think the little centering nub in the middle of the hub actually carries much load.
  17. I honestly don't know what type of lug nuts Mazda uses. I know Toyota uses stupid flat lug nuts that pretty much makes them hub centric. Honda/Acura uses acorn lug nuts that can effectively center the wheel, but they still consider them hub-centric. That's the style of lug nut I'll have to use for these wheels. If they were regular 45 degree tapered nuts I would just ream the wheels out with a drill, but since they're the acorn nuts I feel like I should do it right. Especially since this is a family hauler.
  18. Wheel medic said "maybe" over the phone, they want me to bring them down there. Anyone know of a machine shop in the grandview area?
  19. Just got my TL wheels in today. The center bore is 63.5mm, I need to have them enlarged to 67.1mm. What sorts of shops will do that?
  20. Exactly. And any company that can sell an ipad for $7700 is fucking somebody. People think they're not going to be that "somebody." And that's the flaw in the human brain they're taking advantage of.
  21. All penny auction sites are scams. Not in the usual sense -- the rules are plainly laid out and nobody is getting duped. However, they prey on a weakness in the human mind that makes people not realize they're getting fucked.
  22. Go to google, type in: <search terms> site:craigslist.org expand "advanced search options" on the left, select "past week" or whatever. Google does everything.
  23. Had a friend with an early 60s one I think. Can't remember the year. You could pretty much fix anything on it with a flathead and pliers. The wiring is as simple as any car I've ever seen. One time for fun (he left the windows down) we tripped the starter with a screwdriver and parked it behind the building. His was flat gray and slightly lowered on some classic wide fives, so it's not like it was built all out, and it still turned heads. Kinda neat having something so simple, cheap, and unique. OTOH, it was probably the scariest car I've ever driven. 1940s tech sucked ass. The suspension was awful, the brakes didn't, the steering was a mere suggestion, and it couldn't get out of its own way. People like to joke about crapboxes like Geo Metros, but my Metro was a fuggin' supercar compared to his VW.
  24. Alright, thanks for the advice guys. So I'm looking at something like this: http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=215354424 Seems like it would be everything I'd need except ammo. Good approach?
  25. I've fired a Desert Eagle a shitload of times. In Goldeneye.
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