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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Tim didn't you get the memo? It's not "a bit stupid," it's a concentrated attack on Christianity! THINK WHAT YOUR MEDIA TELLS YOU TO THINK. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT BATTLE IN THE CULTURE WAR.
  2. I know it's the internet and it's hard to judge intent but your words make you seem a little riled.
  3. Because "Christians and tourists" or "tourists and Christians" or "Christians and travelers" would make it seem like the tourists or travelers who were killed at the hotels that were bombed were not Christians.
  4. Are any of you even on twitter? Do you follow Hillary Clinton? Do you only know about this "scandal" because some conservative media outlet packaged up this tidy little bit of outrage and fed it to you? Do you regularly rail about "the media" and how it's used to manipulate people? Do you think this might be one of those examples?
  5. Yes, it's in a lot of people's heads who are looking for something to get upset with liberals about. You don't avoid saying Christian by saying Easter instead. It makes no fucking sense. Are people sending their condolences? Are people covering this major story? Are people being upfront about saying that ISIS did it? Are people being upfront that many of the bombs were at churches during Easter mass? Is the stupidly obvious conclusion of anyone with a passing familiarity with the word "Easter" that most of the victims were therefore Christians? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding YES. Your panties are in a bunch over nothing.
  6. Yeah, if Easter is clearly a Christian holiday, then why would anyone call them "Easter worshippers" to avoid calling them Christian? Makes no sense. Bunch of easily offended snowflakes, I tells ya.
  7. They were worshipping at Easter mass on Easter Sunday. It's grammatically fine, and my first inclination was that they were doing it to emphasize the impact of the crime -- they weren't just Christians killed at church, they were killed during their Easter worship, the holiest day on the Christian calendar. Beyond that, conservatives sure are acting like the easily offended snowflakes they like to make fun of, looking for dumb shit to get upset about.
  8. I reject your attempt to gaslight me into thinking everyone is as immoral as Trump. You're not. The world is not. He's exceptionally dishonest. He's exceptionally immoral. He's exceptionally criminal. This is not normal. He sounds like a real piece of shit. Maybe we shouldn't vote for people like that. Maybe we shouldn't allow society to continue to reward people for acting like that just because they have money. CNN is talking about it. You want to talk about it? Great. Fuck Obama for not being harder on Russia. Now what has Trump done except take Putin at his word and deny the conclusions of our own intelligence agencies? If we can say fuck Obama for mishandling it, then we should be saying fuck Trump even louder for continuing to do absolutely nothing.
  9. I think that's the frustrating thing -- Trump is an awful human being. I don't think it's fair to say that his behavior represents normal business. He lies whenever it suits him. He cheats (personally and professionally) and says it "makes him smart". He surrounds himself with people who do criminal and unethical things. He runs a sham charity. He himself does unethical things. And yet "there isn't any chance trump will get in trouble for what he did" is exactly right. He's exhibit A in how the rules of society don't apply to the rich. He can be an awful human being and never face any repercussions for it. Quite the contrary! Evangelicals consider him a gift from god despite his pattern of immoral behavior. "Law and order" Republicans praise him despite his pattern of corruption. Up is down, black is white. And now we have a report that goes into great detail about many of the ways in which he specifically is an awful human being. If we ignore it, that only helps him in 2020. If we dwell on it, it only helps him in 2020. Anyone who wants society to be fair in 2020 can't win. Because he's rich, and he can get away with whatever. I know, I know, it's the way the world works, I just don't know why John Q Voter is OK with it.
  10. So your beef is with Republicans but you attacked the Dems instead?
  11. Wondering what your thoughts on our differing interpretation of that line in the Barr summary are now that the full report is out.
  12. Trump ordered people to do bad things, mostly those people ignored his orders. So sayeth the report.
  13. What does the Mueller report have to do with Dems? It was launched, executed, and prepared by Republicans.
  14. Tinman's gonna hook me up this week, figured that was a lower risk option since I've got like 2 weeks before I need to take this thing to the track. Thanks everyone.
  15. Every Democrat who's thrown their hat in the ring so far is more of a functioning adult human than Trump, so it's a no-brainer. I mean it's like Wags said, it's funny when your grandpa believes dumb shit like windmills causing cancer but it's not funny when someone who is so ill informed and gullible has access to the nuclear codes. Someone who makes decisions based on nonsense should concern everyone, even if you agree with those decisions. So I'll grant you that if one of these celebrity dipshits like Kanye or Mark Cuban or Oprah gets the nod, I'll think real hard about voting for Trump.
  16. Clay what size is that Z06 exhaust? I hadn't considered DIY but that would solve some of my problems. I've got flanges and flex pipe...
  17. What a stern admonition. I'm sure he'll stop now. People actually need to not vote for this clown next time around. "Yes, Trump lies, but all politicians lie, what do you expect?" BS, not all politicians say wind generators give you cancer, this is extreme. "I don't like that he lies, but I can't vote for a Democrat." Aggghhh then we're fucked as a country because we clearly have no minimum standards other than party affiliation.
  18. Yes, the president should stop lying when he speaks. Also, water is wet. If only people would hold him accountable...
  19. Straighter than CR. Yes, it's straight ish
  20. I know it's the worst time of year for custom work, but does anyone have any recommendations for someone/somewhere who could get me in for a relatively small section of exhaust (header to b-pipe)? First track day is in 3 weeks, I know it's my fault but I'm in a pinch.
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