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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. saw this yesterday at mid ohio on a mazda 6 http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/283866_262209120471390_100000469126793_1088067_5509053_n.jpg
  2. that was a blast! i'm missing today since i don't have a babysitter and no infield parking pass...it sucks carting kids around without a central base down in the shade. i didn't get sun burnt but i'm already pretty tan, but my poor husband is red!! he's back up there today
  3. awesome. i love people that DRIVE their cars! that's why i love the vintage races and stuff...it's nice seeing them being used!!
  4. yup...he talks about it on top gear...pretty cool!!!
  5. i'll be at mid ohio around 930...we will be parked somewhere in the grass paddock area near the world challenge peeps
  6. looks like he's crashed more than once!
  7. this article has pics from this crash http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2022680/Rowan-Atkinson-cheats-death-240mph-supercar-bursts-flames-hitting-tree.html
  8. um, how? this was posted in the news today
  9. here he is on top gear recently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l75ntPYkBb4
  10. i've never had one, but i don't think they are...but i could be totally wrong. i just remember having them at the petsmart i worked at in high school and we always held them and never had issues i want one, too!
  11. i think he got too cocky after having the stig teach him in the reasonably priced car :dumb: http://www.thedenverchannel.com/entertainment/28776340/detail.html
  12. I can't go in fear if bringing home turtles...lol...happened every time I went before I had kids I really don't want to have to set up the 150 gallon tank until my kids are way older. They are so much work! I need will power!!
  13. the chemistry kitty ones are hilarious!
  14. how many cats do you currently have...i had up to 4 (but one was an outside kitty i was feeding)...then i had kids and i never replaced the kitties when they passed away all 3 indoor kitties were orange and they were named: mr. sparkles, carrot and yoda
  15. Thank god none of them are orange...lol...I have a thing for orange kitties! Love them! Good luck finding homes! (My youngest kid is also terrified of animals )
  16. i warn people all the time to be wary of taking their car to places, even dealerships!!
  17. I'll be there Saturday and Sunday! No kids on Saturday! Yay! Time to get my drink on and watch some world challenge races!
  18. when i had my ranger, i thought about turning it into a prerunner, but then i realized i needed to get a practical car that i could fit 2 kids in maybe in the future....
  19. http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/281416_359882004942_97627134942_1335934_653642_n.jpg
  20. i know it's a long shot, but does anyone have an infield parking pass they want to sell me for the races this weekend at mid ohio? i already have tickets, but the damn infield passes are sold out. thanks!
  21. I didn't read the story, but isn't that how seinfield ended? They just stood and watch someone without helping?
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