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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. I love the LIC boys!! I definitely go by word if mouth opinions to find services...CR and other forums are great resources!
  2. *drool* I want one so bad...especially stick shift! Glws. I'd do a speed swap on it . Mmmm...mazdaspeed 5...
  3. It's a tough decision to make. My husband has had stressful jobs and I know what it can do to the family life. Money isn't everything if you don't have time to enjoy it with your Emily.
  4. Id rather have a brand new car... not something with 50k miles on it. The 1st gen Versas also have great resale value. My car is worth more, or close to it, in a private sale than what I paid for it brand new!!
  5. That happens on my DROIDX
  6. my friends that have this, love it
  7. hmm...really? the whole reason i haven't upgraded phones, yet, is because i have been worried about losing my unlimited data on my droid x
  8. did the rear seats fold down?? i know that's an issue with the 1st gen sedans...you have to get a higher model to get seats that fold down..fuck that...hatches ftw! don't buy it if you want to do stuff beyond wheels and tint, there isn't anything for it yet.... we bought our car as a cheap daily and it fits the kids great...i'm looking forward to the new hatches when they come out!
  9. Forgot to add that we also pack soups...like the campbells hearty ones
  10. Yeah, with a $30 budget, u could buy the "healthy" frozen meals at whole foods. Amy's frozen dinners are awesome! I get their enchilada bowl and add extra pepperjack cheese on top...yum!
  11. Probably. So is lunch meat. I will be getting a crockpot and will be making leftovers for my husband, too...
  12. For my husband, I get him a lot of the steam bowl things or the boston market meals...I try to stay $3 and under for frozen meals. Then he takes fruit, trail mix, nuts or granola bars... We used to do sandwiches, but he got burned out... Oh...he's at work for 10+ hours and takes 2 breaks so we have to pack enough for 2 meals
  13. they just ended the race eta: he passed away
  14. the drivers' meeting is over...people are crying.....
  15. i heard this...but i just started following this news
  16. has it been kept inside or outside?
  17. aww...wish i was able to go! my 4 year old likes to play with Daphne, too!
  18. nice! it's so awesome to hear your car run. i just heard our mazda run for the first time in like 8 months and it actually moved out of the garage for a minute....but now it's back in pieces *eye roll*
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