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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. We only have a ps3...but when you find a wheel, you could build a set up like us: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/76934_175268592499539_100000491986410_576529_1157948_n.jpg It's made out of pvc pipe...we uses a miata seat for our chair...the chair detaches and stays in the room for extra seating but the front half fits conveniently in a closet.
  2. Dude parked at walmart and shot himself in his car
  3. http://www.theblackfriday.com/
  4. It's awesome you are helping people out with their animals. It's great therapy for people to have animals
  5. I understand food deserts. That's why columbus has made an effort to move farmers markets into areas like that. I think the food stamp program should be a little more like WIC where they you can only buy certain items and certain amounts. Most items are store brands, you can't get sugary cereals, they make you buy whole grain bread and they give you an allowance to buy fruits and veggies. I think there should be some control with food stamps instead of letting people just buy whatever they want. It should be structured to reflect a healthy diet.
  6. the stuff that you can buy with food stamps is ridiculous. they even take food stamps at gas stations and udf's! because that's a great place to buy nutritious food *eye roll*
  7. Steal it? I like that there's a lock on it but they failed to use it.
  8. Sad face. Can't wait to see what you get next, though!
  9. http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/385030_10150407884446575_75624186574_8499356_1519403369_n.jpg
  10. i wish i could go...i'll be babysitting tonight
  11. sucks to hear all the negatives about the razr...the fact that you can't get the battery out without some major work sucks. my stupid droid x freezes a lot now and i often have to pull the battery to reset it.
  12. i don't know much about this stuff, but we have a 42" and i find it to be pretty hard to read stuff on the screen. so unless you are going to be sitting really close to it, i'd go bigger than what you are looking at
  13. i'm jealous! we need lots of pics!!
  14. Wow. I suck. I just downloaded this after reading this thread. I'm "frenchy chan" of course!
  15. lovely...i've known lots of people that have worked for the NH....i'm not surprised by this.
  16. if anyone needs any super cute knitted baby/kid hats, check out my friend's etsy page! she even makes zombie hats! http://www.etsy.com/shop/topsfortots http://img3.etsystatic.com/il_570xN.274591627.jpg http://img3.etsystatic.com/il_570xN.274591655.jpg
  17. i was thinking the same thing! :lolguy: but that's why i'd still be renting and driving a minivan! ...and after watching tons of episodes of House Hunters International and seeing some fancy ass houses for cheap in other countries, i may change my answer to: move to another country, work from home, and buy a car that isn't available in the states.
  18. Yup! I enjoy cars and doing things outside of my house. The house is for sleeping and storing items
  19. i'd live near san fran (like santa rosa) and i'd rock a mazda5 with a speed swap. (gotta have a 7 seater!)
  20. i keep telling myself that: I AM GOING NEXT YEAR! my entire fb feed is full of crazy pics and parties....makes me jealous.
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