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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. most mini vans are like that for families...they can get DISGUSTING! i keep all sorts of stuff in my versa for the kids...but my husband harps on me to keep it clean
  2. i'm already on them...just figured a bunch of you guys have kids, too...and i know you would like some days/nights away from them
  3. please no wise cracks...serious responses only I'm looking to pick up some babysitting shifts...so if you are in need of someone, get a hold of me! i can do date nights, weekends, etc. I can come to your home, but my kids would have to come, too. I have been staying at home with my children since May. My two girls are 3.5 and almost 1. I currently do back up childcare for a friend and I also babysit for a family in Powell. I have experience with babies and toddlers and also school aged children up to age 11. I am a active member of many local parenting groups where we do many kid friendly activities around town, so I am very used to having lots of children around. I practice gentle discipline and I follow attachment parenting practices: "The ultimate goal of attachment parenting is to parent instinctively and gently in a manner that helps form stronger parent-child connections, allowing parents to raise children who are strong, intelligent, and compassionate." please contact me for rates and availability!!
  4. wow, that's some serious commitment to something!
  5. yes! thanks for reminding me...i love watching the cars cruise by 71 and 161!
  6. nice! love the mazdas....wish our 3 was ready to go play
  7. I'll be there...it's only at lennox
  8. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=621027683500&oid=336377937209
  9. http://apriliaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2861796
  10. results here: http://www.usacracing.com/usac_live/ppihc_timing
  11. i'm reading the pikes peak's hill climb fb page and apparently other people went off...someone is on life support
  12. ...and once again i attempted to go with my two kids, but the baby was loud and prevented me from even just hanging out in the hallway... ...she is already anti-gov't i really wish i got to hear what the people were saying about the track...pros and cons... can anyone who was inside fill me in?
  13. Columbus City Council has voted in favor of a zoning change for the park!! Yay!
  14. That sucks...mid ohio is a blast! The vintage cars are awesome...I'm a girl and I'm there
  15. Yeah they apparently changed the schedule because they shut down early yesterday. I don’t blame them, it was miserable and we left at 1230
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