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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. harbor freight? go buy one? not bad to have stuff on hand....
  2. i agree that i've never found anyone elitist
  3. My husband was the ONLY person helping me push with my first kid because the doctor and nurses were just standing around discussing god knows what....my 2nd time with a midwife was so much better...daddy didn't do much except during the beginning when I wasn't pushing
  4. It is progressing now, but labor can still stall and pitocin (the stuff used to start labor), has a history of causing stronger contractions Look...I'm just passing along a little info and I'm glad she's read up on stuff. She'll be fine, but if you need any research, let me know! Enjoy the awesome baby snuggles!
  5. c-sections are not normal. it's major surgery. inductions often lead to c-sections... why does her doctor want her to be induced? (i really don't want to start debating this stuff, since this is a car forum with a high majority of guys, but i'm a big supporter of natural labor and making sure women have all the facts and support...i didn't know a lot when i had my first...) eta: and congrats...babies rule!
  6. These quotes were on the news tonight. I love the guy trying to discredit the lower # of crashes on the turnpike because it's straight. Uh, wv is 70 mph and full of curves
  7. We plan on being out there at mid-Ohio a few times.. hopefully for the one in april I also hope to do my first hyperdrive and/or hpde 1
  8. i'm not familiar with that one.. how 'bout Rodent's Revenge! http://ui14.gamefaqs.com/461/gfs_35919_2_1.jpg
  9. :lolguy: if we are going there... minesweeper spider solitaire
  10. i've used keurigs at places i've babysat at and i've never had that problem with tap water.... eta: but i always use tap water, so i'm sure i'm just used to the taste
  11. i grew up with those apple computers in school, but my best friend always had pc's and had the internet really early...i was always over her house playing games
  12. http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/402202_307402975965436_149408615098207_860908_2052935952_n.jpg
  13. haha...i used to play that! lemmings, old doom.... i also LOVED SIMCITY!
  14. http://chzparentingfails.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/dont-forget-the-film.jpg
  15. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_hVOW2U7K4-M/Sjq-BhMHmoI/AAAAAAABCf8/H9C5nOqk0Tg/899625653_8b4391ee8a_o.jpg
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