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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. i wish i had an operating fireplace....i'm too scared to try out the fireplace at my apt.... that seems like an awesome price, especially delivered...
  2. it was moving when i took the pic and i don't remember it being loud....
  3. are you going to discuss bugs in our area? i'd like to know more about our local bugs...won't make me less scared of them, though and reading your post made me think of this:
  4. that would be crazy...i thought i had gone nuts when i saw it...made me wonder how long it had been there and if i was just blind to seeing it...
  5. :rolleyes: i drive past it everyday and pulled in to look at it...it was moving pretty fast that day...i think it was friday or saturday when i saw it
  6. i live right by it... http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/wind.jpg
  7. my fiance and i both have droid x's and we love them...i have grown accustomed to having the phone in my pocket...it is huge...i'm just used to it now we are fans of phones from motorola...never have issues with their phones
  8. are you using the lite version? what does "full app allows https." mean? i'm clueless on a lot of this stuff
  9. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/pics/kitty.jpg
  10. http://funpics.classicfun.ws/var/resizes/Funpics/The%20great%20cover%20up.jpg?m=1282139536 http://funpics.classicfun.ws/var/albums/Funpics/Stewie%20Lemon.jpg?m=1280753181 http://funpics.classicfun.ws/var/resizes/Funpics/Sharks%20have%20been%20spotted%20in%20this%20pool%20-%20They%20come%20out%20when%20they%20smell%20pee.jpg?m=1280753178
  11. are there other sites you can use it on to download music? curious because it doesn't have a song i'm looking for
  12. i'm still downloading music
  13. i LOVE the 2nd one! definitely my favorite when and where are they playing?? i want to take my daughter...i went to see the first one when i was like 4 or something
  14. ^you are my new best friend because of this off to download a shit ton of music
  15. i could tell from the font on the sign...haha...that's what happens when you've been there 5 years!
  16. "The Best Photography Apps for Your iPhone" http://lifehacker.com/5651221/the-best-photography-apps-for-iphone
  17. haha...looks good to me...not too skinny
  18. it looks like it's a wavy mirror, so the side of the mirror is cutting her leg off
  19. hilarious...i work retail and i love watching people have issues with our automatic doors... when i was a teenager, i worked at petsmart and i loved locking the doors at closing time and sitting and watching people walk right into the door, smacking their faces on it...
  20. I don't have showtime ...is there a place to get them online?
  21. and if you don't know what class is what, look here: http://www.scca.com/contentpage.aspx?content=71
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