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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. thanks! the seat is a miata seat (we got two for $25!) and its made out of pvc and we even have a cup holder! we have surround sound IN the headrests, too!!
  2. here's our set up for it! we are currently playing on the top gear track! http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_31783_.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_31785_.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/369934448_photobucket_31788_.jpg
  3. yes, so true...you just need to know how to handle a car and not be scared to drive fast...you don't have to be awesome at it (captain slow) and how obvious is it that they are doing drifting in the next episode...
  4. i LOVE him...he can drive the shit out of a volvo....he's one of my fave drivers and wow...we are way off topic
  5. yeah that magazine is great...my coffee table is currently covered in them...they get used as coasters when we are done reading them they are good to keep to reference stuff.... we also get sportscar magazine, but it sucks compared to grm how long before we get a top gear usa magazine?
  6. hah...i love that i just saw you comment this on grm
  7. yeah i don't know if they will be able to give real honest opinions or rip on cars like the other tg does...i think they will just say positive stuff about the cars
  8. i'll keep watching just because there is nothing else on at 10pm on sundays....
  9. they haven't...that guy just did 180 and that was the fastest he's ever gone who are the other guys anyways?
  10. i hate that they are explaining everything...
  11. this is just terrible.... normally i'm laughing my ass off...but with this piece of crap, i haven't cracked a smile...
  12. wow, cool, but a lot of work i have to stay away from the reptile show or i'll bring something (or things) home....
  13. I'll get a recipe for making your own "bisquick".... I think it uses domata flour...I'm pretty sure the moms do group buys...I can always hook you up with the gb if you're interested....they use the flour for all sorts of stuff
  14. i sent you some pm's with recipes and links to other sites
  15. i can't send you the page because it's a private local moms forum but i could search recipes and send them to you...anything you are looking for? i've never heard of gf bisquick...but probably because we don't carry it at whole foods...
  16. no problem! we often have gluten free tastings and classes at whole foods... seriously, let me know if you guys need help or recipes, etc...on my mommy forum, we have a huge recipe thread of gf and allergy free recipes...these girls know how to make tons of items gluten free!! and they know where to buy all sorts of items!
  17. let me know if the sale falls through...we may be interested...
  18. here is a list of gluten free foods that we have at whole foods dublin...send me a pm if you want more help finding gluten free stuff...i know lots of moms that do gf diets and since i work at whole foods, i have lots of access to info there http://wholefoodsmarket.com/specialdiets/MA_DUB_Gluten_Free.pdf may i ask what the food item is that she had a reaction to? are you using the same pans/utensils to cook the gf food that you use with other foods? that can cause cross contamination, too....
  19. I have open office...can other computers open files that I make with it? Do I need to change the file type?
  20. frenchy chan

    Go vote!

    nice site...thanks!
  21. it works now...last night it wouldn't load
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