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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. i live and work in this area and it can be bad.... 1. cars get broken into all the time at work 2. an employee was jumped and robbed out back of work 3. my car has been broken in to 4. my neighbor's house was robbed in the middle of the day 5. my fiance had a gun pulled on him on 270/sawmill, with my daughter in the car
  2. yeah i kept waking my baby up last night because i was laughing so hard
  3. I spent forever today looking at that site, laughing my ass off.... Iphones must have serious issues with their autocorrect http://damnyouautocorrect.com/images/getting-off-now.jpg
  4. me too! this is good stuff, too http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2335/3825883524_f305c3b02e.jpg
  5. this is fantastic! my fave is that it's a show car with all this crap in it, but it has... ....because i really want all that junk in my track car....
  6. Definitely. I had somebody last year come from the other side of the freeway, crash through the guardrail, cross the freeway in front of me and go down the embankment.
  7. oh that poor car....i hate seeing everyone's poor wrecked cars...so sad...good luck getting an attorney!!
  8. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/hooray.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/drinkingbabies.jpg
  9. hopefully we get a bunch of snow on the 23rd for xmas!
  10. i should whip out our camera for this....but alas, i suck at taking photos and my fiance seems burned out on photography at the moment they are cute!
  11. http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/buffaloincar.jpg here's the video http://failblog.org/2010/12/09/epic-fail-videos-dont-do-drugs-fail/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+failblog+%28The+FAIL+Blog+-+Fail+Pictures+%26+Videos+at+Failblog.ORG%29&utm_content=FaceBook
  12. this was on the cleveland news http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/nakedguyinclevosnowstorm.jpg
  13. Glad to hear this because we have one on our car now...got it last year towards the end of the winter
  14. It was snowing at 2 at bethel/sawmill but by the time I got home, there was nothing I lived in the snowbelt near cleveland growing up until I moved down here...I miss the large amounts of snow
  15. i'm pissed about this lack of snow. i hate columbus winters....i want to go back to the snow belt!
  16. i was on weather.com and did the projection map over the next 6 hours...looks like we will just be on the north part of the snow...i'm annoyed...i want TONS!
  17. frenchy chan


    yeah...we got a "new" winter beater car - 86 prelude si....thing sucks on gas...like 16-17 mpg....i'm kinda annoyed by that because i like our beater cars to be the ones that get the good gas mileage...we should have bought another metro...they rock on gas!
  18. yes, it should scoot on over here i love snow!!!
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