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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. Haha...not sure if the fiance would like me posting those pics
  2. i'm also not very original...and i needed something in a hurry for work (and it had to be work safe ): http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/meow.jpg
  3. i took my ranger to a ford dealership on morse to get bearings done or something...when they pulled it out of the garage, there was a huge scratch/scuff mark down the side of the door...i was livid...they had scraped it along one of the yellow poles they have in their garage... we got them to buff it out for free....
  4. we almost get run off the road multiple times a month...i think it's rednecks/dumbasses that are jealous of someone with a nice car....or the fact that it's a foreign car....or the fact that we are in a tiny car and they have a giant truck that makes them feel like they have the right to do whatever they want... and almost always, we have the kids in the car...seriously...wtf!? one time, my fiance actually had a gun pulled on him up here on the north side of columbus and my oldest daughter was in the car with him!!
  5. nice! my fiance hardly pics up his camera at all, too...it sucks because i had all sorts of photos of my first kid, but as soon as the second comes around, i get nothing....and i'm terrible when i pick up the dslr...so i resort to my cell phone for pics
  6. nws http://www.break.com/usercontent/2007/11/Blame-a-woman-405345.html
  7. i want to throw up...thanks...haha this should be nws btw
  8. nsfw due to language http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETmnennvBhM&feature=related
  9. no you know how long it took me to find a picture of a dick in the correct position/angle.... i don't have microsoft word so i couldn't rotate any image i found...so it had to find it...then played around in ms paint...i'm really good using word and paint to get things made...but my word expired, leaving me with only paint we have photoshop on my fiance's computer, but i have no idea how to use it
  10. i only have ms paint and i suck at this stuff....i really hope someone does do a photoshop of this http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/frenchychan/pics/Untitled-4.jpg
  11. wow...at first i was like "i don't get it"...but that was because i thought it was 2 different photos...but now i see...that is fucking crazy
  12. good luck finding a good home for your turtle if anyone needs advice...i can help you with it....i had two of these red eared sliders for years in a 150 gallon tank and i had a map turtle and a peninsula cooter turtles require large tanks, uv and heat lighting and good filtration (they are like 2-3 times more dirty than fish) - we had TWO canister filters on the 150 gallon tank and it was only filled half way if i had the finances and my fiance wouldn't kill me, i'd take it...but i can't
  13. congrats! with all these babies/kids around...we need a park meet
  14. did you actually see this in person? looks like it's from youdrivewhat.com
  15. i had to rename everything, too pita
  16. just watched it tonight! i love this show
  17. it is terrible...and my mom is #2...she's a functioning alcoholic...her house is super clean and she goes to work....but she HAS to drink...i hate being around her
  18. my mom's side of the family is alcoholics and my fiance's parents/family are also alcoholics....it sucks ass...that is all i can say they drink so much that they embarrass themselves...i hate family functions because of this stuff....i dread actually getting married because of this stuff.... good luck....
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