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frenchy chan

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Everything posted by frenchy chan

  1. http://www.autoblog.com/2010/12/03/nhtsa-proposes-mandatory-backup-cameras-by-2014/ press release:
  2. yuck...just read some of the past posts...
  3. ok...ouch...sorry to hear that...good luck with recovery!
  4. i think these are from the columbus one http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll39/PNn2222/Tilted_Kilt_11232010_003.jpg
  5. i don't think i ever read what you did...what happened? or send me a link to the post.
  6. go for it! my fiance broke his ankle skateboarding and they put a plate in it and such and said that he'd be in a cast for a while with physical therapy for weeks, but i think he was up walking around pretty soon after the surgery...but i think taking care of a toddler helped with that he couldn't stay laying on the couch
  7. let me know if you do that and how it works we just went through and deleted a bunch of saved stuff...like the prologue...i highly doubt we'll ever play that again so now really only gt5 is on our playstation with a few other games, but not much...so i'm sure we have plenty of space on the ps3 for this game...
  8. the 2nd one was definitely better than the first...i actually laughed during it whereas the first one, i didn't crack a smile...i just hope it keeps getting better with each episode...i still can't stand tanner, but hopefully the other guys just keep making fun of him
  9. Has anyone had issues with it not saving your progress or cars purchased or mods done to cars? We've had that all happen to us
  10. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/03e735f2-e8c1-41a1-b846-d668f71353d3.gif http://sketchysantas.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/27611a5a-0109-4cc4-8623-9a7fd41583ed.jpg
  11. do you have netflix? lots of tv shows and documentaries are available on instant play...
  12. i think the issue with the elise is you are running on hard tires and you can't change it
  13. I wish I had 5k, that it was a manual and that I had a big garage to park it and work on it little by little ...our friend just wrecked his speed 6....be fun to put the awd etc on it Glws!!!
  14. I have it on my fb and everyday I'm blown away by the cars that people drive...
  15. I think our set up was only like $80...no need to spend $1k http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1284075&postcount=38
  16. we tried everything and they couldn't do it...my fiance would spend hours on the phone with them (he talked to supervisors, too) and nothing worked...like i said, our landlord even spoke to them and we did fax a copy of the lease to them with poor customer service like that, we decided it wasn't worth dealing with them for anything again we have tw now because wow doesn't service our address
  17. i couldn't get att at my apt because the previous tenants have an outstanding bill and for some reason, att has some stupid policy that won't let you get cable until the bill for this address is paid...we tried for 3 days, hours on the phone to get it to work...even had our landlord talk to them and say they no longer lived here, etc etc....fucking stupid
  18. i had fun driving miatas yesterday...while drinking some beer...yay! yeah the game isn't what it should be...no reason it should have taken 5 years to come out...but i'm still going to have fun with it!!
  19. love it! i just watched it...i NEED to buy the dvd...maybe for xmas! i love how different the brothers are!
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