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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. He did this to get away from those groups because they are very anoying as well. Some how they found us still
  2. No he has gotten permission to host the meet there as long as the lot doesnt get trashed Same thing for hd but there are 2 groups that can't seem to pick up there trash
  3. I find it funny that some of the people in this thread never come out as it is News flash every one. no matter where we chill at it's to far for some one. also cops every where don't do anything dumb and you don't have to worry about them. Just like cr dinner get togethers not every one likes what is chosen. If you don't like it don't come to it. Don't bitch about it. If you show up and you don't like it don't sit there and complain about it Others don't want to hear it. Cliffs unless you are involed with something going on shut the fuck up
  4. As stated if Brian opened the door he would have been hit With tp
  5. Q- how to not get shot by jones A- tell him you got fity bux that says he won't Jones always runs away when monies are involed
  6. Bc is going to have a graet morning
  7. Major_golf

    Be jones

  8. Welcom it about time you got on
  9. So is the shift light in yet:gabe:
  10. The only place to take the test is the nmh on west broad. The computer test are easy unless you are taking the hazmat. When you take the driving test make sure you studie the pre trip very well.
  11. http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz136/Paynechris87/4d7810f8.jpg This one is the highest point I got a pic of
  12. http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz136/Paynechris87/ad53a3e0.jpg Incase you are seeing the water line in the pics and thinking they are old they are not the water level on the door is where it was when the sump pump and drain finally started keeping up with the flow coming in
  13. Well for five years iv never had a time where I needed the insurance so that's why What are you talking about. Asking about flood from seeing the walls
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