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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. Give me a few weeks to get it tuned and we can go to trails
  2. Well every one can fuck off I forgot about good guys
  3. I was very suprised on the turn out and the relaxed atmosphere so Another better planed cr cook out sound good
  4. It's cool you were not invited
  5. Look you sorry piece of shit I think I and every one else has had enough of the bickering of you two he has stoped and you still want more get a fucking life log out and go do something like finish your car. If it's some kind of man crush you have on him take it some where else if you can't I will copy and paste the thread you love so much
  6. Maybe something that was clean and not a turd
  7. Did any one other than waggs get pics
  8. There is an open spot in the far back
  9. So far we have Hot dogs and buns Charcoal Grilling tools Who is getting what
  10. So high banks at 5pm I'll bring hot dogs and water
  11. Any ideas I know a couple people last night wanted to go out today
  12. I hears you got a pile of scrap to put together
  13. Any one trying to get together and do something
  14. It was not a phone conversation There are now laws on recording open conversations because they are not private. Every one can hear you. Now if they went to another room with no one in it locked the door and some one recorded the conversation it would be illegal
  15. It cool though James we will just write that one up as a brain boost leak
  16. Wrong dumb ass in Ohio only one party has to know the convo is being recorded example If I call you and recorded our conversation with out telling you it's fine because I knew it was recorded As for a non phone conversation no one has to know it's being recorded. It could be put off as harassment but good luck trying that one
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