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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. lets see 4cyl t5 trans i put 27 passes on it and a whole lot of the forbidden kind of racing that trans is made for a motor that has 88hp and 108 tq. i have double the hp and triple the tq add traction and things go real bad let me guess the stock rear end should hold alot better too ey. imo its held up way longer than it should have +1 for 4cyl t5's
  2. so i had yet another source 1 and 2 syncro are gone and possible input shaft problems any cheep fixes other than g force to make the next t5 hold up to a little more power:ninja:
  3. I only have 200 hp what's your problem?
  4. Looks as if the hatch was at least a car out when the maro hits the brakes
  5. i think the sound you heard was my rear end more of a clunking sound maybe?
  6. fast forward to 1:25 proof that t5 trans wont hold with traction
  7. Iv got a sound clip of my car braking
  8. Phil your wasting your time
  9. Major_golf

    Flame war

    Phils tampon full?
  10. Major_golf

    Flame war

    What would we have to pay you to stop loging in cody
  11. Major_golf

    Flame war

    You are not worth the time at this time when do you turn 18?
  12. Major_golf

    Flame war

    No your still hated around here and 12.9 ya right how about 13.8 there is a video from track day you dumb ass iv tried to be nice to you but you still annoy the shit out of me
  13. + 1 for being a cool guy - 1 for for being coody's friend
  14. Major_golf

    Flame war

    Coody quit fucking posting god damn dude log out and forget your password you are obviously accepted on Ohio hondas go there
  15. Major_golf

    Flame war

    so how much cock do you suck my wife wants to know if you have any tips for said sucking cock because her throat alway hurts when she is done
  16. Spam = coodyh Part time jobs all bills paid for annoying and parents pay for every thing Pro tip : there are at least 4 threads about how I'm poor read them and quit wasting space more importantly go turn a wrench oh wait that's right
  17. Break anyone elses car this week
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