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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. Major_golf


    Roosters sucks
  2. Major_golf


    Weekly carb cleaning for me finally going to fix the boost leak
  3. Triple because I like the fact that you lost to splaty because you don't want people to know you can out run a 15 second car I'll bring the dd out to play with you
  4. Also I don't like mcnugets we roll with mcgangbangs
  5. A little birdie not Phil or Liegh says that car ain't shit and will never be worth me wasting my gas on. Just to let you know you better turn that boost way up when we play
  6. I say an eye for an eye Pay back is always a bitch
  7. So far only 2 people have beat me on this board a camero and a BMW oh and I got hoed out by a white dodge pick up fuck you Ginger
  8. Nope as I said I haven't had the pleasure of stomping on his car yet
  9. You would be wrong me and e man haven't had the opportunity yet But I would like to
  10. What do you want to do against a stock ford truck motor. I will even bring my floppy flops just to make it fair
  11. I second this my car was in the hands of boost performance for four hours and it runs better than ever
  12. Major_golf


    Some one left a folding chair behind tonight pm if it was you
  13. Major_golf

    Racing video

    I got 20 that says I walk it fucking people with BMW think threy are unstoppable Btw aj you ready for another go
  14. Jones don't you worry I got something on the way for your turd
  15. Alex will you have a open spot next weekend
  16. Boost performance Pm alex L or turboking15
  17. You need to put the glasses on the kitty cat
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