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Everything posted by harmonda

  1. ya, pics...I have a friend who loves those and I happen to know it's bonus time at his work.
  2. vid please? this sounds like it was a blast!
  3. +1 for Leaders. They've moved me 3 times.
  4. Mudflats in Galena...good beer variety and great food...not too crowded for games usually.
  5. just picked this up over the holiday. I'm usually an American car guy but I have had a few MBs and really liked them. So, that's my exception I guess. Ordered the winter tire/wheel package online. The stockers are 19" and these are 18". So far it has been a tank on snow and ice. Heading to the U.P. in a couple weeks so it will get a real trial there! http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5049/5323990450_568553e41a.jpg 2010glk1 by harmonda, on Flickr http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5289/5323384831_50367f21d8.jpg 2010glk2 by harmonda, on Flickr
  6. I've done several HRPTs and plan to do it this year too. I think I'll take the 08 Z06 this time. It's a HRPT virgin. If they ever plan an all-northern route I'll take the 68. But it is a rolling sauna even in cool weather. A few things to keep in mind... -it is 99.9999% American cars...take a look at HRM and you'll get the idea. the occasional jag-with-an-LS-motor shows up but that is rare. I saw a morris minor wagon back in 06 but upon closer inspection...it had an american V6 or something shoe-horned in there. I suppose you could say my 06 GTO was an aussi when I took it on 2 tours. Whatev -If you don't go to the track events...the rest of the trip is highly repetitive. So, you'd better have friends along and/or plan side trips along the way or you will be bored after a couple days. -The distances are aggressive...the course takes the scenic route and you will be sharing the road with THOUSANDS of tourers....seriously, at some venues there have been like 5000 cars. Like triple the time you would usually think it would take. -keep in mind that the 'show' at each venue fires up around 1-2pm and they start shutting down by like 5 or so. LOTS of the participants are retirees and the schedule reflects that. You need to get an early start every day and HAUL to get any kind of time at the event. At some locations they have bands that play after dark but in my experience the crowd is pretty thin and tame. Think local bar band shows. So, hook up with folks and plan your nightly party spot early. -They are serious about the 'no car left behind' thing. Everyone is really helpful. -Anyone want to talk to someone who's done it a bunch of times and you have more questions...PM me.
  7. I have one of these http://www.virtualr.net/obutto-ozone-racing-cockpit-review/ with with a G25. I use the 'keyboard' shelf for my laptop and the 'mouse' shelf for my booze. A friend of mine in Florida has the same setup and we use eyeball chat as a cockpit cam while we are racing with the prologue version of the game. Can't wait for the actual game.
  8. crap...I didn't say anything positive. Tows like a mother. 4wd makes you want to just steer off the road and smash things. mack daddy truck-a-muck. I've hauled loads in the bed and towed beyond it's rating and it keeps coming back for more. Get it.
  9. I have a 99...like others have said...ball joints. Also...they go through front bearings and the coil packs collect water and short out. Check the grounding strap on the starter for corrosion. Check that the power door locks on every door to make sure they move the mechanism with authority. it should shake the door. If not...they are going to need a rebuild. They weaken over time due to a part that keeps them from overheating if you hold down the button. Not a servicable part but there is a procedure you can follow to freshen them up. Oh, and if the running boards are stock...crawl under and scope em out. Common spot for rot there too.
  10. Huntington must be doing well...been going to a lot of going-away parties recently for folks heading there
  11. I have a similar situation...I picked up a used Trac Vac. Dude...they rule. Take THAT leaves! woot!
  12. did someone ask if it was available in VHS? Wow, talk about time travel.
  13. Hey, thanks all...passing on this advice
  14. It's a 2005 new beetle...not sure what the prognosis from Byers was...I'll talk to her today.
  15. Hey...I have a friend with trans problems with their VW. They went to Byers but the estimate was crazy high. Anyone know a good alternative? I don't know anything about modern VWs. There used to be a good shop on route 3 south of westerville back in the 80s but I couldn't locate it online...must be gone. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Eric - I agree that we shouldn't be comparing vette to a mustang...although I personally have looked at wildly different cars at the same time. I am more used to comparing vettes to vipers and if any Ford...the GT. I don't agree with the service comment. At least not for anyone with at least average mechanical skills. I've owned a C5 for 11 years and the only service I didn't do myself was a pedal assembly swap while it was still under warranty. Otherwise...parts are relatively cheap, available and it is actually an easy car to work on. I haven't done anything on my C6Z yet...so I may retract this statement. It has a few too many techie gizmos on it for my taste. (like the electric door handle touch pads and push button start).
  17. We use the largest dome tent we could find. It's like 10-12' across. Anything but a dome is a pain to raise IMHO. Plus they are VERY sturdy. We camped on Kelly's island once and the campground was evacuated for a tornado warning. A tornado touched down on the island. When we got back...our tent and the campers were the only things not blown down or wrapped around trees. Here's an example...and the price isn't bad... http://cgi.ebay.com/New-200-KELTY-Getaway-6-Person-DOME-TENT-11-7-x-8-/310262909366?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item483d1c49b6
  18. modded xbox controller...uh, well...I've pretend-killed thousands with it before...some zombies even.
  19. I picked up the GT-specific Logitech wheel and a whole racing cockpit setup OVER a year ago in anticipation of this game. WTF?? This is really testing my Playstation loyalty.
  20. I also have a 4-post lift. Had it about a year now. No need to bolt it down. You'll notice that it is MORE stable with a car on it. The way these things work...everything tightens up under weight. I assembled mine myself and it was a huge job. Good idea getting someone to do it for you. Did you get a caster kit? mine is really easy to roll around the shop. Looking at yours...it would be cool to wheel it out into the higher part of the shop if you occasionally need more clearance. I have one rolling jack and then a jack tray. I was really worried about how it would work out. I was really torn between a 2 post and 4 post for this reason. But this configuration works just fine. I just did a 4-wheel hub replacement on a F250 4x4 crew cab and the lift handled it all fine. You raise one end with the rolling jack...place stands in the jack tray and then roll it down to the other end and leave it there locked. The runways act as a nice, long, flat work surface under each wheel.
  21. not a z...looks like it was built-up from a coupe to look like a z. There is definitely not an aluminum frame under that if the top comes off.
  22. you don't have to already have a chimney. Here's a good link to the requirements... http://www.hearth.com/econtent/index.php/articles/installing_a_woodstove here is the tax break info I mentioned plus other helpful info from the good ol' EPA... http://www.epa.gov/burnwise/appliances.html Sorry...I'm quite enthusiastic about my stove...saves me a bundle.
  23. Our propane costs were crazy before we got our wood stove. I would definitely check out Jotul. They make stoves (I have a firelight 600) and inserts. If you go look at them in person you will see that the cast iron Jotuls are seriously higher quality than the competition's sheet metal units. Sally's Hearth in Pataskala installed ours. Aspen Fireplace on Sinclair also carries them and does installs. We went from using a tank of propane (filled to 85% each month to only using about 60% of the tank all winter...and our house is about 5000 sq. ft. When considering the cost...don't forget the tax saving opportunity the year you install it! Of course...you'll need to learn the ins and outs of firewood. We cut, split and dry our own after trying to deal with all the rip-off firewood sellers. Every single seller I have dealt with in central Ohio has tried to sell me less than HALF a cord calling it a full cord.
  24. even pics disassembled would be helpful. Been thinking about having a pool table and that's a good price!
  25. That's a rolling engineering/fabrication resume dude. Suweet!
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