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Everything posted by harmonda

  1. Bringing this thread back from the dead in honor of Easter? Jesus freak.
  2. This is good advice along with what you are already doing by applying at Chase. There is a very specific career path up through the branch and into other areas of the business at Chase. You can work your way up pretty quick in the branch system and being a branch manager is really cool because it's like running your own business. It also gives you experience with a broad range of services and you can jump to a non-branch area pretty easy. If you have the degree, certs, plus ground-level experience from the branch perspective...you will earn a lot of respect in interviews for higher-level jobs in any financial services specialty. They love to see that.
  3. hit a drive-thru for beer...take her to Waffle House...drink in the parking lot...defile her...leave her in car and go in and get your hash browns on! Repeat. Just keeping it classy.
  4. Get out the violins boys. To all the wise people who have ever told you to look at the mother first...respect. I went out with a girl in high school but I was dumb, and naive and well..insert every negative adjective here. She was rather plain, rather quiet and I wasn't into her as much as she was into me. I kept going out with her because...well...her mom was smokin' hot, it was summer and I kept seeing her in a bikini. Flash forward...the girl turned out to be a model, make decent money...which she invested. Now she is HOT, has money, has a house on a canal down in Miami, etc...you get the idea. Moral of the story...don't overlook the shy girl with a hot mom while you are keeping score on all the ass you are getting.
  5. Hey all, what do you think so far? 3 races in and we seem to have real racing again. Somehow the combination of KERS, DRS and tires that degrade quickly have resulted in actual interesting racing. Strategy matters again. Mechanical grip matters. Driving skill or at least a driver's use of widgets seems to be a real factor too. I'm glad to see it coming together right before they return to the US next year. I'm also glad to see it be about something other than one team developing a rule-buster.
  6. Ok, so it's style hasn't aged well. I still love the whole idea. So many became kit cars because they were as close to a modular production car as we are going to see. I'd love it if more cars were built with maintenance and modification in mind.
  7. can't watch from work...and in this case I'm guessing that is a good thing. I can't bear to see a car trashed...especially a vette. There should be a humane society for cars.
  8. Me likey. I am such a sucker for a silver car. Change the screen name for sure. Unfortunately those seats look pretty much normal for that age of vette....especially the Z06 which has the relatively cheaper (and lighter) seats. The seats in my wife's '99 coupe look only marginally better. She has the upgrade (not) 'sport' seats. Of course, she is lazy about car care and if I try to do it she gets mad and says she will get to it. I think the style of those wheels suits the car. I've mentioned this before in other threads but no one has confirmed or denied it...I believe if there is enough material in the design that you can have the surface of the wheel where it contacts the hub machined to alter the off-set. Not sure but I thought I saw that somewhere. Would be worth looking into.
  9. Is it me or does that look like a 911 with a bad ricer body kit?
  10. I've been going to the one in Marion...so...I dig this. I have to say...not sure Marion proper is in much better shape than the Northland area these days.
  11. harmonda

    J Gumbo's

    I've had it in New Orleans many times and didn't want to offend my coworkers and employees there but...yeah...no. Just not my thing. I know people who like it go crazy over the genuine stuff down there though. They say it's heaven.
  12. harmonda

    J Gumbo's

    +1 for local vs. chain but for me...all cajun food tastes like ass.
  13. The new ones look much better. I haven't driven one though. I rented the last generation and it was horrible. We nicknamed it the 'Hippo'. It had the hemi but couldn't get out of it's own way. It was pretty much a mini van pretending to be a SUV. If you told me it had a 4 banger under the hood I would have believed you. I'm really hoping all their new products deliver on their marketing campaign's message.
  14. Maybe I put it wrong. Off the line...the goat is going to spend energy in it's sloppy suspension and flexible chassis that would, should be going to the wheels. Once up to speed...the enemy is probably gearing, air resistance and weight to a certain extent. Now that I'm thinking more about it...square inches of rubber on the ground is a serious gap between these cars from a standing start too.
  15. respect man. Props for following your vision. Loved the ether vid.
  16. Having spent plenty of time with both GTOs and vettes up on my lift...these cars may share some powertrain parts but otherwise they come from different engineering planets. It's not just weight...which is obvious. The amount of rough, ugly, spot-welded, stamped steel under a goat is amazing. The amount of forged and machined aluminum and glued composite under a Z06 is equally impressive. The net result is a lot of power being consumed by flex in the goat....in addition to having to overcome the weight. I'm not a suspension expert or I would be dissing the energy wasted in "goat squat" too. I loved my goat...still miss it...but it has some serious design flaws you have to spend waaaay too much money and time to fix before it can compare to a vette.
  17. Let's cut it down and make a car for bonneville? Like a midwest version of a drop tank car?
  18. I get that trend...just didn't expect it on a car like this.
  19. I get the undersized tire/exposed lip thang on this look. It is obviously not a mistake or half-ass attempt to make something work. But, not my thing. Curious...I'm not into modern VWs...do you have adapters in there or are the hubs on those rims just that deep to create the disc look? Just wondering because you could probably get them machined and tuck the rims in a bit and fit bigger tires....if that would even appeal to you. May make it more drivable.
  20. I think this looks like a sweet ride. I'm not jumping into the brand war. I have very eclectic taste in cars. However, I'm surprised no one has busted on it for those terrible offsets. Holy crap. And then they put a narrow width tire on the rear rim to avoid rub. That is crackerjack.
  21. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to be stuck under ground with people who have $900k to spend on this.
  22. http://Http://www.eliteengineeringusa.com is who I get mine from. Amazing quality and customer service. But he isn't fast. He makes everything to order.
  23. I'm obviously biased. But personally i'd worry about long term maintenance on the gtr. It is really cool but extremely complex. I have that complaint about most newer cars but that gtr is on a whole other level. The z is a little gadgety...like that whole window lowering thing when u open the door but mostly it is highly proven engineering.
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