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Everything posted by The_buster

  1. The wife's birthday is coming up next month and I originally planned on renting a cabin in Hocking Hills. Well child care and money both fell through and now I want to find a nice romantic-ish place to eat in Columbus. Newark sucks as far as "upscale" dining goes. We have Red Lobster and Olive Garden. In the past we have done the dinner and a movie thing, but she is turning 25 and is getting ready to graduate in a month. So I would like to find someplace awesome and different. As far as taste goes were not picky we can usually find something we can eat on the menu, but were not big on greek or indian food. Thanks!
  2. Yeah. 5 k for both. Includes a big air dryer wall mount thing.
  3. That's what my dad did in 2002. He bought a new cavalier and s10 and paid cash. The salesman was surprised to say the least.
  4. Just curious if there is a benefit, other than 1st owner brand new warranty, more towards credit building. The wife wants a kia sorento. Used 2011's with 50-60k are around 15k. New ones start around 22 to 25ish I believe. Will the new car that cost more build more credit? Also which would be a better choice? For around 8 grand more we could potentially get a new one, and not have to worry about possible tires, timing belt, or any other mechanical things that could pop up.
  5. Hp rating is 7.5/10 also comes with an air dryer. Both tanks have automatic water valves on timers.
  6. Sears had a new compressor installed and they are selling the 5 year old ones. Both work fine, one leaks around the exhaust line. They are upright styles Ingersoll Rand 120 gallon tanks. Not sure what horsepower they are. I can find out. Unable to post pictures at the moment, at work and not sure how to from my phone. Message me and I can send them in a text. Asking 5 k for both. They are 3 phase motors.
  7. I use a brand called Voodoo Ride. does pretty well. Used a clay bar one time, not sure if I used it right the bar was dirty afterward. That was even after a quick wash using dawn. Any suggestions for cleaning the vinyl top of the car?
  8. Superfast--Fast and Furious spoof
  9. here is this video(if it hasn't been posted already)
  10. I worked at NTR the last year of Spring Nationals selling pretzels and lemonade at a little portable stand. We asked our boss if we could put the stand between the stands and the burger grill so we could watch as well. During one run we put a quarter on the lemonade stand and it bounced about 8 inches in the air while the car went in front of us. Coolest job I have had.
  11. and to the civic picture... I need 4 doors
  12. I thought that was pretty good.... I've never had "decent" credit other than what I started with when I turned 18. I tried to get on the Matco credit 6 months ago to lower my payments and was turned down. I got a denial report from them saying my score was 560 or something around there.
  13. I meant damage as in me buying anything.
  14. Im not getting anything from kays. I just mentioned that my credit has improved to me being eligible for a $2700 credit line. I type like I talk. I usually go off on two or three tangents during one conversation. I apologize, the wife hates it too. I'm just looking for info on some cars for the wife.
  15. I looked at Kays they ran my credit and I ran before I did any damage. And I've found a couple sti ' s for less than 5k.. high miles and rough shape but they are out there.
  16. Her vehicle will be priority. Then down the road maybe after next tax return I'll get something. Unless there is a too good to pass up deal on an sti. As in less than 5k with less than 140k. Then I can make payments out of my paycheck and boost my credit -which has improved, I'm now good for 2700 at Kay Jewlers... found this out at xmas.
  17. Not normally a Porsche fan, but this is pretty cool. Really like the exhaust location and the blue flames.
  18. we only have two kids. And were planning for if we would need to take their friends home in the future. But im not sure how well she will like the van if she gets a job that involves some travel. I was trying to talk her into a bigger suv for now or there was the option of the van with a small cheap work car with awesome mileage. We'er also looking at replacing the land yacht with something smaller and better fuel mileage. Options there are a v8 grand cherokee 2004 body style, 96+ 4 door accord 5spd, sentra spec v, or an sti of some sort if we can find one in our price range- less than 5 grand. Or I will probably just switch to the crv and give her mom the lincoln to drive so she will have a car for the kids.
  19. thats the plan. going to wait until she gets a job and a couple pay checks to see what were looking at payment wise. Just wanted to try to narrow the options down.
  20. Thanks for the input! We're definitely going the used route. She "built" a sienna online and it was 42k I believe. Then looked on car max and there were some with less than 100k for only 12k. With most of the options she wanted.
  21. Nope. The mazda 5. The mini van thing.
  22. After driving a few at work I like them. I like how I can stay inside and get to the kids if it's raining. I also like how they sit higher and I can see better than in a car.
  23. Not in the market yet. Just wanted some feedback. The wife graduates in spring, and should hopefully have a job in the fall, she has to wait until July to take the big nursing test-nclex or whatever. So she wants to upgrade from the crv to something with less miles a little nicer and roomier. She's looking at things like the sienna, mazda 5, newer forrester, those types. But isn't opposed to other sun's like the mdx, pilot, newer bigger crv ' s ect. What's everyone's opinion on these vehicles? Especially the mazda 5 vs sienna. Reasoning for the mini vans are haul kids and family if we go to the zoo and such, to save on gas and not take multiple cars. Also when we move we can hopefully haul more and not need a U-haul. My worry is fuel mileage in the vans for her driving to work wherever that may be. Thoughts? Thanks in advance!
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