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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. Not in a burn barrel with a lid. I've burned boxes of paper before with no issue.
  2. Come detail the truck and I'll burn them all for you while you're here lol.
  3. I believe you came to my house in Pickerington. We sold that and bought acres out east so I could build my home shop. Wish I could help
  4. In Amanda, south of Lancaster. The fuel pump and all was completely rusted out on the one I did. Hardest part for me was getting my arms up by the firewall, I dont remove the intake manifold though. Brake lines were cake.
  5. I just recently did gas and brake lines on a 03 avalanche. What a pain with everything rusted. I am way to far from you to help, good luck.
  6. I have a recliner in my home shop. It's great for kicking back in the evening.
  7. I can do it if you want to bring it out east.
  8. never dull has always worked for me.. but I heard oven cleaner works good also
  9. If you have pipe we can do it at my house.
  10. I could do it at my home shop in Lancaster. PM me if interested
  11. Just swap both hub assembly's. As cordell said we dont waste time replacing just the sensor. And typically no reason to just replace one because the other will be done soon after. But the best way is to hook up a scan tool and watch live data. You'll see the mph drop out. Also good practice is to clean up the ground under the drivers side door body mount. I've seen those corroded and not ground the abs pump good enough.
  12. Interesting. The top is $2090 from snap on, the bottom is $2290. Not sure where you think the top isn't worth much but the bottom is gold?
  13. A little steep for just a bottom box. I had the top / bottom and sold it for 1500. Solid 6-700 though.
  14. Stick with the SRT tradition and get the SRT8 Jeep.. You know you want to..
  15. Only brake line tool I've used worth a shit is my matco kit. If you're out east I can lend a hand
  16. I love my job. I work on all sorts of heavy equipment, fabricate parts / tools or just about anything, people rely on me. The only downside is some of the assholes I work with. I also got employee of the year in December which shows my motivation to be better every day.
  17. OTC makes a great tool to program. If Scott isn't local to you I can. Like he said it only takes 2 minutes.
  18. https://www.grabersoakflooring.com Send them an email and they will email you back with a quote. They are in glenford ohio.
  19. All depends on what kind of dealer you are. I've been on many tool trucks and bought thousands of dollars worth of tools. The ones that throw in free stuff, knock prices down, warany items will get more business. I used to have a killer snap on dealer and my current one sucks. So now I buy everything off my matco dealer.
  20. The neighbor I grew up with is a Matco dealer... If you want to contact him to ask him some questions his name is Tony White and his number is 614-203-2673.. Tell him Rocky told you to contact him..
  21. Do NOT get a menards kit.. I helped my friend install his and it was a pain in the ass.. Damaged pieces, missing pieces, etc.. Just contact grabers for a quote.. Amish labor to build my 32x48x14 was 6k, the building I think was 15k the way I spec'd it out. IF you don't want 2 giant doors, overhangs, etc you can make it much cheaper. Sam did my concrete also..
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