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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. Completely agree. My wife wondered why I was so upset. I think it's bull shit that they will make you replace them if not legible. We already pay yearly for stickers that are outrageous priced. Why the hell should we pay to replace shitty government made plates?
  2. Got a letter today stating wow is going to charge 4$ more per month starting march 2013.
  3. I'm sure I have access to change it. But I have not. You only have to enter the password once and it will auto connect each time.
  4. Im really not sure on speed of Internet. I'm not on my computer much except for photo work. 105 a month is for the hd DVR box (your main unit that runs wifi and all that) and 2 hd cable boxes. I do not have phone. I can check when I get home at what my web speed is.
  5. We upgraded and love it. My wife DVR's so many tv shows so she can watch when she wants, typically when I'm watching moonshiners or Duck dynasty I get a message saying I have to switch to one of the 2 shows my wife is dvr'ing. Typically teen mom or jersey shore. They did make me get rid of my wireless router as it's a all in one deal. Your HD DVR will now send tv shows to that big box modem. I'm not technical so I don't know the specifics of the new modem. But it is faster than the router/ Modem I had before. For ultra HD DVR, and 2 cable boxes (which are tiny compared to the old silver HD DVR) ours is 105 / month. With the silver box and only one tv we were paying 101/ month. The games on the tv are stupid, but we like how it categorizes all your tv channels, favorites, hd, non hd, sports, etc. To sum it up, I am 100% glad I upgraded. On my first bill it was 120$. After waiting on the phone 20 minutes they didn't drop the cost of the silver hd DVR box. So they dropped that for me since the guy took it. Only problem I didn't like with the wireless Internet is your username is "wow948263930" or whatever the numbers are. And the password is your account number. So if you have friends over and they want on your wifi, you have to look it up. There may be a way to change this, the installer could not tell me.
  6. If he does want a viper or viper truck, the one he saw at cars and coffee is for sale...
  7. All depends on when you went. I have talked to numerous people that it only took 4-5 Days. And one that said 2 weeks. I'm not worried about it. I just wish I could turn my stuff in and wait on them.
  8. There are multiple routers at my work, none of which I get clear access to, only one bar maybe. Due to being in a shop. I contacted IT about it and got it squared away.
  9. Franklin is a month out now, Fairfield was 2 weeks out.
  10. Anyone? I know there are computer geeks in there.
  11. I will be honest I'm not very good with computers. At work we have Internet in our shop, but no router. So I brought in my router and hooked it up, says I have full unsecured connection. But on my iPhone it says unable to connect to Server. Internet to computer works great still. I have the disk to "secure" the connection but works security will not let me load the disk. Is this a loosing battle or do I have to change settings? Router is a linksys.
  12. Rocky31186


    Welcome finally! And I'm still jealous you won that car.
  13. Most helpful. We got this in CHL training. It helped 6 people.
  14. I shot a friends LC9 and I liked it. But too small for my bear claws. He told me he thought about selling it. I'll ask him.
  15. ^^ what he said.. Most places that "balance them" will throw whatever weights it calls for. Just because it zero's out does not mean its balanced. Road force them and rotate to back. Also check tread on front tires and make sure it is wearing even.
  16. I like my nikkor lens on my d3000 from best buy. http://m.bestbuy.com/m/e/product/detail.jsp?skuId=8565368&pid=1194050331723
  17. I vote challenger lift. I have used tons of them. And the pain of installing, $500 is well worth the payment. Stay very far away from Dannmar brand lifts. A buddy of mine bought one and got screwed. Longgggg story.
  18. Most places have been low on ammo for awhile. A friend went to ohio valley friday and said they had ammo back in stock.
  19. This is a friendly rally, not a protest. It is to show the public that gun owners are not like the movies, we come from a variety of backgrounds and careers. Some quote from the news.. Organizers hoped to stage “Guns Across America” rallies at state capitals in all 50 states beginning at noon. National organizers said they wanted the rallies to be peaceful shows of support. The rallies come after President Barack Obama unveiled his proposals for gun control earlier this week. Matt Smith, from Cincinnati, helped to organize the rally in Columbus today and said he was pleased with the crowd, estimated to be between 700 and 900. “We wanted the message to be that gun owners are your neighbors, that we aren’t too be feared,” Smith said. Several hundred people in the crowd stood along High Street between Broad and State streets with signs and flags -- in some places the line between the lawn and the street was seven or eight deep -- spreading their message to passing motorists. Others marched by the dozens around the block. The crowd was diverse, from men in Columbus Blue Jackets jerseys and young children in stocking caps and cartoon-characters coats to elderly women and businessmen in suits. Luke Longshore came wearing his firefighters’ union jacket and carrying a sign that read, "I’m a firefighter, not a murderer." The 23-year-old, who works for a private ambulance service in Columbus and lives in Delaware County, brought his pregnant wife and their two young children, too. He carried his Remington 1911 handgun on his hip. He said he came to the rally because he believes in responsible gun ownership and the right to protect his family. “America’s gun owners are not a bunch of loners living the woods with our cameras and our hundreds of guns. We’re firefighters and lawyers and shop owners and bag boys at Krogers,” he said. “People needed to see us here today.” Columbus police reported no problems at the rally. Authorities in other states where rallies were held also reported crowds of several hundred people. Smith said organizers in Ohio accomplished what they set out to do. “Everyone came with one goal,” he said. “A lot of people made new friends who shared their common goal.”
  20. Yeah I think Friday will be bad.. But with all the media bashing gun rights, it's well worth using a personal day and showing support.
  21. Friday, February 8 infront of the statehouse downtown. There will be another rally for gun rights. The instructors of my CHL are looking for more people to show support. I'm going to use a sick day, and hopefully get a group together. Anyone here interested?
  22. Some had transmission issues, but they are good trucks.
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