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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Fixed 4 teh triple. Baby Powder..... :dumb:
  2. Chick's hate it for some reason, yet they don't mind "Wet" at all (or not nearly as much, and tbh when used in the right circumstances it tends to drive them wild) Must be some difference between "Wet" and "Moist" we don't know about. Snatch, chicks also hate the word Snatch.
  3. Not_Brian: Internet OG
  4. Exactly. Im not a big fan of eating fish either (except when it comes to yellow perch), so I probably wouldn't care. But some of these fish guys (Derek, and most likely the OP's Grandfather) would know from the first bite whether it was a true Walleye or some cheap imitation.
  5. Of course they're not allowed to, but places do it all the fkn time. It's actually quite common in the restaurant industry as the only way to conclusively prove the fish in question is infact a Walleye (or whatever species the restaurant claims) is to do a DNA analysis $$. While I was living down in Florida things got so out of hand with restaurants substituting cheap fish in-lieu of Grouper (which was something like $30.00/lb), the Department of Health actually stepped in and instituted random State-Wide DNA testing of all restaurant fish marketed as such (Grouper).
  6. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7zyue5SGH1qi9aoio1_1280.png
  7. hot girls on teh Internets brah. hot freaky girls...
  8. Whats the differance between bad and GOOD walleye? One is real Walleye. One is not.
  9. are you SURE it is all you can eat Walleye? I know they may "say" it is Walleye, but alot of restaurants (especially out-of-the-way restaurants) will simply call whatever fish they have frozen "Walleye". Used to run into this alot on the road, asked the server how they prepare the "Walleye" only to have her say "Thats strange, I didn't know we served them here..."
  10. also should add that it is mad plush, good compliment to the river fromt.
  11. actually labled as a city of columbus parks and rec building. Good thing because the OSU crew team are some of the biggest snot-nosed bastards that i know, if it was "theres" they would surely hire private security to boot everyone off what has historically been a public park
  12. Saugeye are everybit as good as Walleye. Get some fresh off Derek in the next couple months, they're exceptional. Only fish I would drive to Cleveland for is Yellow Perch, mmmmm...
  13. Not really one for politics but the first thing I thought of when I saw Ryan was "that should seal Romney's fate". Should have picked someone older with more experience IMO.
  14. Whores. Absurdly Big Fake Tits.(Or worse, Whores with Absurdly Big Fake tits) Feminist. Faggots who stare/hit on me. People driving under the speed limit. Trashy people who think attitudes are "classy". Any/all Rap post-2001ish.
  15. fucking hipsters ruined PBR. Been drinking it for forever, and I sure as shit aint no hipster.
  16. I ship with USPS all the time and yea, they definitely use tracking numbers, at least every package I have shipped has one.
  17. No tracking number should have been a huge red-flag from the get-go. I'd file a claim immediately.
  18. riced-out Lancer LOL
  19. Saw an Americas Most Wanted episode a few years back, they were profiling some renegade biker who's drugs of choice were shots of Ethylene Glycol (think shotglass) and Crystal Meth. Yummy.
  20. Genisis > BRZ/FR-S im sad to say...
  21. How reliable are the CTS-V's? And EVO's are just fugly...
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