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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. I have yet to see them running radar, just crusin. But still, Highway patrol on city streets is completely new to Columbus.
  2. Yea, they're fucking nazi's. They have an open policy about stopping/harrassing random people for bullshit traffic violations (violations city cops could give 2 shits about) and then trying to "up the anti" in hopes of nailing them with a felony. Im all for protect and serve but there policy of stalk and harass really pisses me off.
  3. Yea thats what I thought, bullshit. I don't mind City cops but Highway patrol seems to have a separate agenda, them dudes piss me off.
  4. Been seeing these fuckers everywhere lately, from what i've heard it's only going to get worse as there is a full-time post going up within city limits in the next year (if it isn't up already). Question: What is there jurisdiction? I was under the impression they have complete jurisdiction on any road in Ohio, however others have told me they just have jurisdiction on State Roads and Highways. Would like to know since I seem to be seeing them on side streets all the time as of late.
  5. Or he was sitting on an overpass, Georgia plays that card all the time.
  6. blood splatter @ 22 seconds....gonna sleep good tonight
  7. acklac7


    Newfags. http://www.snopes.com/autos/theft/tickets.asp
  8. acklac7


    And no, I don't rob people, nor engage in any sort of crime, just that if you want to know what a duck is going to do you gotta think like a duck.
  9. acklac7


    Also look at the kids of your friends/family, buddy of mine had something like this happen, turned out to be his stepsons friends that set him up (looking for money for heroin, shit is absolutely everywhere n C-Bus these days).
  10. acklac7


    People are usually only going to pull that move if they know without a doubt you are out of town. Definitely someone you know, probably someone with a drug habit.
  11. Do you even know what those wires run to? Im guessing a pump of some sort? p.s. plz don't fuck around with 220.
  12. Those OEM BBS wheels are the sex. A great deal of of offset in the back with little/no offset in the front is classic for Porche's....Those wheels are sick.
  13. Legal beagle's feel free to correct me but isn't there some state law against intentionally creating/promoting a hostile work environment?
  14. Haven't seen that show/episode but that scenario is exactly what 1st went through my mind. Sooner or later the real mom is probably going to change her mind (we all know how crazy women are) and want her kid back, just a matter of time IMO.
  15. I know you don't want other peoples opinions but dude you're asking for a massive headache.
  16. watched it a bunch back in high school, I thought it was al'ight. My other buddies watched it religiously...Don't the kids sell dead cats to the local butcher or something?...That scene always made me queasy.
  17. Used to dabble in photography when I was younger, actually managed to win best of show @ the State Fair when I was 12 (never forget we were looking all around the exhibit for my photo and couldn't find it, only to realize it was right in the middle of everything with flowers around it n shit, I was floored) Some pics of the U.P. of Michigan. http://i47.tinypic.com/e0nymu.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/2s7hw5y.jpg
  18. acklac7

    mac LOL

    One of the most epic songs evah, just wish I was into them back in my hallucinogenic experimentation days
  19. acklac7

    mac LOL

    I'd never buy one new, but i've bought a number of them used (and even used they are about as expensive as a new dell). Still, the quality is second to none, both in terms of longevity and components (the graphics card on my Pro is fawking awesome). Then add-in the fact that you can dual-boot with Windows 7 64bit and you have the best of both worlds. But honestly the main reason I switched to Mac's is the security issues, read up on how many ways there are to gain full control over a windows system, it's essentially like having everything on your computer/network open to whatever hacker would like to take a peek. Fuck-that.
  20. acklac7


    nope, just standard. Been using this for the past year, even using it right now, 0 issues. I've seen similar Macbooks in far worse cosmetic condition, without a working battery or charger AND in need of a new logic board go for $175-$200....
  21. acklac7


    Bump, needs to go. $275 Final CR price (these go for like $200 absolutely broke-dick destroyed)
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