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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Ran a jumper cable from the (-) Terminal (which was still grounded to the body) straight to the block: Fired in a split-second..WOOT! :marc: Unplugged the (jumper) cable: nothing. Re-attached it: VRROOOOM VROOM!!, turned over in a millisecond. So, can I just run a new ground wire straight from the battery to the block and be done with it?
  2. Installed and now it clicks. Just clicks
  3. Jumped the starter last night while it was on the car: got a click. Took it to advanced had it tested: just clicked (they said it was bad) Took it to o'reilly's (where I purchased it) directly afterwards they tested it 3 times and told me it was good. Took it back home and just now jumped it on the bench 3x and it's working fine.
  4. Embarrassed to say I haven't done this yet myself. Im not sure if you want the one under the hood or the one under the drivers side dash. http://www.clublexus.com/forums/performance-and-maintenance/353566-92-95-sc300-sc400-obd1-code-retrieval.html http://www.cygnusx1.net/Supra/TechTips/engine_error_codes.aspx
  5. Yea one of the next things I was going to do was take a look at the ignition. I've read where several people have had to install push-starts in situations like mine. Yes i verified all 3, not to sound n00bish but how would I jump the starter with a screw driver?
  6. Sorry for your loss dude. And im NOT trying to justify his actions but an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan (today) combined with the loss of his (close?) Girl friend probably caused him to snap.
  7. Starter engages while laying on the crossmember. Then I turn the key to off, take it out (key), then put it back in and turn to start and nothing . It looks like some wiring/computer issue at this point...Gonna take me a bit im sure but i'll give an update when I get it figured out.
  8. Replaced starter. Left laying on crossmember: fired like a champ. Installed into housing and nada, same shit... At this point I would almost think the engine is locked up but I got it to turn over once when I wacked the old starter with a hammer. Going to take it out for the like 5th time here in a bit and inspect the little switch wire or w/e with a microscope, already checked the positive and it looked fine.
  9. Probably inferring that she was stupid and prone to getting ripped-off....Just a guess.
  10. ^^ Post the Go away face meme in the LOL thread..I <3 that chick.
  11. Try Mad Hatter on Sullivant. Tell them you got a student referral from the "Import Doctor". They should hook you up. http://www.google.com/search?q=%22madhatter%22&hl=en&num=10&lr=&ft=i&cr=&safe=images&tbs=#sclient=psy&hl=en&lr=&source=hp&q=%22mad+hatter%22+columbus&pbx=1&oq=%22mad+hatter%22+columbus&aq=f&aqi=g5&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=3918l5582l0l5921l9l8l0l0l0l0l1023l3790l6-2.2l4l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=e71b447fd81ad294&biw=1680&bih=858
  12. acklac7

    Nature Stone

    +1 Grandma had it in her basement - not real comfy on bare feet.
  13. Leave it in each gear for about 10-20sec then see if it does the same thing.
  14. 1. double dutch rutter Similar to the dutch rutter but instead you grab your dick while he grabs his dick and you both work each other's arms. How sensual.
  15. You should do a song about autofellatio..should fit right in on the album.
  16. http://i55.tinypic.com/154f5fk.jpg And i lol'd after listening
  17. Looks like they got the picture that Internets are indeed serious business. UPDATE: Honda San Marcos owner Randall Ammons returned our request for a comment. Ammons told us that the dealership plans on honoring the agreed upon eBay auction price. Ammons said over the phone, “Bottom line, the person who listed it did so incorrectly; that’s our fault.” Ammons continued, “We spent years getting a great reputation, and a deal’s a deal, we’re going to honor it.” http://wot.motortrend.com/gt-r-for-55100-dealer-latest-to-refuse-to-honor-ebay-auction-105645.html
  18. use it at Roberts all the time just tell them you have an account under "Columbus Racing"- dude that picked up the phone was even like "Columbus Racing huh.....like the website?....Haven't been on there in years"
  19. Haven't been into "rap" since 2000; to be honest I can't really comment on what he has produced. That said what i've heard from him & other lyricist post-2000ish is horrible (Jay-z, P-diddy etc. ) I guess to me rap/hip-hop just seems to have lost it's soul??? Like its all played out now... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLk7TymqAcs ^^ someone please tell me eminem didn't cover this track....
  20. *Cracks a Victory Hop Devil Ale - Considers myself super-awesome*
  21. http://www.buzzardblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/puritan.jpg
  22. http://cache.ohinternet.com/images/thumb/7/73/JeanLucPicardFacepalm.jpg/618px-JeanLucPicardFacepalm.jpg
  23. Get some wesley's bleach white, go to a self-serve car wash at night, jack up front of car, coat undercarraige with said cleaner, power wash,quickly exit.
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