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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. why not just take them a mile or so away and let em go? Cute.furry.bastards http://amazingdata.com/mediadata24/Image/hot_weird_funny_amazing_cool_world-cutest-raccoons-lead_200907251920245176.jpg
  2. Yea battery is basically brand new, fully charged. Lights/Accessories come on full power. The most frustrating thing about all this is I had power to the starter before I pulled it, now after reman'ing it I get nothing. Guess im going to pull it again and verify all the connections, thankfully it takes all of 10min to pull..love Toyotas.
  3. http://images.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/9201777.jpg
  4. And what is the average age range for these meets? Like are any of you 25+ guys out there?
  5. But the Hilliard meet appears to have lots of legit Davidson cooter attending (from the looks of the facebook page) is this true? If so I might have to come out and join the fun, despite the fact mah lex is (at the moment) broke-a$$.
  6. http://images.memegenerator.net/instances/500x/9200668.jpg
  7. And treat the CPD cops with respect, 90% of them are way chill until you piss them off, whereas 90% of those suburb cops are pissed off from the get-go.
  8. AFAIK hhgregg is NOT technically in Hilliard, and therefore there police have 0 jurisdiction/authoratah. If you get pulled over by Hilliard PD in that general area (south of Roberts) tell them to get fucked. (Unless they followed you from Hilliard city limits). CPD is going to mess with you guys alot more out there, whole different neighborhood then Sawmill area.
  9. '92 Lexus SC300. Initial problem: Turned the key and all I got was "click...click...click....nothing" Whapped it with a hammer and it turned over just for a milli-second then nothing. Pulled the starter and found the contacts badly worn, replaced them, had the starter tested (tested fine) reinstalled the starter and now nothing, zilch, nada. No clicks, no nothing. Checked all the relays,fuses etc - all good. Factory anti-theft arms/disarms no problem. When I go to turn the key to "start" the dash goes blank and I get zilch:confused: Also has an aftermarket alarm that I dont have a fob for...Hoping to hell it's not the source of the problem. Ideas?
  10. More like watch the bitching chinese employees conveniently disappear...
  11. I think safetly is the key word here. Yea they might be able to take a 1000+hp shot once or twice..But repeated 1000hp+ WOT runs? Doubt it.
  12. And all these dudes need to drop the "DJ intro" like all that "yaaaa it's MC Badass Mcgee up in this bitch for the 9-Scrilla" - can't stand that shit.
  13. solid but they over did it on the facial shots/hand gestures, makes them look d-baggish - should have thrown in some shots of Columbus or something.
  14. '92 SC300 - Long since discontinued so it wouldn't surprise me if I payed a premium. Also it wasn't "just" the contacts (as I initially had thought). Turned out to be the contacts + bolts,gaskets/seals,washers. Final bill was like $35.00. In the end I really can't complain, especially since everything was OEM.
  15. FAG! I guess I never "got it" I mean I found stewie funny but everybody else just seemed to annoy me, I think it was the east coast accents more then anything.
  16. they were supposed to start this summer, now there scheduled for this fall. Sorta hoping there working out the kinks and what not. If it's all cheesy and played out (like the new simpons/south park ) im going to be pissed.
  17. Space Ghost did make me lol, those other two I haven't even heard of. Just waiting for some fag to mention Family guy...
  18. Ren and Stimpy was downright horrible...not sure how they stayed on the air so long. Beavis and Butthead are right up there with the old school simpons IMO.
  19. Doesn't look too played out, hopefully it stays that way as B&B was arguably one of the best cartoons of all time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shSM8Kh5jxI
  20. they're back http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shSM8Kh5jxI
  21. If you went to UA/Jones we probably know each other. EDIT: nevermind, thought you meant junior high school
  22. I began my trollin career back in '95 (age 13) trollin Lesbians in AOL chat rooms - managed to get the parents service disconnected and everythang.
  23. acklac7


    wow, thought for sure you were just trollin...That truck is kick-ass.
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