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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. Thanks for the input. The source of the mold I found was baby bottles I had stored. I had washed and sanitized them prior to storage, but I suppose weirder shit has happened. I haven't found any traces of mold elsewhere, the walls were washed down as a precaution. I thought I had the source eliminated, then again I didn't bother to steam clean the floors, just vacuumed them really well, I figured steam cleaning could potentially give the mold a place to grow. I should add theres no way I can wash clothes and all that with bleach as they aren't white. It sounds like I'm throwing away more clothing and bedding.
  2. Any tips? I found some black mold growing in my bedroom closet on some baby stuff I had stored in there. I have already pulled everything out of the room, scrubbed down the walls with palmolive and water (heard it kills mold) I threw away any clothes, linens, etc that were in there in case they were holding mold spores, cleaned every item that went back in with palmolive and water. Tv, xbox, table, lamp, entertainment center, etc. I also put a hepa air purifier in the room and it's running on full blast but doesn't seem to make a difference. I went as far as throwing out the bed that was in there and put another bed in with new bedding and pillows. Unfortunately it seems I still have a munch of mold in the air or whatever, now all the stuff I put back in smells of mold, and after being in the room 10 minutes my clothes smell like mold. If anyone has tips on how to get rid of it once and for all, I need solid advice ASAP considering I'm sleeping on the couch in the meantime and hoping it doesn't circulate through the rest of the house.
  3. I'd love to slap the wigger straight out of that kid.
  4. I know a couple people that know asl if that makes things easier for you at the meets.
  5. mjrsplat


    It's all sorted now, Goodnight pumpkin.
  6. mjrsplat

    sentra LOL

    your balls are in a jar in your girl's purse, so what's the appeal?
  7. Not sure. It's better than looking at all these man junk sigs today though.
  8. http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/GifGuide/clapping/oscars.gif
  9. http://assets0.ordienetworks.com/images/GifGuide/clapping/oscars.gif
  10. mjrsplat

    hey dover

  11. mjrsplat


    Rhett almost killed CR's blowjob dispenser? Need deets.
  12. Soooo Much mangina in these sigs. You're all a bunch of pillow biters.
  13. mjrsplat


    I'm sick of the man junk sigs. Oh and glws.
  14. mjrsplat


    This is why I need rep powers. :gabe: Cordell aint comin bruh. pack it up and go home.
  15. pics now. ive been waiting since u joined.
  16. I want to see this cressida, and there's plenty of other toyota fans on the site who feel the same way. Make a build thread for fucks sake.
  17. mjrsplat


    Rhett wins this thread.
  18. Still awaiting rep powers. I will be cordell's kryptonite with my super rep powers..
  19. mjrsplat

    sentra LOL

    No need, it's all explained in the Cordell thread. Unless we can get a thread merge?
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