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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. I'm pretty sure I saw this Saab at circle k last night. Looks good.
  2. Oh shit son! Must be trying to escape the krokodil junkies.
  3. Sorry I couldn't make it, I've been a little under the weather.
  4. This should do the trick. trollface.jpeg
  5. mjrsplat

    Hey Dover

    In swoops Anthony knocking the dust off the ol keyboard to reclaim E-bauce status. E. I'd probably try to call the cops using only my feet Only to fail terribly and end up calling Crazzy Greek on speed dial. From there I predict the popcorn would be replaced with gyros and onion rings. I'd agree to help arrange the Greek angus entree under the condition you untie me, after that I'd run for the door. Cliffs: your dog would eat the gyro.
  6. Fucking faggots playing swords again. Put your meat sticks away, nobody wants to see that shit.
  7. mjrsplat

    Hey Dover

    I'm down to thumb wrestle.
  8. mjrsplat

    Hey Dover

    There's a few apps that can do it, most if not all require root.
  9. Lolololol good luck smokey.
  10. mjrsplat

    Hey Dover

    wanna cyber? :masturboy:
  11. Depends, but it will usually hurt value substantially. If the owner knows the cause of the rebuilt title, and can show proof it was fixed correctly and not hacked together, it won't necessarily kill the value of the car.
  12. mjrsplat

    Hey Dover

    I remember when F-bodies were cool. http://watchurself.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/smokey-and-the-bandit.jpg
  13. mjrsplat

    Hey Dover

    Did your wheel split yet? :dumb:
  14. mjrsplat

    Hey Dover

    Nice weather we're having. I'm planning on baking at least 40 cinnamon rolls tonight. Wanna have a bake off? http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/IMAG0006.jpg
  15. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTaaSEgRd6T66Tk3G0fVHNL4rLxVuDBpNuwrGtK9tM_NhqXqhbZyHwGtmZ_Cg
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