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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. I got less points for street racing.:dumb:
  2. mjrsplat


    I could record myself taking a dump and it would automatically reflect more awesomeness than youre capable of projecting. You sit there and keep thinking you're a pimp, while I'm busy flushing a big pile of better than you down the toilet. jealousy? My car flys now I don't need my daddy's help and I certainly don't talk about how I'll have a v8 next year. :dumb: when is your v8 swap projected to be finished by the way? Oh, let me guess. Next year. Go bug Mr "nasty v6" in the meantime while your daddy finishes your motor.. I don't always triple post, but when I do subliminal gregface I don't always triple post, but when I do subliminal gregface
  3. mjrsplat


    This is a big boy thread,you must've taken a wrong turn ending up here. You should go back to the garage with your daddy.
  4. mjrsplat


    No use, his comebacks are weaker than the greeters at wal-mart he sees on a constant basis.
  5. mjrsplat


    :shrugs: I guess it's time to call apple. :fa:
  6. mjrsplat


    That's what it changed it to.
  7. Check out Android central or xdadevelopers. I'm not sure which version of the evo you have, but there's quite a following in the modding community for all of them so an ice cream sandwich upgrade doesn't seem to far fetched.
  8. mjrsplat


    I thought you were ballin outta control go get one captain pimp limp matter electrician of the world. You won't get mine I can pass a drug screening. I'd bet money you can't, but that would take cash away from your iPad fund.
  9. mjrsplat


    IPad auto correct. not sure you'd know what that is, do they sell iPads in wal-mart?
  10. mjrsplat


    DONT DERAIL MY THREAD BRUH. subliminal gregface:gabe:
  11. mjrsplat


  12. mjrsplat


    Go get your wheel sliced off by the caliper you cheeky cunt.
  13. Has she tried a sinus flush? That usually helps me.
  14. mjrsplat


    You fucking serious? I'm in the wrong line of work then.
  15. mjrsplat


    Probably true, but there's quite a few who don't make shit.
  16. mjrsplat


    See that bulge in my pants? That's my dick bruh, I don't need to stuff cash in my pants to make a bulge. I doubt you threw down 6k on your wardrobe that day unless you bought everything walmart had in your size. You're just an electrician stop trying to Sound like king shit. I bet you paid for that janky prison tat in food stamps.
  17. mjrsplat


    Lol I see a skinhead with tattoos showing bragging about " ballin outta control" while wearing a full wardrobe straight outta walmart. Florida is old news too, I started going for vacations there when I was 7 or 8. Vegas is where it's at, it's a real mans town but you probably wouldn't know shit about that. Just remember in 05 you were posted up on a guardrail by a lake, I was kickin it with strippers in Vegas.
  18. mjrsplat


    Where's your entry?
  19. mjrsplat


    :lolguy: there is probably a market for it.
  20. mjrsplat


    This made me LOL hard. I have only a few small corrections for you though. I am on no way an affiliate of James, I basically can't stand the guy. The supra is gone. I have no issues with Phil. overall good post, I can picture it on a trading card.
  21. I personally like to use cellphone headsets. They can be had for cheap, seem to last longer, and I personally prefer wearing earbuds. Just a thought.
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