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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. Rip Phil. Now I have nobody to tell me how my taillights look
  2. mjrsplat

    Dear wnaplay...

    I vote Ol' uncle Remus for mod
  3. True, I'll probably never buy from them again though. If I could find a clutch fork locally I would have.
  4. Fuck dsm graveyard. I'm still waiting on them to process an order I placed over a week ago. My buddy has one, I'm waiting on him to dig thru his basement for it.
  5. That calender is already outdated. November has the wrong car.
  6. I thought this video was interesting however strange, I figured I'd share.
  7. mjrsplat

    Oh god why

    I bet he would sell cheaper now that it's wrecked.
  8. There's a million ways to do it, if the title already states tmu I wouldn't bother.
  9. That's gotta be the coolest garage in your neighborhood. Well done.
  10. mjrsplat

    Oh god why

    Just speaking the truth.
  11. mjrsplat

    Oh god why

    What about muffler bearings?
  12. mjrsplat

    Oh god why

    I rode in it once. ONCE. http://files.sharenator.com/memes_eww_Dot_Dot_s500x558_156370_What_Happened_To_Evolution_s432x298_188603_580_RE_Creepy_Eyeball_Tattoos-s432x298-230388.jpg
  13. That's a killer deal on the subs and amp. GLWS
  14. mjrsplat

    Oh god why

    That's harsh. His rx7 at least has a floor
  15. ubuntu is pretty cool, I used the netbook edition for a while, I'm on windows 7 for now, I'm probably going to do a windows/ubuntu dualboot on my laptop when I get spare time to mess with it.
  16. Listen to Ol' uncle Reemus. Don't throw a bunch of money at it, leave it crusty.
  17. NOPE. That ball would have went over his head.
  18. Pickn pull had quite a few dams last I checked. A couple 1g turbo models that I saw.
  19. mjrsplat


    I'd be interested in the tv stand. Where are you located?
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