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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Thanks Tom and Trish for letting me grab that keurig!
  2. This thread delivers (pun intended). I usually just round up a few bucks. If it's $21, I'll do $25. If it's $24, I'll give $3-$5 totally depending on speed and how friendly the people are. No, I'm not expecting a smiley blow job from my delivery guy, but if you're a prick I'll hold a $1 or 2 back. If you seem like a good person, $3-5 is no problem. In the grand scheme of things, it's their job, but they still provide a service and should be tipped. How much is determined by how I am greeted at the door. Out of probably 100 pizza's ordered, I've only had 5-7 delivered. I am usually too cheap to pay for delivery, so I just go get it.
  3. If Trish falls out on the Keurig, I want. Was going to buy one last night but decided to hold off.
  4. 23 years old (24 in January), lift 5 days a week at Metro Fitness in Pickerington during lunch, sometimes hit the Hilliard one if I miss a day during the work week. 6 Foot, started at 220, leaned down to 167 and started to look sickly, so I have intentionally gained up to 185. I am definitely getting stronger, but still relatively weak. I do lift with a 44 year old power lifter every day now, he reps 315 on chest and is 5'6" and again, 44 haha. I did hit my 2013 goal of a flat bench rep at 185 clean, no help. Probably could have done 2 but my spotter moved the bar in. Awesome to see so many people in here who lift and exercise. It's become a major part of my life since I was 220 and severely depressed. Btw, we do: Monday: Chest Tuesday: Legs Wednesday: Back Thursday: Arms Friday: Shoulders/Shrugs I was able to do 3 sets of 5 at 255 on squats, pretty happy about that. Could barely do 155 when I started.
  5. Even as a Bengals fan I truly feel bad for the fans of the Browns. So loyal and such a constant revolving door of an organization. They really need to give people more of a shot. And as Bob said, it is official now they he was fired.
  6. Fixed. Cleaned every possible connection and the beast came to life. Thanks everyone.
  7. Haven't checked fuses yet, aside from the battery I haven't messed with it much due to Christmas and it being balls dick cold. Yeah, it's an aftermarket unit.
  8. Last week I moved across town, loaded up my truck and went to start it, nothing. No indication the previous night, no warning signs, nothing. I had a clicking in my passenger floorboard, I believe near the ecu location. My tach and speedo were going crazy. I tried to jump the beast but nothing happened. Fast forward, I had the battery tested and no surprise, it was dead. They recharged it and deemed it a good battery after I made them test it multiple times. I reinstalled the battery and now literally nothing happens, not even a turn over. Basically, it's like a vegetable. No interior lights, nothing. One thing to note, I do have a remote start, but never had an issue with it. Any common problems I can check, or maybe a starting point? I'm pretty mechanical, but never touched my Titan less oil changes. Help! Haha Thanks, Brad
  9. Guys, I wasn't trying to stur anything up haha. I understand where Rocky is coming from, no one wants someone on the streets carrying a gun that can't handle it. To clarify though, I am fully capable, I'm just not as good as I'd like to be.
  10. I know how to shoot a gun and have quite a bit of range time and I'm not completely retarded, but because I am not a marksman or an expert, I could use more training.
  11. Bad ass man. I'd love to get a few friends together to take the shooting class, I have my CCW but I'll be honest, I am not 100% familiar with techniques or even great at shooting.
  12. Holy shit dude. I'd start looking elsewhere. That's crazy. I have whole home DVR for my price too and can record up to 5 shows at once and over 500 hours of space.
  13. DirectTV- over 500 HD channels- $49.99 per month UVerse internet (16MPS)- $39.99 per month. $94 out the door for both. I have every channel you can dream of, on 4 TV's.
  14. Interested in an 04 Titan plus cash? 108k miles. All leather, 4x4, sexy.
  15. Get them from the place you are working, Sears. Craftsman sells a good basic tool. Much higher quality than harbor freight and not as high quality as the top end stuff. The price reflects.
  16. Tim May just reported it too. Ohio State it is. Fuck yea!
  17. Just saw that...shit. Not even a competition to me, but I'm biased :masturboy:
  18. http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp?tracktype=usedcc&csDlId=&csDgId=&listingId=130720955&listingRecNum=3&criteria=feedSegId%3D28705%26rpp%3D50%26transTypeId%3D28112%26isDealerGrouping%3Dfalse%26sf2Nm%3Dmiles%26sf1Nm%3Dprice%26sf2Dir%3DASC%26stkTypId%3D28881%26PMmt%3D1-1-0%26rn%3D0%26zc%3D43026%26rd%3D250%26crSrtFlds%3DstkTypId-feedSegId-mkId-mdId-pseudoPrice-transTypeId%26mdId%3D20787%26stkTyp%3DU%26mkId%3D20052%26prMn%3D0%26sf1Dir%3DDESC%26prMx%3D20000&aff=national&listType=1 Another one one Craigslist was 20k with 30k miles. Definitely nailed it.
  19. DAMN dude. I redid the whole house (mold infested foreclosure) and obviously all the cabinets, and I got Shanendoah (sp?) for $2900, and it was 14 cabinets, a wastebasket cabinet, cutlery organizer, and 2 rollout drawers. Plus I got the sink base for free. What the hell did you get for 11k? I bet you have a pretty sweet kitchen.
  20. Pretty sure Yahoo Sports does a live feed. Won't load at work for me though.
  21. That doesn't make any sense, at all. If you're going to mock my beliefs, do it with logic and something that makes half sense. That was probably one of the worst analogies I've ever read in my entire life. Ever.
  22. I see Santa Clause every day at the store. I don't believe he exists. Regardless, this is why I believe what I believe. I try to believe, but then shit like this happens. People always give me "Free will" bullshit. Was it this girl's free will to get shot at point blank in the head? No.
  23. This thread delivers. I read the whole thing, what a turn of events. Holy shit haha
  24. These type of things are beyond my comprehension. Thoughts to the familIES that have to go through this. Even though the kid was a fucking whacko, 2 families are suffering from this tragedy. This is exactly why I am an Aethiest. No God would allow this.
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