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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. I'll text you in a second for the trailer. Good luck with the sales man!
  2. Damn dude, that SHO looks amazing. 12.9 out of a DD Ford Taurus. Beautiful garage too. Good luck with the sale!
  3. Zx2guy19


    Where do you get hulled barley? I've never heard of it, ha. Have you tried this? I need an alternative to oatmeal, starting to get really sick of it. The consistency messes with me.
  4. Zx2guy19


    I was just about to say "man, that's awesome you get to do that all day and are able to lose the weight. You picked a great profession" until you got to be a dickhead. I never knocked your diet/lifestyle. I think it's great people are able to find different ways to lose weight. I am simply saying that I don't think eating 30 carbs or less a day is sustainable for a lifetime. You don't have to agree, and I don't have to agree with yours. But if I came off high and mighty then you need to account that tone is nearly impossible to convey on the internet. Go buy some tickets and back out, douche.
  5. Zx2guy19


    Diet and exercise. And by diet I mean eating healthy foods. I'm not knocking any diet at all, but I don't imagine the body functions too well on 30 carbs. If I only had 30 a day I truly think I'd feel like shit. Again, personal preference. Slimpsy- killer dude. I have a printout of the Paleo diet on my desk, haven't looked too much into it, but a buddy highly recommends it. Congrats on the loss/keeping it off.
  6. Price on driver side tail light? Just kidding, sucks to see that go man. That's a great deal on that engine considering it's the V8. Good luck!
  7. Zx2guy19


    Obviously I don't. I eat right and exercise....the good old fashion way.
  8. Zx2guy19


    How long have you been on this? That does not seem sustainable to me. Personal opinion of course!
  9. Zx2guy19


    Jesus, 30 carbs? That's not enough man, holy fuck. I haven't read the diet, so my answer is based strictly off my nutrion knowledge, but wow. I stop eating carbs at 6pm. Otherwise, your body has plenty of time to process the ones (and use them for energy) throughout the day. I eat a high protein, low sodium/cholesterol diet and have kept off 52 lbs for nearly 3 years.
  10. Yeah I'll get right on that lol. I haven't even finished my shit yet.
  11. Zx2guy19

    Sochi LOLs

    Love that Audi pic. Is anyone actually following these Olympic's? I find them to be very boring.
  12. That is a very nice place from everything I've seen. The goat's are fun too.
  13. Damn dude, I totally forgot about this. What chassis parts are left/what was taken off? I'd almost be interested in the entire thing because mines so fucked up in some places, but I just did a full fucking rebuild on 70% of the car. I still need: Rear bumper (white) Rear hatch (white) Front bumper (white) Fenders (white)
  14. Watching it too, dude seems like a monster. Only thing I don't like: he doesn't really wrap anyone up. He has some major hits, but those won't work as well in college against superior talent. He needs to learn to wrap and drive because he won't be the big boy on campus anymore.
  15. Watching it too, dude seems like a monster. Only thing I don't like: he doesn't really wrap anyone up. He has some major hits, but those won't work as well in college against superior talent. He needs to learn to wrap and drive because he won't be the big boy on campus anymore.
  16. Watching it too, dude seems like a monster. Only thing I don't like: he doesn't really wrap anyone up. He has some major hits, but those won't work as well in college against superior talent. He needs to learn to wrap and drive because he won't be the big boy on campus anymore.
  17. The lady I use is in Hilliard as well, she does a pretty damn good job. Usually my taxes are around $200 or so. She specializes in investment taxes which is nice. Thanks though man!
  18. Thanks LJ. I have a CPA that I've worked with for 5+ years. I'm doing a personal spreadsheet now (I always meet with her the first week of March) just to see how I did. Normally I'd call her, but she is really, really fucking old and she's probably asleep. Tractor- thanks for the life advice.
  19. Zx2guy19

    Tax Question

    Just a quick question, can't find a simple, direct answer online: This year I purchased 3 rental properties, paying cash. Do I deduct the entire purchase price (from the HUD-1 statement) and rehab cost for the house all at once or do I split it up over a period of time? So, do I deduct (example) 20k, 20k, 20k for each property (-60k) or do I write it of over a period of time (-60k/10 years= -6k per year). Sorry for the noob question, but right now I have a -38541 loss on my rentals, making my tax return look like a mess. Thanks! Brad
  20. Which Metro? I go to Pickerington/Hilliard regularly (5 days a week Pickerington, cardio on the weekends in Hilliard)
  21. If I remember correctly when we looked at North Bank it was seriously booked for like the next 1.5 years.
  22. Dude, I truly have no idea why I typed that. I was at work when I did and I think someone was talking to me. It certainly wasn't free, but it's REALLY reasonable for everything you get. Sorry for getting your hopes up, haha. I wish that bitch was free.
  23. Sr. HR Generalist at a manufacturing company. I enjoy my job and the company, don't enjoy my boss. I just swallow it and take it in stride. BBA in HR Management, PHR Certified (same thing as a CPA for accountants but this is for HR), and working on my MBA. It sucks. First class final paper was 88 pages long.
  24. When I posted this thread a few months ago, a lot of people said Tall Timbers. We ended up booking our wedding there for free. It is in Reynoldsburg, and so far it's been great. We have everything picked out, just a matter of having the actual wedding now. Here is the website: http://talltimbersonline.com/ We were originally booking for 85 people, but we are up to 120 (surprise)
  25. I've got a desk you can probably mount a mirror to, just a basic black desk. Free if you want it. I'd even be willing to deliver it for free, just let me know. I can provide pictures tonight if you PM me your cell phone number.
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