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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. I can vouch for Trish (damreds), she is our photographer and my fiance and I have been incredibly happy with her, her photos and her service. Thanks for the responses everyone! It is a "smaller" venue, as we are only inviting 120 people. It's at Tall Timbers (http://talltimbersonline.com/ thanks to Columbus Racing) in their smaller room. I'll give the places people mentioned on here a call. Sinister, can you send me that info?
  2. Small claims is pretty much to sue people because Fuck you. You likely won't ever see the money, but at least you have the everlasting satisfaction of knowing you are right. Plus, I'm pretty sure if they are a decent member of society and they make a small income you can have money taken out of their check. I think...
  3. That is better. The hashtags are supposed to portray sarcasm. They are quite douchey.
  4. That game being at 1PM really sucks, I'll be scraping popcorn ceilings off my new house. #thuglife.
  5. Good stuff man, glad you are benefiting from this too, haha! I really don't want to pay any more than $500-$600...that's about $100 per hour. Again, not trying to be a cheap ass. It just kills me to think that I'm paying $100 an hour for some fucking music haha. I know it's not really just music, but that's how I think of it.
  6. Whether it's the truth or not, if there are 4 undefeated teams, we will be on the outside looking in. Do you know why? Our schedule. Considering we started at #2 and dropped. Clemson started at 8 (?) and lept us BECAUSE OF OUR SCHEDULE.
  7. Sounds good, thanks man.
  8. To me, regardless of abuse of the system or not, does anyone here actually want that type of lifestyle? Honestly, I bitch all the time about people getting shit handed to them and stuff, but look at the life they live. Do you think any of them have extremely nice houses or cars? Bottom line, let them leach off the system. At the end of the day, we are productive members of society and there is some honor in that to me. I don't want their lifestyle and those that do, fuck it.
  9. Zx2guy19

    Wedding DJ's

    Anyone recommend any good DJ's for a wedding? Looking at doing a 6:30p ceremony start time that the DJ will have to do and then reception from 7p-midnight. Sorry for all the wedding questions, once you guys helped me pick out the venue my fiance keeps saying we should just ask "the Columbus car site you are on" for advice. DJ must be insured per Tall Timbers requirement. And...go!
  10. Awesome cars, definitely fun. What kind of gas mileage does it get out of curiousity?
  11. That schedule looks pathetic. Of course we can't predict a teams quality that far out, but not major conferences aside from overrated VT. Where's the Pac 12? Big 12? SEC games? No Wisconsin? No Nebraska? No Northwestern (pending Pat stays) Man...another year of hoping we slip into the game/last playoff spot.
  12. Zx2guy19

    Pocket Guns

    I have an LC9 that I carry, but I do think it's a bit too bulky, even with my pocket holster. I'm going to have to look into a couple of these...I need to downsize the daily.
  13. That's not bad for a government health plan! What is the cost on that? As you said, for someone previously uninsured, that is pretty damn good (pending cost).
  14. Honda also has no penalty if you buy, lease or buy that specific car from Honda. 45k miles at a .10 per mile penalty is $900. If you buy or lease another Honda the penalty is waived, or if you buy the car you are driving there is no penalty. If you have intentions on sticking with Honda (I do), the only "penalty" is the minimal depreciation value to lease.
  15. I work in HR and have been to the site and evaluated their policies, so I certainlly have a bit of insight into pricing and quality. The policies are not overly priced, which is refreshing for a lot of people. However, they are "Bronze" level plans and offer very basic coverage. But hey, you know what is better than nothing? Bronze level plans! I think it is a good option for a lot of people. I haven't looked into different tiers yet (our company offers a "platinum" level coverage so no one at our company would be eligible at the exchange) but I imagine they offer some higher coverage.
  16. I literally own the exact same car, down to the lease duration haha. I bought a 2013 Black Accord sport, 6 speed manual with a 4 cylinder (sport only comes in 4 cyl). 3 year/36k lease. Got mine from Lindsay and I think I got a pretty good deal. I work for a Honda Supplier here in Canal Winchester. The 2013 Accord (2GA platform) was the biggest launch in our companies history. We have 124 parts on the 13 Accord, assembled right here in Canal Winchester. You'll love it man. They are bad ass little cars. I've got 4800 miles on mine and I'm averaging 29.6 MPG City/Highway.
  17. I've been hearing him and Bob Barker. Only if the Price is Right.
  18. :gabe: Boss looked at me weird for LOL'ing.
  19. This stressed me out just by reading it. The reason? I went through a MUCH LESS stressful situation with my neighbors when I first moved in. Two lesbians (irrelevant I guess) complained to the HOA in my neighborhood because I had a car in my driveway without a front bumper (it was being painted), even though it was parked towards my house so you couldn't even see it. Long story short, I called and talked to the HOA and they told me to just ignore it, although they did send me 2 letters because I had a battery next to my trash can for a few weeks (I kept forgetting to recycle it). People are just miserable sometimes and literally have nothing better to do except fuck with people who are happy. Just be careful man, people are crazy.
  20. I've been at Planet Fitness for 16 months in Pickerington (started opening day in June of 2012). The place is a joke. Dumbbells go up to 75, which is not a current problem for me. No free weights other than dummbells, which sucks. All smith machines, so your benching and squats suffer from the Smith effect. No squat racks sucks too. I go there because it's 5 minutes from work and it's 24/7 and $10/month. The lunk alarm is a joke and honestly, I haven't heard it in probably 6 months at Pickerington. They never use it. However, you probably shouldn't be doing a weight you have to drop anyway. I would Not recommend planet fitness if you are going there to lift. Cardio, it's amazing. It is not a lift friendly place. Metro is near my new house in Hilliard, so I'll be switching there when I move December 1st.
  21. I really believe some people practice this belief at my gym. There are some weird ass cats there.
  22. That's bad ass, what did you carve that out of?
  23. I'd go with Sunbury Plaza. Sounds like you like the location and it seems like a good fit. What are your concerns with it? Option 2 sounds like a pain in the ass. Option 3- if you know nothing about the area, chances are not a lot of clients don't either. Agree, lol. Perfect place.
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