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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Have had. Hot. Real fucking hot. I didn't know you grew these beasts Trish. Laura's dad has probably over 500 canned ghosts on any given day. He has 10+ plants of them.
  2. Car is beautiful....DAMN. I love the white and black look, especially with that tint.
  3. I am so sorry to hear that. I wish her the best. I am also not a man of God, but that doesn't always mean you can't cling to faith. Good luck man.
  4. If anyone has more than this fellow needs, I'd also be interested in some. But 10000%, Chad has first dibs on as many as he needs. Not trying to swipe anything. Good luck man.
  5. This is mind boggling to me. I got my temporary license on my 15.5 birthday and exactly 6 months to the day later I got my license at 16. Hard to believe how long ago that was. Getting old. And to talk about generational debt, if kids weren't so fucking lazy playing video games now maybe they could get a job and pay for their own car. I know, sounds crazy.
  6. Honestly, that was probably one of the best offensive performances I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. Essentially nothing went wrong. Amazing game to watch as an OSU fan and I think a lot of guys really grew up that night. They were having fun and beating the shit out of PSU. After seeing that game, I am more and more confident in our ability to take on other top 5 teams. Regardless if we make the NCG or not, we are going to play a very high quality opponent in a BCS game (possibly Oregon?). We will see how we do there and maybe going into next year we will get more respect. It's hard to disrespect 20-0, but somehow it's being done. So many "powerhouses" fall from week to week, yet we have accepted every challenge thrown at us. Still may not be good enough. Regardless, I'm having a great time watching this team.
  7. I bought my 2004 Titan last year through Key Bank with 101k miles at a 3.3% interest rate.
  8. 2JZ Swap? :gabe: Kidding.... Kind of....
  9. Seriously?! It was 39 as a low here in Canal last night. I wonder if it snowed at my new house in Hilliard. I hope not, my heat isn't on haha.
  10. See, fuck man. I don't want that shit to snap back and kill me. I'll look at it closer...are those the cable types I am supposed to get?
  11. Has anyone ever replaced the torsion cables on a garage door? I just bought a house in Hilliard and the garage door is all misaligned and struggles to open and close because of it. After a quick look, one of the cables that pulls it up and guides it down is frayed/basically non existent. Has anyone ever messed with something like this? I called a company and they said it's $175 to repair, but I am finding the cables to do it for like $8. Anyone want to make a quick $50? Haha Here is what I am referencing: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_sabc?url=search-alias%3Daps&pageMinusResults=1&suo=1382467734634#/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=node%3D306734011&field-keywords=garage+door+cable&rh=n%3A16310091%2Cn%3A306506011%2Cn%3A306629011%2Cn%3A306719011%2Cn%3A306734011%2Ck%3Agarage+door+cable
  12. Bad ass man. Congrats. I trained for a half a few years ago and got up to running 11 miles consistently and got shin splints so bad I took some time off and never went back. I can still run 3-5 fairly easily, but I don't ever see myself doing 26.2. Crazy.
  13. The gentlemen above that I gave the information for is licensed and insured. Are you going to pay someone to quote it if you don't intend on using them?
  14. 2018 looks pretty stout! At TCU (of course we can' predict teams 5 years from now), at Michigan State, a decent ACC NCU, at PSU (they will be good by then if O'Brian stays), and a usually strong Nebraska and Michigan at home. Not bad!
  15. We don't have a drive in bay, lol. That's why I was asking if it was cut off the car and you needed something seemed. I am having a hard time invisioning the part that it is until you said it's still actually on the car. Sorry brother...can't help you here.
  16. As my text indicated, it is attached to the car or is it something you can drop off at my house? I can bring it into work and have them weld it cheap.
  17. I've got a "nick" in my 2013 Accord from my mom slamming their Thunderbird door into it. Can you fix nicks? It is slightly dented also.
  18. Haha thank God. I walked into Grapevine pizza on that day to get my pizza and saw the ending.
  19. I have worked with a General Contractor for 3+ years on rehabbing my flip houses. Isaac Thomas with A to Z services. Medium+ quality work, not top notch, but for his prices he can't be beat. For rentals and rehab's the work is great. Phone number is: 614-668-6037
  20. Absolutely potential upset. Hell, the one game they lost the first week was only by a few points...I can't remember who it was (and I don't want to guess because Bicranium will say how unrealistic my guess was) but I believe the team is ranked now. Maybe Norther Illinois? I hope that if my answer is wrong it doesn't drastically change your stats or life decisions.
  21. And this is the poll I'm referencing (I just checked and it's actually a 70 point difference. I went off DaddyBuilt's number). http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2013/10/13/4833768/harris-poll-college-football-rankings
  22. I don't get what you don't understand. Currently, Clemson maintains anywhere between a 20-100 point gap on Ohio State (Clemson 3, Ohio State 4) depending on the relevant polls. If we beat Iowa this week, and they beat FSU, that gap is going to increase to the point where it will be difficult to jump them unless they barely beat every team going forward and we pound every team going forward.
  23. If you're an OSU fan you should definitely be rooting for Florida State this weekend. If Clemson wins that 90 point gap is going to turn into 500+. Then we have to count on South Carolina beating Clemson at the end of this year, which is also likely. If Florida State wins, they may not jump Ohio State (I think the gap there is fairly large..I'd have to recheck though). Should be an awesome games. There have been some pretty awesome games the last couple weeks. Love CFG season.
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